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Example sentences for "funky"

Lexicographically close words:
funicular; funiculus; funk; funked; funking; funnel; funneled; funnelled; funnels; funnier
  1. As for collecting things, I like funky menus.

  2. So if you ever run across a funky menu, send it my way.

  3. Not being funky myself, I do not reproach others with said failing"--free translation.

  4. If," he ironically said, "my honble friend prefers to admit that he is inferior in physical courage to a native Indian who is commonly accredited with a funky heart, let him apologise.

  5. Upon my word," said Jack, "I feel funky to show my nose outside our gate, just as if I really had prigged those wretched coins.

  6. Those who had been loudest in dubbing him Funky Warrenne were quickest in finding explanations of his curious conduct and explained it well away.

  7. If you don't fight him you become Funky Harberth vice.

  8. When the funky rider does make up his mind to take a jump, he generally lets everybody near know it by the noise he makes, ostensibly to encourage his horse, but in reality to keep his heart in the right place, and not in his mouth.

  9. A class of groom whom I would not care to keep, is the funky man who is continually yelling at his animals, and thus unfits them to obey our words of command when we ride them.

  10. Downright funky at finding herself in the dark for just those few minutes.

  11. If she could distinguish herself in the coming match and show the girls that though she was funky at some things she wasn't a coward all through, how splendid it would be!

  12. And it's mostly that that has made her so shy and nervous and funky of things.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "funky" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.