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Example sentences for "doores"

Lexicographically close words:
door; doora; doorbell; doore; doored; doorkeeper; doorkeepers; doorknob; doorless; doorman
  1. In this practise I continued almost a moneth, keeping constantly within doores both for shame of my poore habbit and for feare of myne enimies, till I got releife by a bill of Exchange from my freinds.

  2. Perdie, your doores were lockt, and you shut out Anti.

  3. This day (great Duke) she shut the doores vpon me, While she with Harlots feasted in my house Duke.

  4. Were not my doores lockt vp, and I shut out?

  5. Did this Companion with the saffron face Reuell and feast it at my house to day, Whil'st vpon me the guiltie doores were shut, And I denied to enter in my house Adr.

  6. The people, tired of churchly routine on the one hand and of legalism on the other, thronged to hear such divines "filling the doores and windows.

  7. But alas, behold suddenly the chamber doores brake open, and locks, bolts, and posts fell downe, that you would verily have thought that some Theeves had been presently come to have spoyled and robbed us.

  8. When Myrmex had opened the doore to his Master that threatned terribly, and had let him in, he went into the Chamber to his wife: In the mean while Myrmex let out Philesiterus, and barred the doores fast, and went againe to bed.

  9. Wherefore I closed and barred fast the doores of the chamber, and put my bed behinde the doore, and so layed mee downe to rest.

  10. Howbeit the wayes were unknown to me, and thereupon I tooke up my packet, unlocked and unbarred the doors, but those good and faithfull doores which in the night did open of their owne accord, could then scantly be opened with their keyes.

  11. Then they closed and locked fast the doores about me, and kept the chamber round, till such time as they thought that the pestilent rage of madnesse had killed me.

  12. When this was over they went their wayes, and the doores closed fast, the posts stood in their old places, and the lockes and bolts were shut againe.

  13. For Gods sake let the doores be shut on him, He may play the foole no where but in his Owne house: to a Nunnery goe.

  14. Fishermen also casting their hookes thereabouts, haue drawn vp peeces of doores and windowes.

  15. If we with thrice such powers left at home, Cannot defend our owne doores from the dogge, Let vs be worried, and our Nation lose The name of hardinesse and policie King.

  16. I will make fast the doores and guild my selfe With some more ducats, and be with you straight Gra.

  17. No (good Madam) I will not out of doores Val.

  18. Twas time (I trow) to wake and leaue our beds, Hearing Alarums at our Chamber doores Alan.

  19. I, but the doores be lockt, and keyes kept safe, That no man hath recourse to her by night Val.

  20. Let the doores be shut vpon him, that he may play the Foole no way, but in's owne house.

  21. In the kingdom of Canga, as we call it, falleth so much snow, that the houses being buried in it, the inhabitants keepe within doores certaine moneths of the yeere, hauing no way to come foorth except they break vp the tiles.

  22. What did their weapons but sett wide the doores 210 For Thee?

  23. And double-guilded as the doores of Day: The deep hypocrisy of Death and Night More desperately dark, because more bright.

  24. Sixe dozen of locks for doores and chests.

  25. And thus I kept still within doores at my worke, and fained my selfe not well at ease, and that I would labour as I might to get me new clothes.

  26. They make their doores very little, so that there can go in but one man at a time.

  27. Wash dishes, lay leauens, saue fire and away, locke doores and to bed, a good huswife will say.

  28. In the Church doores and within the Churches are images of golde: the chiefe markets for all things, are within the sayd Castle, and for sundry things sundry markets, and euery science by it selfe.

  29. Amongst whome also came foure monks, dissembling and fayning, that they knewe not what was there doone, and therfore they commanded the doores to be opened, and after asked the Frier howe and after what sorte he came there.

  30. This doone, the Monke priuily departing, the chappell doores were shut.

  31. In this Frame may your Bees stand drye and warme, especially if you make doores like doores of windows to shroud them in winter, as in an house: prouided you leaue the hiues mouths open.

  32. Their houses commonly be verie gallant and after the manner of Rome, and generallie at the doores and gates of them are planted trees in gallant order: the which maketh a gallant shadow and seemeth well in the streets.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "doores" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.