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Example sentences for "destrier"

Lexicographically close words:
destitute; destitution; desto; destos; destre; destroie; destroied; destroieng; destroy; destroye
  1. He charged the king himself; and Richard, unwilling to harm his own dear soldier Aymer, halted wondering, till the pike of the destrier pierced his own charger through the barding, and the king lay rolling in the dust.

  2. Towton, some wizard had shown me in his glass this glimpse of the gardens of the Tower, that giglet for a queen, and that squire of dames for a king, I had not slain my black destrier (poor Malech!

  3. King Richard ordered the destrier to be slain forthwith; but the holy palmer who had exorcised it forbade the sacrifice.

  4. And Aymer, unsuspecting, prized the boon, and selected the male destrier for his war-horse.

  5. The two fell to, either against other, and fought for a little while, till the Frank bore down upon the Moslem and, falsing him with a feint, tumbled him by a thrust of the lance heel from his destrier and took him prisoner.

  6. Bethink you that if a man have a destrier or a new lance he will ever try it in time of peace, lest in days of need it may fail him.

  7. Doff thy dress and ground thine arms gear and dismount thy destrier and be off with thy life!

  8. At this moment up came King Gharib, who, as we have said, had been warned by Kaylajan; and he urged on his destrier and entered among the Infidels waiting to see who should come forth and open the chapter of war.

  9. The first to open the chapter[FN#6] of war was Sahim, who crave his destrier between the two lines and played with swords and spears and turned over all the Capitula of combat till men of choicest wits were confounded.

  10. Messire, but an hour ago that girl was sitting her horse where your destrier now stands.

  11. Yeoland, bending to necessity, sent Jaspar loitering, while she flanked the black destrier with her brown jennet.

  12. We will soon provide a destrier for thee when the knights begin to fall from their saddles.

  13. He looketh in front of him before a chapel and seeth a tall burgess sitting on a great destrier that was right rich and fair.

  14. And Lancelot telleth them that he was departed from him at the Palace Meadow, where he won the white destrier and the crown of gold there where the tidings were brought to him that Queen Guinievre was dead.

  15. His destrier was brought to the mounting-stage, and the King mounted thereon all armed.

  16. Sir, the lad brought the destrier home to his father and mother, and right grieved were they when they heard the tidings of the knight he had slain.

  17. He alighteth of his destrier and remounteth on the mule, and Joseus holdeth the banner.

  18. When the King had hung the shield at his neck and held the spear in his hand, sword-girt, on the tall destrier armed, well seemed he in the make of his body and in his bearing to be a knight of great pith and hardiment.

  19. He carried his lance low, and sate upon a great destrier and rode at a swift pace.

  20. The King leaveth him the good destrier that he won, with the golden crown.

  21. Loud neigh'd the destrier at the welcome clang.

  22. The horse became a trusted friend, and a champion's destrier was often as celebrated as himself.

  23. To those stranger knights who for his love had crossed the sea in his quarrel, the king gave armour and destrier and golden ornaments, to their desire.

  24. This Marcellus was amongst the last to get in his saddle, but by reason of the strength and swiftness of his destrier he rode now with the foremost.

  25. Of this thrust the destrier and his rider alike came tumbling to the ground.

  26. A very marvellous adventure was it to behold Boso fall from his destrier in the hottest of the battle, clasping Peredur closely in his arms.

  27. She sends you this destrier by my hand, and would have me enter in your service, to pay your servitors their wages and to take charge of your lodging.

  28. He caught the destrier by the bridle, and led him before the stricken man.

  29. The trappings of the destrier are worth the spoil of a king's castle, and as for the horse himself he is the swiftest and the fairest in the world.

  30. The destrier was newly saddled and bridled, and showed proudly in his rich gay trappings.

  31. The destrier lived many years in much honour, but on a day when his master was taking the harness from his head, he fell and died forthwith.

  32. He got him to his feet, and bringing the destrier to his master, set the knight thereon.

  33. This squire held the bridle of a destrier in his hand, though no man rode thereon.

  34. She sends you this destrier by my hand, and would have me enter your service, to pay your servitors their wages and to take charge of your lodging.

  35. There came a mourning cry through the wood, and a sky-blue knight on a high-stepping destrier dashed through the trees towards Sir Owen, and came against him, lance in rest.

  36. They talked of other things for a while, and then said Sir Owen: 'Hath thy mistress a suit of armour, and a destrier in her possession?

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "destrier" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.