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Example sentences for "earwig"

Lexicographically close words:
earthworm; earthworms; earthy; earts; earum; earwigs; eas; easdem; ease; eased
  1. The Earwig possesses wings, which, when extended, cover nearly the whole insect.

  2. Unlike most other insects, the female Earwig watches over her eggs until they are hatched, and afterwards attends upon her young progeny for some time.

  3. The common earwig is best known for the pincer-like organ at the end of the abdomen.

  4. I can see your ants and bugs, and go you an earwig better.

  5. Oh, you miserable old swamp savage; I shan't get over that earwig in a month.

  6. Probably there will be less difficulty in answering another entomological question--Why do the country-people in the south of Scotland call an earwig a "coach-bell?

  7. She broke off her reminiscences to throw the Earwig a solicitous: "Johnny, dearest, is no one looking after you?

  8. And what about the Earwig and the Cabbage-rose?

  9. No, not me, thanks; I couldn't stand three solid hours of the Earwig and the Cabbage-rose.

  10. But the beetle and the earwig hide their hind-wings beneath a hard case not used in flight.

  11. Most people probably think of the earwig as flightless; but, nevertheless, beneath a tiny pair of horny wing-cases, a very wonderful pair of transparent wings is cunningly tucked away.

  12. Earwig (magnified): one wing folded, the other open.

  13. Baron de Geer, a famous Swedish naturalist, gives us the following: "About the end of March I found an earwig brooding over her eggs in a small cell, scooped out in a garden border.

  14. Her subsequent proceedings were no less interesting; but I regret to add that, during my absence, the bell-glass was removed, and the earwig escaped with her eggs.

  15. I had often read of the earwig as an incubating insect, and much wished to see for myself how she carried out her motherly instincts.

  16. An earwig had placed herself over the eggs, and I was delighted to think at last I had lighted upon the insect mother I had been searching for.

  17. I'm willing to bet a cookie one of them was Earwig and the other his precious pal who understands wireless.

  18. The earwig is the type of the tiny group of the Forficulidæ, of which two species only are known to the common world--the Forficula auricularia and the Forficula minor.

  19. The earwig is a trimeral insect; that is, its tarsi are each composed of three joints.

  20. It remains to be added, that the female earwig sits upon her eggs, and hatches them like a hen; and like a hen, too, she gathers her young around her with evident affection.

  21. Miss Myra was politely offered some by Master Sprightly; and upon opening an apricot, a second object of her aversion presented itself, not less dreadful than the former, a large earwig dropped into her lap.

  22. The keyhole lodged the earwig and her brood, The emmets of the steps had old possession, And march'd in search of their diurnal food In undisturb'd procession.

  23. De Geer, having found an earwig thus occupied, removed her into a box where was some earth, and scattered the eggs in all directions.

  24. The earwig that haunts every close place in our gardens, and defiles whatever it enters, probably in some degree makes up for its ravages by diminishing the number of other insects.

  25. This remarkable fact I have myself witnessed, having found an earwig under a stone which I accidentally turned over, sitting upon a cluster of young ones just as this celebrated naturalist has described.

  26. The common earwig is particularly gifted with this movableness of its abdomen; and so are many insects which carry weapons of offence or defence in their tails.

  27. Under these circumstances, the mother earwig found a little remaining moisture quite under the clod of earth, upon the board of the mantel-piece, and thither she forthwith carried her eggs.

  28. The care of the earwig not only extends to her eggs, but also to her young larvae.

  29. In many parts of New Zealand the European earwig (Forficula auricularia) causes considerable damage in gardens, while in Central Otago it sometimes ruins the stone fruits.

  30. Of more humiliating seeming than even Earwig is Flea (vouched for by Lower as an English surname).

  31. It may be true that an earwig is in my room, even if neither I nor the earwig nor any one else is aware of this truth; for this truth concerns only the earwig and the room, and does not depend upon anything else.

  32. The earwig dropped the light and turned away.

  33. He recognized the brisk black tumble-bug, the shining brown earwig with his fine pinchers, big humpbacked ants, and snake-like millipedes.

  34. It seemed as if there never would be an end; ever new sand-grains, and still the earwig crept on, turning and bending with the winding of the passage.

  35. Then they went down into the worm-hole--the earwig in front with the shining wood, then Pluizer, then Johannes.

  36. As for that exhausted little fellow, he did not move during the whole night, save once, when an adventurous insect of the earwig type walked across his ruddy cheek and upper lip and looked up his nose.

  37. What shall I, this Me, do when I am an earwig or an emperor?

  38. I cannot really believe I am going to be an earwig or an emperor.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "earwig" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.