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Example sentences for "excommunicated"

Lexicographically close words:
exclusively; exclusiveness; excogitate; excogitated; excommunicate; excommunicates; excommunicating; excommunicatio; excommunication; excommunications
  1. Many a better man than I has been excommunicated and cursed from toe to crown, and been never a whit the worse for it.

  2. The provisor of the ecclesiastical court excommunicated Magistrate Villacorta, who had exculpated Orendain in his trial, but the ban was disregarded by the audiencia.

  3. He had excommunicated all the magistrates of the audiencia, who remained for a long period without recourse and without the privileges of religious communion.

  4. In 1623, an oidor was excommunicated for having violated the ecclesiastical sanctuary in seizing Juan Soto de Vega, a fugitive from justice, who had taken refuge in the cathedral.

  5. This magistrate was excommunicated by the bishop of that diocese and was compelled to remain in banishment five months, the audiencia refusing to set aside the censure on account of the personal animosity of the magistrates toward Guerela.

  6. All the above-mentioned governors had been excommunicated for various acts in opposition to the ecclesiastical power.

  7. Sire, he stole my plate also, and had been excommunicated by my lord of Hereford.

  8. God and excommunicated from all Christendom, and let him forfeit all his possessions to the King, unless he quickly desist from sin and do deep penance before God.

  9. Manning exhibits the same change, who now maintains that all who do not submit to the majority might well be excommunicated directly after the promulgation of the decree.

  10. I can vouch for the following saying of a high public official there: "There are hundreds of us who do not know whether we are among those excommunicated on political grounds or not.

  11. Excommunication was formerly very effective, when the excommunicated could be proceeded against as heretics after a twelve-month, but that is no longer feasible.

  12. This count took part in the crusade of 1095, and was afterwards excommunicated by Pope Paschal II.

  13. At the same time the Pope excommunicated the Venetians, and urged all Italy to make war upon them.

  14. By virtue of that Bull the Pope ordered the confiscation of the possessions of the excommunicated families, whilst the Caetani suffered in like manner at the same time.

  15. He was excommunicated at once, and every place which should harbor him stricken with an interdict.

  16. On the expiration of this term he publicly excommunicated them, degraded them from their dignity, and deprived them of their preferments.

  17. The Suprema inhibited these commissioners from acting, but not before they had excommunicated the inquisitors, who applied to Leo for relief.

  18. On the expiration of this term the priests were required to denounce from their pulpits all such persons as excommunicated and to be avoided by all Christians.

  19. The judges were promptly excommunicated and the court rejoined by fining the parish priests for publishing the censures; arrests were made on both sides; the court imposed fines on the inquisitors who replied by threats of further anathemas.

  20. In the Crusade of the Emperor Frederick the Templars refused to join an excommunicated man.

  21. Charles, excommunicated and damned in this world shall be an object of horror to all his subjects.

  22. Can you threaten me with eternal punishment because I refuse to deliver my child to a bandit whom the Church has excommunicated for his unspeakable crimes?

  23. She was excommunicated from humanity; designated and denounced as one whom all must shun, with whom none must buy or sell, to whom no one must give food or lodging or speech or shelter; life was not worth the living.

  24. No one of the world conquerors--neither Napoleon nor Kaiser William--have been excommunicated by the Church.

  25. The Church of the East excommunicated thousands of those who crossed themselves with two fingers instead of using three fingers.

  26. What happened with this spirit which excommunicated de facto the Jewish narrow Patriotism and the Roman Imperialism?

  27. He was brought to the church on the Sabbath, and the bishop, after reading his confession, immediately pronounced him excommunicated and accursed.

  28. The Nestorians are a branch of the ancient Christian Church, and derive their name from Nestorius, a native of Syria and Bishop of Constantinople, who was excommunicated by the third General Council at Ephesus, in the year 431.

  29. The monks of Stratford complained to Sir Thomas Cholmondley that their abbot had excommunicated them for breach of oath in revealing convent secrets to the royal visitors.

  30. The origin of this repugnance is said to have been the notion that the northern part was that which was appropriated to the interment of unbaptised infants, excommunicated persons, or such as had laid violent hands upon themselves.

  31. A part of the churchyard, too, was occasionally left unconsecrated for the purpose of burying excommunicated persons.

  32. The archbishop of this church excommunicated the general of artillery; and his provisor, one Don Pedro de Monrroy, a restless man, and a friend of revolution, sent twice to excommunicate me.

  33. The latter answered that Master Don Andres Arias was under visitation; and that he had exiled and excommunicated him for sufficient causes, and could not give him possession.

  34. Synodical decrees were to have no force unless he had first ordained them; and none of his barons or officers of state were to be excommunicated or subjected to ecclesiastical rigour without his precept.

  35. And as an ecclesiastical judge had a right to a writ committing any excommunicated person to prison until satisfaction was given to the Church, an offender was forced to submit to the penance imposed on him.

  36. A noble, whom he had excommunicated for contracting an unlawful marriage, obtained a papal mandate ordering the archbishop to absolve him.

  37. He again appealed to Rome, and was excommunicated by the English bishops.

  38. Meanwhile Winchelsey excommunicated all who should contravene the papal decree.

  39. He excommunicated John, took his castles, and ensured his fall by raising the money for the king's ransom.

  40. Conscious of the necessity of reform, he set about a provincial visitation, and fined and excommunicated the bishop of Rochester for non-residence, neglect of duty, and laxity of government.

  41. Guido, the legate of Urban, was refused admission into England; he excommunicated the barons, ordered Walter of Cantelupe and other bishops to meet him in France, and sent them back to publish the sentence in England.

  42. He further excommunicated all who offered violence to clerks or accused them falsely to the king.

  43. Hugh of Lincoln at once excommunicated the constable and all who had abetted him.

  44. He at once suspended the bishops who had taken part in the coronation, renewed the excommunications he had already pronounced against some of them, and excommunicated some of his personal enemies who had annoyed him by violent and brutal acts.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "excommunicated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.