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Example sentences for "frinds"

Lexicographically close words:
frilled; frilling; frills; frilly; frind; fringe; fringed; fringes; fringilline; fringing
  1. I made it a pint to ask me frinds what time iv night it was, an' thin say, 'Dear me, I ought to get a watch if I cud affoord it.

  2. But, afther th' night got along, some iv us begun to raymimber that most iv us hadn't been frinds f'r long.

  3. Both sides had their frinds that give th' colledge cries.

  4. Thank Hivin, McKinley knows betther thin to sind th' likes iv thim abroad to shock our frinds be dumpin' their coffee into thimsilves fr'm a saucer.

  5. I'm now on me way f'r to organize a camp iv me Dutch frinds down be th' slough,' he says.

  6. Mebbe 'twill tur-rn out th' way it did with two frinds iv mine.

  7. I hope, sor, ye won't forgit yer owld frinds in Oregon when ye go over to take possession.

  8. I've made frinds wid the postmaster, which is a fine old lady with a swaat darter.

  9. It'll be a sorry day whin I can't take a joke, as Jim Doolin said smiling whin his frinds pushed his cabin over on top of him as he lay sleeping behind it, but I was niver sarved such a trick before.

  10. And I'll bring me frinds to enj'y the same.

  11. The two frinds that I have are wid the widder Mrs. Friestone, doing their best to entertain the leddy and her daughter, while I started out to chase one of the spalpeens that run too fast for me to catch.

  12. An' if O'Brien an' his frinds got into power, why wouldn't it happen again?

  13. There's betther heads than mine to undershtand these things, men that has the larnin', an' is the thrue frinds of Ireland.

  14. In the meane while the gentleman being willing to gitt as much by my ruine as could bee went to consult with some of his frinds that were there, how hee might gitt some of the monies that I had lost the other day within his jurisdiction.

  15. Tisn’t for nothing that we’ve been frinds for the last twinty years.

  16. Av ye be mighty careful, and do not make any quick move to atthract attention; becase the chances are, the hathen do be havin' frinds clost by, ready to cut up the game whin he secures the same.

  17. Long afore thin we'll have our frinds a-sailin' down the river as nice as pie.

  18. He kapes on sayin' thot he hates the white men as hotly as the sun shines in summer, and will niver, niver make frinds wid the same.

  19. Well, yer honor, Tim had manny frinds in the house, and as he was an owld boordher, we thought to howld a wake over his body.

  20. At night all of his frinds come into the room, where everything was illegantly arranged for the wake.

  21. If you were to ask your own frinds that you consort with, in course they would feel more concerned in answering you than I can.

  22. And is it the likes of Captain Ussher as'll be good frinds to him?

  23. But how can he get the rint, or we be paying it, unless he gives us his hand to rid the counthry of thim as robs us of our manes, and desthroys him and us, and all thim as should be frinds to him and the owld Masther, and to Ballycloran?

  24. You’re frinds of the laddie that did the jomp?

  25. Put it in your pocket, me boy, an’ show it to your frinds when you git home.

  26. She feared that if the MacCarthy factions made frinds they would join Hugh O'Neill and the great Earl of Desmond, thin in rebellion, and so the marriage was forbidden by her majesty.

  27. For me frinds are me inimies now, an' that makes a man old.

  28. They was all our frinds an' yet on'y wan iv thim was our frind.

  29. What'll I do to make thim me frinds so that 'twud be like settin' fire to their own house to attackt me?

  30. They were ould frinds and playmates, the son and daughter of two of the snuggest farmers on the estate; and I well knew before I sailed for Amerikay they were engaged to be married.

  31. They've lift the ither three for their frinds that I make no doubt will be along to take thim, if they haven't done so now.

  32. I can see nuthin' of thim; they must have found out that ye hadn't any frinds there after all the fuss ye made, and it may be they will come back to sittle with ye.

  33. Meg; "how can you iver be frinds with the like of him?

  34. But you needn't quarrel with Martin because you're frinds with mother," answered Meg.

  35. When I want to tell a story that'll inthrest me frinds I give it to thim good.

  36. One time she thravelled to New York an' wan iv his frinds seen her.

  37. May victhry perch upon ye'er banners, an' may ye hammer our old frinds an' allies fr'm Mookden to Moscow.

  38. There ar-re no frinds at cards or wurruld pollyticks.

  39. So if ye've anny frinds inclined to boast about makin' a record ask thim did they swim aboord at Daunt's Rock an' swim off at th' lightship.

  40. Out there they're beginnin' to talk about what nice people th' Chinese ar-re compared with our old frinds an' allies.

  41. Most iv me frinds take their vacations long afther they are overdue.

  42. Ivry twinty minutes I feed th' masheen a hatful iv nickels, so that whin me frinds dhrop in they won't be dissypinted, d'ye mind.

  43. He niver asked his frinds into the parlor befure.

  44. Th' frinds iv honest money had give thim all to Jawn P.

  45. They're frinds iv honest money, whin they'se no other in sight.

  46. Did ye iver have to wipe ye'er most intimate frinds off ye'er clothes, whin ye wint home at night?

  47. An’ there was six other ould Kings, that was frinds to him, an’ they was all as like him as six paze.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "frinds" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.