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Example sentences for "gangs"

Lexicographically close words:
gangplank; gangrel; gangrene; gangrened; gangrenous; gangster; gangsters; gangue; gangway; gangways
  1. Their trucks are about half as large as those on the hand-cars we see flying along our railroad tracks at home, worked by gangs of Italian laborers.

  2. The Midland Railroad kept great gangs of men working day and night, in order to connect that great gold field with the outer world.

  3. The lawless who drifted to the border formed gangs of horse thieves, highwaymen, and murderers, who called forth from the others the summary methods of lynch law.

  4. There are found in the Madras Presidency nomad gangs of Bauris or Bawariyas, who are described [108] as "one of the worst criminal tribes of India.

  5. Many work on tea and coffee estates, and gangs of Badagas can always be seen breaking stones on, and repairing the hill roads.

  6. When the gangs halted by the roadside, just by the camp, it was impossible at first to prevent our men from giving them tea and cigarettes, though later this practice was sternly forbidden.

  7. There was no hate in our hearts for the gangs of prisoners who, on the morning and afternoon of every attack, poured miserably along the Poperinghe road.

  8. She gazed at the moving gangs as one who, having come by surprise upon a hive of bees, stands still and cons the small creatures at work.

  9. She heard that gangs were at work clearing the streets and collecting the dead; at first burying them laboriously after the third day, burning them in stacks.

  10. To commit a brutal assault for hire is a means of livelihood practised by certain gangs of ruffians who have their regular haunts and houses of call, where they "attend" to get the "office" of any job that may be going.

  11. The gangs of young roughs who gather in secluded parts of the banks, where they are hidden by sheds or stacks of material, are there to gamble.

  12. There were there gangs of these rough lads who hung about the wharves, ready for riot or plunder as occasion offered.

  13. They come in gangs of any size wanted, and have to be provided with a rough hut to sleep in; they furnish their own food and cooking.

  14. As he did not know of our intention to visit him, we came upon several gangs of stout young men slaves, each secured by the neck to one common chain, waiting for exportation, and several more in slave-sticks.

  15. Yes, we did free several gangs that we met in the Manganja country.

  16. The dominion of Santerre and his gangs of destitute desperadoes was manifestly fraught with destruction to themselves as well as to the king.

  17. A large pecuniary reward was even voted for the Marseillese, and for similar gangs from one or two other departments which had been brought up to Paris to take a part in the insurrection.

  18. The men engaged on the land work in gangs of ten or twelve, each under the control of two unarmed officers.

  19. Experience has proved that prisoners can best be employed on such works in gangs of from forty to sixty, under a chief overseer, assisted by a sufficient number of warders.

  20. It was hard to believe that the gangs of smart-looking men, who briskly deployed in the quadrangle in their clattering wooden shoes, were members of the same slouching brotherhood whose favourite haunt is the King's highway.

  21. Large gangs are also employed in hand-weeding, and all the advantages of farming with abundance of cheap labour are conspicuous.

  22. The men engaged in the fields work in gangs of between fifty and sixty, each under a single overseer.

  23. The same funereal pall seemed to hang over the wooden houses, the gangs of Turkmans and Kalmucks loading their carts with salt, and the camels that roamed along the shore mingling their dismal cries with the sound of the waves.

  24. Our unconcern began to alarm the clerk; gangs of horses were every moment returning from pasture, and he saw plainly that his position was becoming critical.

  25. The finishing gangs were following up the steel workers as fast as they could be pushed.

  26. Blake walked ahead of it, to steady and encourage the gangs that toiled and sweat in the frosty sweep of the rising wind.

  27. Blake, holding back in the lead of his far larger party from the shore, began to issue terse orders to the gangs of carpenters and laborers.

  28. The gangs strengthen th' ward leaders, but they don't strengthen th' Chief.

  29. What work had been done by the gangs was now, under a better discipline and with machine lines more tightly drawn, transacted by the police.

  30. These old-timers tried to talk me out of my determination to have a look around in the town where so many of the men of the construction gangs were being killed off--for I wanted to see what thorough out-and-out bad men looked like.

  31. The old cry of the dwarfs under the earth, the first metal smiths, rings out in Pittsburgh in the tap of the miner's tools and in the shouts of gangs of furnace-men and engine crews in the winding recesses of the mill.

  32. Housebreakers abounded, working in gangs with consummate skill and patience, hand and glove with servants past and present, associated with receivers, and especially with the drivers of night coaches.

  33. In the country gangs of ruffians disguised in female attire, the forerunners of Rebecca and her daughter, ran amuck against turnpike gates, demolishing all they found.

  34. Large gangs of men came by relays; and it was not till the day after, though they worked unremittingly, that the ghastly contents of the ditch were cleared away.

  35. Gangs of men and women were everywhere at work upon small patches of ground, six or seven persons being busily engaged sometimes on less than one acre.

  36. I counted at one time from the bow of our steamer, without looking back, ninety-seven sails glistening in the sun, while on the hills were seen everywhere gangs of people at work upon their little farm-gardens.

  37. And their only son, the Young Viscount Sandpits, had just been commissioned to one of the smart gangs of navvies in which the aristocratic youth of Culbut were delighted to serve, if they were of good enough physique.

  38. Its members could shift more stuff in an hour than ordinary gangs in two.

  39. The others were gathered by press-gangs and gaol-deliveries.

  40. The attitude of our first arriving American soldiers toward the German prisoners who worked in gangs on construction work in the camps and rough labour along the docks was a curious one.

  41. The French soldiers and gangs of German prisoners, who had been engaged in this work, had no knowledge of the fact that they were building the first American cantonment in France.

  42. The laddies 'at's maist ill to get sometimes gangs up in a flame a' at aince, like a bit o' paper.

  43. Leeby says 'No,' and gangs to shut the door.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gangs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.