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Example sentences for "especiall"

Lexicographically close words:
espaliers; esparto; espece; especes; especial; especiallie; especially; especialmente; especie; espedientes
  1. When he had heard these newes thus reported, he first sorowed and lamented his first attempt and setting forward of his freends, and in especiall of the nobilitie, not to haue more fortunatelie succeeded.

  2. After that he had obteined the garland, for the which he so long thirsted, he caused the two poore innocents his nephues, committed to him for especiall trust, to be murthered and shamefullie to be killed.

  3. Fifthly, they doe solicite others to be of their profession (which is one clause of that contract made betweene them and the Diuell) and consecrate their childen vnto him: and against this, there is an especiall caution put in Deuteronomy 13.

  4. If they needed a holiday, "let them keep the fift of November, and other dayes of that nature, or the late great mercy of God in the taking of Hereford, which deserves an especiall day of thanks giving.

  5. This strange apparell pleased much everie person, and in especiall the queene.

  6. In my last letteris to Mr. Henrye Balnaves, I declared, that youre especiall freindis in England wounder that no gritter expeditioun is maid, the weycht of the mater being considdered.

  7. To the quhilk I wald have wished that a more plaine and especiall answer should have bein maid.

  8. And ouer ten Millenaries or captains of a 1000, he placed, as it were, one Colonel, and yet notwithstanding ouer one whole army he authorised two or three dukes, but yet so that all should haue especiall regart vnto one of the said dukes.

  9. All the Earth (as is said in the text) is Gods; but all the Earth is not called Holy, but that onely which is set apart for his especiall service, as was the Nation of the Jews.

  10. But let us make especiall choice of that which may directly and pertinently serve the same.

  11. Madame, Learning joyned with true knowledge is an especiall and gracefull ornament, and an implement of wonderful use and consequence, namely, in persons raised to that degree of fortune wherein you are.

  12. This did he, that he might the more roiallie gouerne his kingdome, which he obteined and inioied as a thing by God elected and prouided, and by his especiall fauour and gratious aspect compassed and atchiued.

  13. And the chiefest cause why our English men doe not goe so farre Westerly as the especiall fishing places doe lie, both for plenty and greatnesse of fish, is for that they haue no succour and knowen safe harbour in those parts.

  14. Sir, there is especiall Commission come from Venice to depute Cassio in Othello's place Rod.

  15. Our children also were by an especiall decrée taught first to speake the same, and therevnto inforced to learne their constructions in the French, whensoeuer they were set to the Grammar schoole.

  16. The greatest mart for saffron is at Aquila in Abruzo, where they haue an especiall weight for the same of ten pounds lesse in the hundred than that of Florens and Luke: but how it agréeth with ours it shall appéere hereafter.

  17. The gentilmen of Lowthiane, especiall Caldar, Haltoun, and Ormestoun, war verrey confortable, alsweill for thair counsale as for thair hole assistance.

  18. He aboade there thrée dayes, in the whiche the newe Lordes were ordeyned, who afterwardes remayned his especiall friendes.

  19. In thys meane season Cortez prepared hymselfe for the Iourney, and communed wyth hys especiall friendes to sée who woulde beare hym companye: And hee founde thrée hundred men that agréed to his request.

  20. Amongst diuerse of the which (the same night by what excitation, my said lord the chancellor wist not) seditious and heauie language was vsed, and in especiall against the person of my lord the chancellor.

  21. This sudden change amongst the nobilitie caused alterations, and seditious attempts in the commonaltie, and in especiall within London: whereof this was one.

  22. The other was sent me by my especiall good friend John Tradescant, who brought it among other dainty plants from beyond the seas, and imparted thereof a root to me.

  23. And Published by the King's Majestyes especiall priviledge.

  24. A comparison of all the former soyles together, and most especiall notes for giuing the ignorant Husbandman perfect vnderstanding, of what is written before.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "especiall" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    especially abundant; especially adapted; especially after; especially applied; especially common; especially from; especially important; especially interesting; especially since; especially the; especially those; especially true; especially when; especially where