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Example sentences for "exoneration"

Lexicographically close words:
exogens; exonerate; exonerated; exonerates; exonerating; exophthalmic; exopodite; exorbitance; exorbitances; exorbitant
  1. The argument in exoneration of Luther, based upon them by a recent Lutheran, thus falls to the ground.

  2. As is well known, Sickingen appealed in exoneration of his deeds of violence, and Hutten in defence of his vituperation, to the new gospel which had recently sprung up in the German land.

  3. The motive would be looked at, and it would furnish a complete exoneration from blame, whilst the original aggressors would become justly responsible for all the consequences.

  4. Finding such a perfect exoneration of bygones(430) in Christ and standing in such favour with God, the soul is sweetly constrained to love and delight in the divine laws.

  5. For the factor had no intention of permitting Jean's exoneration to hang in the balance of the prejudiced mind of Wallace.

  6. They will satisfy you, I think, that the exoneration I seek will be a simple act of justice.

  7. In view of the assaults made upon you now, I think it due to you, that you should publish what your own Staff and other subordinate officers have to say in exoneration of your course.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exoneration" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absolution; amnesty; clearance; clearing; discharge; dismissal; exculpation; excuse; exemption; exoneration; forgiveness; grace; immunity; indemnity; pardon; purgation; purging; quietus; quittance; redemption; release; remission; reprieve; shrift; sparing; vindication