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Example sentences for "fortifie"

Lexicographically close words:
fortie; forties; fortieth; fortification; fortifications; fortified; fortifieng; fortifies; fortify; fortifying
  1. Charles de Valois aduertised thereof, departed from Rion with all speed, to besiege the foresaid towne of saint Seuere, yer the Englishmen should haue time to fortifie it.

  2. But in the meane time it chanced, that one sir Richard de Walles a knight of the realme of France went about to fortifie a castell in a village that belonged to him called Walles, situated betwixt Trie & Gisors.

  3. Howbeit the noble lord great master forthwith caused repairs to be made within, and planks and tables to be set to fortifie the sayde weake wall: and abode there from the morning til night, to cause it to be the more hasted.

  4. The Bischopis servandis, that same nycht, began to fortifie the place agane, and began to do violence to some that war careing away suche baggage as thay culd cum by.

  5. King Hary frustrat, returned to London, and after his indignatioun declaired, began to fortifie with men his frontearis foranent Scotland.

  6. Our men after our departure neuer rested, but night and day did fortifie themselues being in good hope that after their fort was finished, they would begin to discouer farther vp within the riuer.

  7. M551 Landonniere and his company begin to fortifie themselues.

  8. Ribault firste, and after Ladoniere, and a thirde tyme Ribault, to fortifie and inhabite in Florida?

  9. How wise and wary too, can they become, To fortifie their persons up at home, With lockes, and barres?

  10. I, and the approbation of those that weepe this lamentable diuorce vnder her colours, are wonderfully to extend him, be it but to fortifie her iudgement, which else an easie battery might lay flat, for taking a Begger without lesse quality.

  11. She is hard by, with twentie thousand men: And therefore fortifie your Hold, my Lord Yorke.

  12. And whereas we have by undertaking this plantation undergone the reproofs of a base world, insomuch that many of our oune brethren laugh us to scorne, O Lord, we pray thee fortifie us against this temptation.

  13. Aristotle was most excellent in vse of this figure, for he neuer propones any allegation, or makes any surmise, but he yeelds a reason or cause to fortifie and proue it, which geues it great credit.

  14. In Afflictions Men generally draw their Consolations out of Books of Morality, which indeed are of great use to fortifie and strengthen the Mind against the Impressions of Sorrow.

  15. Richard had begun to fortifie a castell at Lisle Dandelie, vpon a péece of ground which the archbishop claimed to apperteine vnto his sée.

  16. To put Lewdness into a Thriving condition, to give it an Equipage of Quality, and to treat it with Ceremony and Respect, is the way to confound the Understanding, to fortifie the Charm, and to make the Mischief invincible.

  17. Mr. Dryden makes Homewards, and endeavours to fortifie himself in Modern Authority.

  18. For the Harmony and Ornament of the Composition serves only to recommend the Argument, to fortifie the Charm, and engage the Memory.

  19. They carry'd Tools, Arms, Instructions, and all Necessaries to fortifie the narrow Parts of it.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fortifie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    fortified place; fortified town