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Example sentences for "divorcing"

Lexicographically close words:
divorced; divorcee; divorcees; divorcement; divorces; divot; divots; divulge; divulged; divulges
  1. She had been married to a man of family and high station, Metellus Celer, who had died, strange to say, without divorcing her.

  2. The pity of it is that Cicero, after divorcing her, married a young and rich wife, and does not seem to have behaved very well to her.

  3. I feared he was losing his affection for me; but that he should contemplate divorcing me--such villainy I never dreamed of.

  4. Now, if you should warn the Emperor of all this, he might be grateful and, out of gratitude, abandon his intention of divorcing you.

  5. It came to his mind that this was her other and secret reason for not divorcing Eyre; for maintaining still the outward form of a marriage which had ceased to exist long before.

  6. For a lesser woman, he realized with a thrill, it would have been a reason for divorcing him.

  7. She went everywhere, condemning chiefs, fining them, divorcing them; and came home to her bairns to be a child with them, and to romp and sing to them queer little chants of her own composition.

  8. How will you prevent him from divorcing her, Franz?

  9. A man of his stamp, advancing unscrupulously on the road of fortune, had no hesitation in divorcing his wife and marrying a mistress of Michael, Eudocia Ingerina, to please his master.

  10. These men were not singular in this practice; it was common in Rome; the Romans did not believe in plurality of wives, but in divorcing them; in taking wives for convenience and putting them away when they got tired of them.

  11. All marriages of Russian subjects out of their own country took place under the authority of the Patriarch of Constantinople, and all suits for divorcing persons thus married came under his jurisdiction.

  12. It's nonsense to say I was the reason of Bamberger's divorcing his wife.

  13. When it did reach his ears he seized the opportunity and at once drove her out of the house, and when a panchayat was called insisted on divorcing her for wasting his substance behind his back.

  14. So he set to work to find some way of divorcing her without making a scandal.

  15. The legislator evidently regarded it as the higher way for a divorced woman to remain unmarried so long at least as the divorcing husband lived.

  16. All the passage provides for, therefore, is that a divorced woman shall not be remarried to the divorcing man after she has been married again, even though she be separated from her second husband by divorce or death.

  17. These were intended to pave the way for Charles divorcing his barren wife Catherine, or marrying another; and so raising a family of his own to succeed him, instead of the Duke of York.

  18. In conclusion, he recommended the enactment of an independent treasury scheme, divorcing the bank and the state.

  19. I don't understand very well what this divorcing rightly means.

  20. She is divorcing me so that she can marry him.

  21. It gathered first round Scribonia, because she hated Augustus for divorcing her; then round Julia, because she was living in open contempt of the principles her father stood for.

  22. You have no intention of divorcing your husband?

  23. There’ve been references to a dispute between us in the Middlepool papers, and the Herald, the Conservative rag, has stated in the current issue that you are divorcing me.

  24. And add that you are divorcing me, and it would be monstrous if either of them accepted my offer.

  25. There is no regular procedure for a wife divorcing her husband, but she can, if sufficiently young and attractive, take matters into her own hands, and simply leave her husband's house and go and live with some one else.

  26. A husband divorcing his wife is obliged to feed the caste for five days.

  27. That is, by divorcing one, and marrying another.

  28. This scandalous example was the occasion of several governors and other powerful men divorcing their wives, or taking more than one at the same time, and gave great encouragement to public lewdness.

  29. No useful end is gained by divorcing people practically and regarding them as married legally.

  30. I asked, for I knew that where there are no children a man feels justified in divorcing his wife, or taking a second, third, or fourth.

  31. Among the lower classes marrying and divorcing in rapid succession is a form of dissipation.

  32. Moreover, while this offense is not always mentioned in the constitutions of the Christian emperors as legal ground for divorcing the husband, it is punished with extreme rigor.

  33. As yet I had not even thought of divorcing Maxine Elliott.

  34. It furnished one of my reasons for divorcing the most beautiful woman in the world.

  35. I asked him why he did not divorce his wife or insist on her divorcing him.

  36. Before the thought of divorcing Maxine had entered my head, in fact while we were still living at Jackwood, I had become interested in the mining game and after the denouement at Trouville I headed straight for Reno.

  37. For certain, our two paths do lie between divorcing the Queen and seeing you, great lords, who so well defend us, cast down.

  38. For, if Cleves remained loyal to the King of England, Henry would hear nothing of divorcing Cleves' sister, and would master his desire for Katharine.

  39. The woman was married, and yet she actually loved the man enough to think of divorcing her husband in order to marry him.

  40. Should the first wife prove a termagant or unfaithful--rare occurrences amongst the inmates of the harem,--the husband has the liberty of divorcing her by paying down her stipulated dowry.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "divorcing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.