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Example sentences for "desyre"

Lexicographically close words:
desultorily; desultoriness; desultory; desuper; desyr; desyred; desyres; desyreth; desyring; desyris
  1. Wherfore desyre ye to go in vyle & vnshapely vesture.

  2. Desyre not thy neyghbours thynge / as house / londe / beest / seruaunt nor ony thynge that is his.

  3. Forsake [the] desyre of têporall goodes / for better it is to be ryche with other in the worlde than to be poore in a monasterye & to haue a desyre to haue god.

  4. In this is not only forboden the dede doyng but also the desyre & wyll of herte.

  5. Good lorde I haue good purpose & desyre with thyn helpe to be ryght ware herafter that I fall not in to synne / & I entende to flee the occasions after [the] possibilyte of my power.

  6. And forgyue vs our dettes ryght as we forgyue to our dettours.

  7. That every foul hath his libertee Frely to chesen after his desyre 55 Everich his make thus, fro yeer to yere?

  8. Wherfore thy braunches must burjonen in presence of thy lady, if thou desyre any frute of thy ladies grace.

  9. Wherfore, if thou desyre this blisse in parfit joye, thou must sette thy purpos there vertue foloweth, and not to loke after the bodily goodes; as I sayd whan thou were wryting in thy seconde boke.

  10. Use we coveited collinges"; desyre we and meddle we false wordes with sote, and sote with false!

  11. Wherfore thilke way to the knotte is croked; and if any desyre to come to the knot, he must leve this way on his lefte syde, or els shal he never come there.

  12. But how that desyre of suche perfeccion in my service be kindely set in lovers hertes, yet her erroneous opinions misturne it by falsenesse of wening.

  13. I may not ben counsayled with solace, 100 sithen issue of myn hertely desyre is fayled.

  14. Parfit science, in good service, of their desyre to comprehende in bodily doinge the lykinge of the soule; not as by a glasse to have contemplacion of tyme cominge, but thilke first imagined and thought after face to face in beholding.

  15. Once truly I, and I think all the rest of the English in these parts, desyre rather his rowme then company.

  16. Speck to desyre hym to lett us caryne our shipp against their small shipp called the Jaccatra, we finding it impossible to trym her agrownd where she is, we not being able to com to the keele of her without endangering the shipp.

  17. And sowne after I sent our jurebasso to Oyen Sono, to desyre hym to exskews me towardes the king, for that I came not to kisse his handes in respect I thought he was awery of his voyage per sea.

  18. Sayer with a jurebasso to Oyen Dono, to desyre hym to speake to the king to helpe us with som money, in respect we have such neede.

  19. Speck came hym selfe to desyre me to let hym have one peece of canvas (or poledavis) for a sample to trye to make other by.

  20. A Mynute of certeyn letteres responsyve to on at Rome A mynute of a Lettere to intymate to the Pope the Kinges desyre to haue him condiscend to the dyvorce & to allowe the second maryage.

  21. Obtestacio, obtestacion, whẽ for God, or for mannes sake we vehemently desyre to haue any thynge.

  22. Greatly happy shulde men be, if euerye man wolde looke vpon the marke, not the whych desyre hathe sette before hym, but whyche God and honest reason hath prefixed.

  23. The Secound Article bearis the great affectioun and love your Lordschip bearis towardis me and my House; and of the ardent desyre ye have of the perpetuall standing thairof in honour and fame, with all thame that is cuming of it.

  24. Last of all, your Lordschip please to considder, how desyrous some ar to have sedition amongis freindis; how mychtie the Devill is to saw discord; how that mony wald desyre na better game but to hunt us at uther.

  25. At which wordis, the faythless man effrayed, adjudgeed the innocentis to dye, according to the desyre of the wicked.

  26. I desyre the hand nor weapone of no man to defend me; onelie do I crave audience; whiche, yf it be denyed heir unto me at this tyme, I must seak farther whare I may haif it.

  27. Then, by and by, thei caused the commoun people to remove,[427] whose desyre was alwyise to hear that innocent speak.

  28. The creatures travayle togither with us, a metaphore taken from travayle with child: which is caused from syn, and is a desyre to be delivered.

  29. The effect of hope, the feruent desyre of the creature wayteth, &c.

  30. Good-Hope, how sore that they smerte, Yeveth hem bothe wille and herte 2770 To profre hir body to martyre; For Hope so sore doth hem desyre To suffre ech harm that men devyse, For Ioye that aftir shal aryse.

  31. O prince, desyre to be honourable, Cherish thy folk and hate extorcioun!

  32. Blessid be Hope, which with desyre Avaunceth lovers in such manere.

  33. And therfor y desyre that the executors, and such as most have intrest in the Lord Wyllughby goodes, may be comyned wyth; that they may [make] purseute for payment of the seyd iiij.

  34. Almyghty Jesu preserve yow, myn worshipfull mayster, to youre desyre after his pleser and youre trewe entent.

  35. We desyre to se your maysterschep in Norffolk; your pr[esens] there be necessarye.

  36. Item, I desyre to know who ben the residew, the remenant of the co-executors of the Lord Wyllughbye,[73.

  37. And this we do, as we desyre to be accepted and favored of the Lord Jesus, and reaccompted worthy of credyte and honestie in the presence of the godlie.

  38. I unfaynedly acknawlege, and humilly desyre the Kirk of God to pray with me, that my lyfe be not scandalous to the glorious Evangell of Jesus Christ.

  39. Ye shall desyre all preparationis to be in reddenes, and the advyse to be taine after the placing of the armyes and view of the strenth schoirtlie.

  40. I nevir maid my self ane adversarie pairtie unto the Quenis Majestie, except in to the heid of religioun, and thairintill I think ye will nocht desyre me to bow.

  41. We wald desyre your Majestie rather to be perswaded of us, that we to oure powaris will studye to leave it in remembrance to oure posteritie.

  42. God be mercifull to the speikar; for we feir that he shall have experience that the buylding of his awin house (the house of God being despisit) sall not be so prosperouse, and of sick firmitie, as we desyre it were.

  43. Mary, Syr, to tell you shortly, My wyfe and I pray you hartely, And eke desyre you wyth all our myght, 320 That ye wolde come and sup with us to nyght.

  44. But, syns ye can not agree, I wyll desyre Jupyter to set you both in suche rest As to your welth and his honour may stande best.

  45. And if thei chaunce to be met and asked by the owners of the grounde what they make there, they fayne strayghte that they haue loste their waye, and desyre to be enstructed the beste waye to such a place.

  46. Amadour vnderstanding well by those woordes, that she had desyre to remedy her owne necessitie, vsed the best maner he coulde deuise, to the intent that in makyng her beleue a lye, he should hyde from her the truthe.

  47. The same I offer now not with such vsury and gayne as your beneuolence and syngular bounty, by long forbearing hath deserued, but with such affected will and desyre of recompence, as any man alyue can owe to so rare a friend.

  48. The sacred Romane Senate, to thee the great Cocceius Traiane new Emperour Augustus, health in thy gods and ours, graces euerlastyng wee render to the immortall Gods, for that thou art in health, which wee desyre and pray may be perpetual.

  49. And in effecte is thus moch to say, yf a mãnes superior or his better desyre any thige, he might aswell cõmãde it by authoritie as ones to desyre it.

  50. Thunder oute with the Prophete Micha the mesage of the LORD, and with hym desyre the Judges to heare thee, the Prynces of Jacob to hearken to thee, and those of the house of Israell to understande.

  51. Sidenote: * Prayer is to cleave vnto the promyses of god with a stroge fayth and to besech god with a fervent desyre that he will fulfyll them for his mercye & truth onlye.

  52. And this shall be the last letter that ever I shall sende unto you; and therefore I shall desyre everye one of you, to take a copy of yt for my sake.

  53. I desyre you all to pray to God for mee, that I may ende my life with patience, and that he may take mee to his mercye.

  54. Ask him of whom he haldis his landis, 45 Or man, wha may his master be, And desyre him cum, and be my man, And hald of me yon Foreste frie.

  55. Desyre him mete thee at Permanscore, And bring four in his cumpanie; Five Erles sall gang yoursell befor, 205 Gude cause that you suld honour'd be.

  56. I redd ye, send yon braw Outlaw till, And see gif your man cum will he: 30 Desyre him cum and be your man, And hald of you yon Foreste frie.

  57. Such as spake most of the mater was, first, Syr Johan of Holande Erle of Huntyngdon, who had great desyre to go thyder, also Sir Johan Courtney .

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "desyre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.