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Example sentences for "felicitous"

Lexicographically close words:
felicitations; felicitatis; feliciter; felicitie; felicities; felicitously; felicity; feline; felines; feling
  1. Rumohr, one of the laborious, learned, and felicitous expositors of mediaeval art whom the reviving taste of later times produced.

  2. His few fugitive poems well merit the preference accorded to them by Tiraboschi over most contemporary effusions, from force of sentiment not less than felicitous expression.

  3. Klaproth's enunciation of this principle established by Hervas is so felicitous that we cannot refrain from citing it here: "Words are the stuff or matter of language, and grammar its fashioning or form.

  4. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” was suggested to Stevenson by his study of the dual nature so strikingly exemplified in his earlier hero; while in other of his writings he has touched the Deacon with a felicitous and kindly hand.

  5. Bits of drawing caught his attention, a free, felicitous line here and there evoking an approving grunt.

  6. His eyes swept the reticent roofs, and his mind searched beneath them: what felicitous possibilities did they not conceal?

  7. In the days of our friend John Gerarde, the beloved old herbalist, there was no fixed botanical nomenclature; but he scarcely needed botanical terms, for he had a most felicitous and dextrous use of words.

  8. The Aster is among the flowers prohibited in Japan for felicitous occasions, as are the Balsam, Rhododendron, and Azalea.

  9. After due and deep reflection, a very felicitous stroke occurred to him.

  10. There was no one faculty predominating tyrannically over the others; all seemed proportioned in the felicitous symmetry of a nature rounded, integral, and complete.

  11. Both these are in octosyllables: Titurel is in a singular and far from felicitous stanza, which stands to that of Kudrun much as the Kudrun stanza does to that of the Nibelungen.

  12. There is in English verse romance perhaps no less felicitous sample of the kind as it stands, none which has received greater vituperation for dulness and commonplace, than Sir Amadas.

  13. The least observing reader of Elia cannot have failed to notice that the most felicitous passages always accomplish their circuit in a few sentences.

  14. After a careful examination of the camp's wardrobe, and some felicitous exchange of apparel, a few of us were deputed to represent "Rattlers" at the Sunday service.

  15. As this gentleman had made a snug fortune during the felicitous prevalence of a severe epidemic, the colonel regarded him as a dangerous rival.

  16. The Latin lines upon Chantrey's success at Holkham in killing two woodcocks at the first shot, which subsequently he sculptured in marble and presented to Lord Leicester, are perhaps the most felicitous amongst the whole.

  17. Mrs. Frankland was quite content to embody her ideals in felicitous speech, and cease; Phillida Callender labored day and night to make her ideals actual.

  18. It is diversified by descriptions of natural scenery, which are often exceedingly felicitous and original, and it is quickened by the human warmth and flush of the love passages, which, with all their quaintness, are extremely human.

  19. At that felicitous moment, the membranous bag splits cross-wise, longitudinally and transversally, to permit the emergence of the young wood-lice.

  20. There is nothing particularly felicitous in the sketch of "Aristophanes.

  21. There are certain delicate and felicitous peculiarities in the constitution of her sensibilities, which frequently impart a rare and subtle originality to emotions which are as old, and as widely diffused, as the primeval curse.

  22. Now only by a felicitous exercise of the faculty of successful generalisation can we arrive at a knowledge of these.

  23. Felicitous thoughts," he tells us, "occur by hundreds to every woman of intellect.

  24. Our people were singularly endowed with the genius for graceful and felicitous performances.

  25. This felicitous state of affairs lasted until eight o'clock, when the wind veered around through east and south, finally to settle itself comfortably so near S.

  26. It was a felicitous effort of the poetic muse.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "felicitous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.