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Example sentences for "redeemed"

Lexicographically close words:
redecorated; rededication; redeem; redeemable; redeeme; redeemeth; redeeming; redeems; redefined; redemption
  1. When our boys and girls become redeemed from these evils a great deal will have been accomplished in the elevation of our race.

  2. Nevertheless, the iniquitous toll continued until 1785, when it was redeemed by Government.

  3. He used to pawn what he had of this sort, and it was no sooner redeemed by his friends, than pawned again.

  4. Every member of the redeemed society, however much he may owe to the sacrificial service of his brethren, will feel himself personally indebted to Christ, who loved him and gave Himself up for him.

  5. They viewed him as a brand plucked out of the burning, a sinner redeemed and justified by the blood of the Lamb.

  6. But now, in your youth and in your vigour, remember the call of Him that has redeemed you by His blood, and let the prime of your life be a freewill offering to your Lord.

  7. For is it possible to imagine anything more deeply affecting, than to see a man at the close of life with no effort made for Him who has redeemed him by his blood?

  8. I have redeemed thee; I have called thee by name.

  9. In 1837 the sinking fund already amounted to more than a million of dollars, which, in twelve months, redeemed little short of two millions and a half of stock.

  10. But then he redeemed slight manoeuvres of this kind by touches which really displayed a genius for puffing.

  11. We see in Christ the first-fruits of redeemed humanity, the one perfect response on the side of man to the love of GOD.

  12. This means that everything that is good in human life is to be redeemed by being offered to GOD, and that everything that is vile and evil is to be eliminated and cast out.

  13. He has redeemed my soul in peace, so that they come not near me For in great numbers were they round me.

  14. Thou hast redeemed with Thine arm Thy people, The sons of Jacob and Joseph.

  15. This psalmist, like so many of his fellows, realises deliverance before he experiences it, and can sing "He has redeemed my soul" even while the calamity lasts.

  16. Thus guarded, the psalmist's prolonged life will be one long anthem of praise, and the days added to his days will be occupied with the fulfilment of his vows made in trouble and redeemed in his prosperity.

  17. And these are thy servants, and thy people: whom thou hast redeemed by thy great strength, and by thy mighty hand.

  18. But why should the people of God, living in his devoted island, redeemed as soon as born by the waters of baptism, be shackled by enactments which might serve as an obstacle to the action of the Holy Ghost on their free souls?

  19. Thus God is always visible in Nature; and redeemed man, raised far above the beasts of the field, has other eyes than those of the body, when he looks around him on this world.

  20. Not only was there no priest to initiate them into the mysteries, granted by Christ to the redeemed soul; there was not even a Catholic school-master to instruct them.

  21. For, bodies shall from death redeemed bee, Soules but preserved, not naturally free.

  22. The older Sir Henry had got into trouble in connexion with one of the conspiracies on behalf of Mary, Queen of Scots, but redeemed his good name by excellent service in the Low Countries, where he was knighted by Leicester.

  23. It will be redeemed from death, and the Soul is only preserved.

  24. Thus ended the battle of Gettysburg--the bloody turning-point of the Rebellion--the bloody baptism of the redeemed Republic.

  25. A person sanctified; a holy or godly person; one eminent for piety and virtue; any true Christian, as being redeemed and consecrated to God.

  26. Within a few years they were all redeemed or funded.

  27. From the pure romantic young girl to the prostitute, from the prostitute to the woman redeemed and sweetened and saved--his heroine is still herself throughout.

  28. He paid the debt,[52] redeemed the pledge, and secured the relic for Paris.

  29. The redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head; they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away.

  30. He will be redeemed if only by your merits.

  31. Israel would be redeemed by itself, though his neighbours would have called the sentiment 'epicurean.

  32. The mighty hand and the outstretched arm which had redeemed Israel from the Egyptian bondage were still hovering over them, nor would the Prophet Elijah for ever delay to announce the ultimate Messiah.

  33. Therefore eternity will be needful in order that redeemed souls may absorb all of God which He can give or they can take.

  34. The kingdom is not merely one in which the redeemed man is a subject, but one in which he himself is a prince.

  35. It seems at first a paradoxical impossibility; looked at more deeply and carefully it becomes a possibility for each of us, and therefore a duty; a certainty for all the redeemed in fullest measure hereafter; and, alas!

  36. The more shame to us if we have been eating our morsels alone, and hugging ourselves in the possession of the love which has redeemed us; and if it has not quickened us to the necessity of copying it in our relations to our fellows.

  37. There is in the expression no reference to the thought, however true it is in itself, that the redeemed in heaven and the believers on earth make up but one family.

  38. In the ancient ritual there stood within the Holy place, and after the altar of burnt-offering had been passed, three symbols of the relation of the redeemed soul to God.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "redeemed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    acquitted; angelic; assimilated; beatified; changed; condoned; converted; disregarded; elect; emancipated; excused; forgiven; forgotten; free; freed; glorified; heavenly; indulged; justified; liberated; martyred; naturalized; overlooked; pardoned; reborn; redeemed; reformed; regenerate; released; remitted; renewed; sainted; saintly; sanctified; saved; seraphic; spared; transformed; unbound; untied