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Example sentences for "exonerated"

Lexicographically close words:
exogamous; exogamy; exogenous; exogens; exonerate; exonerates; exonerating; exoneration; exophthalmic; exopodite
  1. I can not sleep until I have exonerated myself in your clear, truthful, holy eyes: I can not endure that you should think harshly of me, even for a day.

  2. Were you not exonerated from the last accusation of which you informed me before you asked for my hand in marriage.

  3. Were you not exonerated from having stolen the wretched little Jew's goods?

  4. If I were weak or wicked enough to attempt the exercise of such a power, does any one believe the soldier would be thereby exonerated from the obligation he has voluntarily taken upon himself to his government?

  5. Nevertheless there was undoubtedly something in the whole personality of this same adventurer that in a sense exonerated Nicolaes from the utter dishonour of his act.

  6. The disaster was investigated by Congress, and the general was justly exonerated from all blame.

  7. On account of his positive disclaimer the Congress, by resolution exonerated him from any improper conduct, and that he had "conducted himself as an honest member of Society and a friend to the American Cause.

  8. At length on the 25th of February the Lords exonerated York from his duties as Protector; soon after which, if not on the same day, Parliament must have been dissolved.

  9. This last stipulation exonerated the Lacedæmonian allies from one of their most vexatious chains.

  10. To be exonerated by those awful Powers, is to be approved.

  11. Dartrey contrasted Jacob Blathenoy with the fair wife, and commiseratingly exonerated her; he lashed at himself for continuing to be in this absurdest of postures, and not absolutely secure for all that.

  12. But a conversation overheard between the two brothers in Newgate satisfactorily exonerated Thomas Wainwright.

  13. The king fully exonerated the head of the family, being convinced that no blame attached to him personally.

  14. You assigned two thousand acres of the Leontine territory [920] to Sextus Clodius, the rhetorician, and not content with that, exonerated the estate from all taxes.

  15. Miss North had merely told her what she already knew; that Joy had put the book in the drawer and that Blue Bonnet was exonerated from all blame.

  16. He has exonerated himself, and no doubt, when confronted with Hervey, will be able to silence that blackguard.

  17. I almost believe in Hervey's accusation of Random, and yet the boy exonerated himself very forcibly--very forcibly indeed.

  18. On the other hand the Royal Commission exonerated the pilots completely and spoke instead of "incompetent administrative airline procedures".

  19. He exonerated the crew from any error contributing to the disaster.

  20. But she had exonerated her false friend at the time.

  21. Her inborn carelessness and ignorance of the publishing trade exonerated her to some extent.

  22. In 1852 he was exonerated by the Court of Appeal of Rouen.

  23. The charges against Secretary Ballinger were investigated by a joint committee of Congress, a majority of which exonerated the accused Cabinet officer.

  24. President Taft, however, completely exonerated Secretary Ballinger from blame and removed Glavis for "filing a disingenuous statement unjustly impeaching the official integrity of his superior officer.

  25. I am glad that you have exonerated Miss Stevens from all suspicion.

  26. Unless you hear from me further you are exonerated from blame.

  27. Arista, when summoned to Queretaro, declared he would not command a soldier until exonerated for his conduct on the Rio Grande.

  28. Terres was treated by Santa Anna with the utmost contempt and even subjected to personal violence, but a court martial exonerated him, and he was regarded by Scott with marked respect (Delta, Jan.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exonerated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acquitted; clear; condoned; disregarded; excused; forgiven; forgotten; hook; indulged; overlooked; pardoned; redeemed; remitted; spared