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Example sentences for "figments"

Lexicographically close words:
fights; figlia; figlio; figliuolo; figment; figs; figura; figurae; figuram; figuras
  1. The doctrines that the King never dies, that the throne never can be vacant, that there can be no interregnum, that the reign of the next heir begins the moment the reign of his predecessor is ended, are all figments of later times.

  2. Pam again, trying hard to win back assurance that he and she were not two mere unsubstantial figments of somebody else's dream, but flesh and blood, and dear and bend to each other.

  3. Father Mostyn and Pamela something less, and something infinitely more, than the figments of a dream.

  4. Would you have me give up the skilful figments of antiquity for such old wives' fables as these?

  5. Paul, for "the wisdom of the world," or for the figments of the poets, and those great cosmic theories which enabled Seneca to sustain or rekindle his moral faith.

  6. Taken at the worst, death can only be dissolution, for the rivers of fire and the tortures of Tartarus are mere figments of poetic fancy.

  7. Its scriptural supports are either ethnic figments or rhetorical tropes.

  8. Even Dante and Milton, men of profound spiritual insight, probably accepted in their most literal sense some of the imaginative figments of their predecessors.

  9. Figments of the Scalawag Imagination--Many of its Acts were Lawless, etc.

  10. In the first place, it is objected that a man might spend his time more profitably than by reading the figments of poets.

  11. They do not perceive that the society of God or Nature is an ideal society, nor that these phantoms, looming in their imagination, are but significant figments whose existent basis is a minute and indefinite series of ordinary perceptions.

  12. The noblest art will be the one, whether plastic or literary or dialectical, which creates figments most truly representative of what is momentous in human life.

  13. Works of art are automatic figments which nature fashions through man.

  14. The laws formulated by science--the transitive figments describing the relation between fact and fact--possess only a Platonic sort of reality.

  15. Their figments make their chosen world, as the painter's apperceptions are the breath of his nostrils.

  16. No proof more unquestionable than this could be had of any of the events of life, and belief in the figments of witchcraft was therefore unhesitating.

  17. All this makes evident how empty are the ideas of those who think of God as something else than a Man, and of the Divine attributes as not being in God as a Man, since these separated from man are mere figments of reason.

  18. If the so-called laws of matter are real, irrefragable laws, then we indulgently, pass by these stories as figments of heated imaginations.

  19. Nor should the baseless figments of puerile religious systems find lodgment within her clear thought.

  20. No more will it be imagined that poetry and rhythm are accidents or figments of the race, one side of all ingredient or ground of nature.

  21. Even in dreams one must be polite, even to stray figments of one's tired, sleeping brain.

  22. They were, difficult though it is for us to understand it, too vacant and generous to realize that the "Objects of the War" were but figments nicely calculated to get them busy.

  23. There, one fancies, these figments must have always been smiling in each other's faces when they were by themselves.

  24. Yet it must not be supposed that the commoner sort of dreamers are never jealous of these figments of their fancy.

  25. It is one of those figments of the imagination that have crawled into some people's brains within a very few years, and will go out again as other delusions do.

  26. It seems far more rational to believe that the curses on both woman and man were but figments of the human brain, and that by the observance of natural laws, both labor and maternity may prove great blessings.

  27. To these facts we owe the figments which have rendered the Southern school of logicians a little presuming, perhaps, and certainly very sophistical.

  28. For it is certain that these figments concerning the merit of the opus operatum are found nowhere in the Fathers.

  29. Let us see, moreover, how in the Confutation which they had the presumption to obtrude upon His Imperial Majesty, they prove these figments of theirs.

  30. For there is a very great crowd of most trifling writers upon the Sententiae, who, as though they had conspired, defend these figments concerning the merit of attrition and of works, and other things which we have above recounted.

  31. I am not given to figments of the imagination.

  32. The most precise of us are liable to figments of the imagination, madam.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "figments" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.