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Example sentences for "fibs"

Lexicographically close words:
fibroids; fibroma; fibrosis; fibrous; fibrovascular; fibula; fibulae; fibular; fica; fice
  1. Besides, there is a vast difference between fibs and rosy jokes!

  2. But Mark's sister with her vanities and fibs irritated and amused him by turns.

  3. So Polly told several impatient fibs to the persons who insisted upon learning where she intended going, before she was able to get outside of Woodford and into the blessed solitude of the country lanes.

  4. It is bad enough to have you girls spoil me because I am in trouble, but when it comes to telling fibs I won't hear you.

  5. Fancy not minding the dreadful fibs she had gone in for before leaving home; fancy passing even those over without comment.

  6. Telling fibs in order to escape momentary annoyance or gain a trivial advantage, he could instruct other persons to tell fibs in his interest.

  7. Dost think the Strangler will release his hold Because, forsooth, some fibs remain untold?

  8. Never met a woman who was not a sham, a sham from the moment she is told to be pretty-behaved, conceal her sentiments, and look fibs when she does not speak them.

  9. You, I know, don't think telling fibs is immoral when it happens to be convenient, as it would be in this case.

  10. He has indulged himself in fibs to such an extent, that fibs are now as necessary to him as drams to the drunkard.

  11. If I stopped away, at least I wouldn't tell fibs about it," said Merle.

  12. It strikes me you tell the biggest fibs of any girl I've ever yet come across.

  13. At other times they have a dreadful look of being fibs invented for the purpose of covering a fault.

  14. However this be, it is hard to say that these fibs have that clear intention to deceive which constitutes a complete lie.

  15. Say you have another engagement," advised Judy, who was not averse at times to telling polite fibs in order to extricate herself from a difficulty.

  16. But Molly was the very soul of truth, and even small fibs were not in her line.

  17. She sometimes owns to this, but only to fibs that do more good than harm--fibs into the utterance of which she is forced for the sake of peace and to avoid mischief.

  18. She flatters sweetly, but, it must be confessed, she fibs as sweetly.

  19. Now at such a moment as this I could not remember how many fibs of that kind I had left over to my credit, but I knew there must be at least one, and so I didn't hesitate a second.

  20. There may be those in the wide world who hug themselves in the belief that she can tell little fibs and large fibs pretty flippantly.

  21. Phaedra was not nice, because of the attitude of Hippolytus, as sketched by Mrs. Steptoe; and even more because of the fibs she told when she found the young man blind to the attractions of his stepmother.

  22. If there were to be any fibs told, her husband must tell them himself, and not put them off on her.

  23. It seems nateral to men's nater to tell fibs about fish.

  24. What a world of fibs and falsehoods we are livin' in!

  25. But I do hate having to tell fibs to Father.

  26. First of all I always feel that he'll see through it, and secondly anyhow I don't like telling fibs to him.

  27. Why will people, even those belonging to the most irreproachable classes of society, indulge in these little fibs upon occasion?

  28. No, Madame," added the Colonel, perhaps aware that fibs require to be told over at least twice before they acquire the weight of truths told once.

  29. Why must you make it tell fibs in order to--to find out the truth?

  30. The idea of its telling fibs like that and frightening people half out of their lives!

  31. I am sorry to say, I told them the most awful fibs about that fort.

  32. Oh, what fibs they told that evening at the parsonage!

  33. And he had to fit deductions into spaces of the puzzle left empty by fibs and glib self-excusings.

  34. I missed all the easiest fibs and could catch hold of nothing but the bare truth.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fibs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.