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Example sentences for "edes"

Lexicographically close words:
edema; edematous; edentates; edentulous; edere; edeth; edge; edged; edgeless; edges
  1. Edes and Gill's Almanac, in reprinting it in 1770, says it is "now much in vogue in North America.

  2. Fac-simile of an engraving by Paul Revere, which appeared in Edes and Gill's North American Almanack, Boston, 1770.

  3. Edes was a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in 1760, and a prominent "Son of Liberty.

  4. Volunteers were, after the first night, requested to leave their names at the printing-office of Edes and Gill; the duty of providing it having devolved upon the committee of correspondence.

  5. At the opening of the war, Mr. Edes possessed a handsome property, which was wholly lost by the depreciation of the currency.

  6. And work on the parsonage being delayed beyond expectation, Mrs. Morse's little son was born in the Edes house.

  7. And if he were not so drawne against his will, then he must néedes agrée thereto: both whiche are like absurde, to bee imagined of a iust man.

  8. After that he had gladly condiscended to her entreatie, she telleth him she must néedes haue fiftie thousand groates to ouerthrow the Gentlewomans chastitie.

  9. Boston: Printed and sold by Edes and Gill, in Queen Street, 1775.

  10. Margaret Edes felt like a photograph proof before the slightest attempt at finish had been made.

  11. I had never thought of Mrs. Edes as that sort of person.

  12. Of course, Annie can never do what Mrs. Edes has done.

  13. I thought it beautiful, and I am sure you will like it," said Wilbur Edes in the chastened tone which he commonly used toward his wife.

  14. Mrs. Edes had offered to take him home in her carriage, and he had declined almost brusquely.

  15. Mrs. Edes announced a duet by Miss MacDonald and Mrs. Wells, and sat down, and again the perfume of rose leaves was perceptible.

  16. All her life had Margaret Edes worshipped and loved Margaret Edes.

  17. Wilbur Edes sat with his eyes riveted upon his wife's face, his own gone quite pale, but upon it an expression of surprise and joy so intense that he looked almost foolish from such a revelation of his inner self.

  18. Mrs. Edes again arose, after the singing and playing ladies had finished their performance and returned to their seats, and announced a recitation by Miss Sally Anderson.

  19. Had Wilbur Edes owned millions, and she been armed with the power which they can convey, she might have worked miracles in her subtle feminine fashion.

  20. Poor Mrs. Edes was so small and slight that holding up magnificence and treading the deck with her high-heeled shoes was physically fatiguing.

  21. Then Alice Mendon, who disliked Margaret Edes and had a shrewd conjecture as to the state of affairs, but who was broad in her views, pitied Margaret.

  22. Mr. Wilbur Edes was an admired accessory of his wife.

  23. When in New York engaged in his profession, Wilbur Edes was entirely free from the vortex of Fairbridge, but his wife, with its terrible eddies still agitating her garments, could suck him therein, even in the great city.

  24. Messieurs EDES & GILL, THE use of Hyperion or Labradore Tea, is every day coming into more general vogue among people of all ranks.

  25. Tickets to be had of the respective Managers, and of Edes and Gill.

  26. Messieurs EDES & GILL, Please to insert the following in your next.

  27. And the snow heateth and cherisheth the earth, by the thicke couering of it, and defendeth the gréene wheat and other séedes sowen, from the sharpe and vehement colde then of the ayre.

  28. And the great plentie of Grashoppers, wormes and Catterpillers appearing in their proper time more than customably, doe not only declare harme to vines and séedes sowen, but to all fruites that yeare.

  29. And if the Winter be hote and moyst, then the same doth pronounce an vnhealthfull yeare, and daunger to séedes and fruites of the earth.

  30. And the snowe increaseth the corne and other growing things on earth, in that by his coldnesse it so doth shut the poures of the earth, that the heate with the whiche the séedes of the earth be cherished, cannot then breath forth.

  31. Endorsed by Adams: "The foregoing was sent to Mr Edes by the Post Mar 27, 81.

  32. For the flaxen, it is naturally so white that it cannot be mixt but it may easily be discerned, and these mixt séedes are neuer good, either for the ground or the vse of man.

  33. I have observed that the press was heretofore open to but one side of the question, which has given offence to a writer in Edes and Gill's paper, under the signature of Novanglus, to whom I have many things to say.

  34. The Pi-Edes 'barter their children to the Utes proper for a few trinkets or bits of clothing, by whom they are again sold to the Navajos for blankets.

  35. The Py Edes live adjoining the Pahvants, down to the Santa Clara.

  36. The Pi-Edes 'live principally on lizards, swifts, and horned toads.

  37. The Pah Utes and Pah Edes range over all that part of Utah south of the city of Filmore in Millard County.

  38. Jonathan Edes kept a small shop, in Ann Street, and had a fair run of transient custom.

  39. He was greatly urged to take a larger establishment, in a more fashionable part of the town, near Cow Lane, but Mr. Edes was not ambitious, and turned a wiry edge to all such suggestions.

  40. Boston: Printed by Edes and Gill, in Queen Street, and T.

  41. Messieurs EDES & GILL, A General Assembly, when actuated with a becoming spirit of public liberty against the attacks of arbitrary and despotic ministers, appeared to be as disgustful to Gov.

  42. We know the names of a few of the leaders of the workmen: Edes the printer, Crafts the painter, and, most noted of them all, Paul Revere the silversmith.

  43. Leach and Edes kept diaries when in prison.

  44. It was to this service, on the 17th of September, that Edes was conducted, doubtless as a privilege, and heard a political sermon on the ingratitude of the provincials.

  45. Edes remarked that the Tories present affected to grin, but it was horribly, with a ghastly smile.

  46. If they leave letters at Edes and Gill's, they will soon be sent to me.

  47. But if they woulde néedes haue water, they mighte take riuer water, or else make welles on the shore, for so dyd they at theyr néede.

  48. I muste néedes confesse their vnfayned friendship, for presente workes doe testifie the same.

  49. My louing fellowes and déere friendes, it is certayne that euery valiant manne of stoute courage, doth procure by déedes to make him selfe equall with the excellente men of his time, yea and with those that were before his time.

  50. A flouring mill which stood at the point where the canal of the old Potomac Company entered the river, was owned by the Edes family.

  51. Before them the Edes family had lived there.

  52. The part of the building on the corner was torn down several years ago and the Edes Home built.

  53. It was a tantalizing handbill which Benjamin Edes printed on his press at Watertown.

  54. Tom took the writing to the printing office of Edes & Gill in Queen Street, and a printer quickly put it in type.

  55. The newspaper published by Benjamin Edes expressed the hope that none but friends of freedom would join in the procession.

  56. Among them were men like Avery, Crafts, and Edes the printer.

  57. Edes continued to print the Boston Gazette long after the Revolution.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "edes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.