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Example sentences for "earlier period"

  • I much regret that I did not collect proof of this at an earlier period of my reading.

  • Even at an earlier period, substitution of other cattle and sheep was permitted.

  • It is common enough to interpret this fact, as if the latter belonged to an earlier period.

  • Already at an earlier period in that kingdom the sacred had come to be of more importance than the secular; much more was this the case under the suzerainty of Assyria.

  • One other acquaintance I made at an earlier period of life than the habit of romancers authorizes.

  • Because rhyme prevails, Collier assigned the play to Greene's earlier period; but the criterion is inconclusive.

  • I believe that they contributed more than the pre-Reformation morals, and from an earlier period.

  • If it was now or at an earlier period that he bestowed all his robes, jewels, etc.

  • At an earlier period he had described in several letters to the son Giovanni, the Cardinal, the reception given to him at Rome, and conversations, some of them very remarkable.

  • But independently of the improbability of the defeated Norsemen employing themselves in inscribing such a retreat, the simplicity of the Runes favours the probability of its pertaining to an earlier period.

  • Examples, however, are not wanting of the enclosed barrow with contents belonging to an earlier period.

  • At an earlier period he had spent some time in Switzerland and became personally acquainted with Zwingli, and through him the landgrave was also brought into connection with the Reformer.

  • Zwingli himself, at an earlier period, had demanded the greatest possible publicity.

  • In the latter, who was at an earlier period Zwingli's friend, we now find his most bitter and decided enemy.

  • Cases of the bilious typhoid form have become notably less frequent during the later stages of some epidemics than at an earlier period.

  • In the latter cases, however, it is not improbable they had really been present at an earlier period, but had escaped detection.

  • It is somewhat to be regretted that the records of temperature were not begun at an earlier period, but the gravity of the case was not manifest until the continued type of fever was found to exist.

  • At the stage figured the head is well marked off from the trunk, but the first separation between the two regions was effected at an earlier period, on the appearance of the foremost somite (fig.

  • Structures which either are or have been at an earlier period of development continuous with each other are represented by the same character of shading.

  • There is at this period no trace of the ventral or dorsal fissure, and the shape of the central canal is not very different to what it was at an earlier period.

  • It becomes a conspicuous object on the third day of incubation, but its first development takes place at an earlier period, and is intimately connected with the formation of the posterior section of the gut.

  • David had now still better opportunities than at an earlier period of proving his great capacity as a portrait painter.

  • The evolution of modern painting is more complicated and varied than that of the art of an earlier period, just as modern life itself is more complicated and varied than that of any previous age.

  • In reply to those who date it about the end of the second century, Tischendorf produces the evidence for an earlier period to which he assigns it.

  • We must now turn back to an earlier period, and consider any evidence regarding the Synoptic Gospels which may be furnished by the so-called heretical writers of the second century.

  • At an earlier period it was dispensed in presence of the catechumens.

  • We are now prepared to consider the testimonies of an earlier period.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "earlier period" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another individual; availed himself; best people; earlier agreement; earlier chapter; earlier date; earlier days; earlier life; earlier period; earlier stage; earlier time; earlier times; earlier years; golf clubs; guard the; lone hand; looking round; naval officers; other insects; scientific principles; single gentleman; situated upon; small hill; though none; universal application; whether you