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Example sentences for "gangsters"

Lexicographically close words:
gangrene; gangrened; gangrenous; gangs; gangster; gangue; gangway; gangways; gani; ganja
  1. As the gangsters scrambled to obey his orders, Bill walked into the room and Dorothy saw that his wrists were still handcuffed behind his back.

  2. Without more ado they turned to, and roped the gangsters one by one.

  3. It is better that a few gangsters should disappear in space than run the risk of another uprising.

  4. Gangsters and pirates use it, since they have nothing to lose, being on the death list already.

  5. Showing how those of the gangsters left behind were expressing their astonishment and alarm at such an unheard of happening in their midst.

  6. He heard the gangsters rattling the lids of a stove.

  7. If the gangsters had heard they had thought nothing of it.

  8. The name by which the younger of these two gangsters was known was Jimmie McGowan.

  9. The gangsters were taken to the city in the squad car.

  10. Pushing him before them, the gangsters approached the house.

  11. He figured that such a visit would be comparatively without risk, since the police and Barney Palmer and the gangsters Barney had put upon his trail all still believed him somewhere in the West.

  12. Not for long would the forces arrayed against him be small in number; Gavegan, though beaten at the outset, would send out an alarm that would arouse the police of the city--and in their own degree the gangsters would do the same.

  13. The risk comes from the police, and from some of my old friends and the gangsters they have enlisted.

  14. The gangsters were also flashing the lights from reflector-lanterns, trying to locate and spotlight him for more accurate shooting.

  15. Being around gangsters and criminals so much, you'll have to watch not to begin thinking like they do.

  16. There must have been some wrangling of the jury, for twice hope of the gangsters revived when they sent in for the record.

  17. The shades of all the previous bosses and gangsters must have turned in disgust at the unwonted sight.

  18. I've made a phone date to tell Anzio and his set of crooks what a rotten set of gangsters they are.

  19. My findings lead to but one conclusion: you allied yourself with gangsters in the hope of participating in their enormous gains only to find that you are the biggest sucker on their list.

  20. He wants to contrast the little service I gave him with what the gangsters did to him.

  21. He seemingly hesitated to claim his property rights and yet had nerve to invade the stronghold of these gangsters and tell 'em the truth.

  22. Pressed by Landy as to how he contacted the gangsters and received his injuries, the oldster related the story of his summer's wanderings.

  23. Maybe they're trying to get rid of American gangsters so they can import some of their own.

  24. It seems to me that if you left the professional gangsters strong, it would do even more to foul things up.

  25. So many big-shot gangsters have been killed lately we might as well bring back Prohibition.

  26. I doubt that the gangsters would have actually harmed you, but they would have used you as a weapon to strike back at me.

  27. Putting two and two together I thought perhaps the gangsters might be captured there.

  28. It is better that a few gangsters should disappear in space than that the Patrol should have to put down another uprising.

  29. They send a ticket for a bucket of coal or a pair of shoes to the parents of young girls who work for the gangsters and bring the profits of shame back tenfold on the investment to these same politicians.

  30. For certain reasons, already formulated, Bobbie Burke wished to keep Jimmie and his gangsters in blissful ignorance of his own knowledge of their activities.

  31. This city has been kept terror-stricken by these gangsters long enough, because honest citizens have been compelled by a ward politician's law to go without weapons of defense.

  32. It was a clever campaign which the gangsters had laid out, but their mistake in picking the man cost them dearly.

  33. You police are a lot of grafters, in league with the gangsters and the politicians.

  34. But, at last, he unfolded the story of his interview with the alleged philanthropist, describing the situation of the gangsters and their work in general terms.

  35. And a second circle linked gangsters and Ragged Men together.

  36. The twelve gangsters fought with the desperation of cornered rats, with notched and explosive bullets and with streams of lead from tommy-guns.

  37. And then Tommy encircled the previously drawn figures of the gangsters with New York, just as the Ragged Men had been linked with the other city.

  38. The way of the gangsters back to their Tube was barred.

  39. Because that letter was written on the same damaged typewriter that the other letters were written on and those gangsters have not failed to make any of their threats good.

  40. They were the hundred biggest gangsters in America.

  41. Within a year the average business in the city was working for the gangsters and content to, at least, be permitted to stay in business.

  42. Losing their balance as the amphibian nosed over, the gangsters were hurled backwards by the second maneuver and landed in a sprawling heap by the door, and along the cabin aisle.

  43. The few gangsters that were left turned and fled toward the bay.

  44. This time we can nail Clanahan, and a good few of the political gangsters and bosses in the other towns along the line.

  45. Clanahan's gangsters and crooks had been at work for some time before the plot climaxed.

  46. When the gangsters lamped the loot, their greedy eyes and greasy fingers twitched, and when a hood's eyes and fingers twitch, watch out; something is twitching.

  47. Communists are in favor of anything that causes civil disorder and unrest; gangsters have no conscience and will do business with anyone who pays.

  48. Meanwhile, Lait and Mortimer say let the gangsters and communists have it.

  49. Though the gangsters are buying sugar at a few cents a pound here and selling it for its weight in rubies on Mars, a hood is always a hood.

  50. With all the rackets cornered, the gangsters decided it was time to go into some straight businesses.

  51. Illustration] [Illustration] And so when the gangsters heard there were Communist cells on Mars, they quickly made a contact.

  52. Obviously whatever organization was mixing everything up was paying just as much attention to gangsters as to congressmen and businessmen.

  53. Then the gangsters scattered to the nearby gin-shops to while away the time before darkness should call for their evil activities.

  54. We transcribed the addresses of Warren's gangsters from his note-book, and they have all been arrested.

  55. And sure, Monty, when I have a free foot once again, I'm going to apply it to them gangsters who put me to sleep.

  56. There are two gangsters where the dogs won't bite them; today they are sending out to Jim Merrivale's house to get the third and he'll be busy with a little private third degree.

  57. The gangsters are as close-mouthed as Mr. Pike.

  58. I have recognized the same thing in the three gangsters for'ard.

  59. They have sat in judgment on him and they do not approve of his intimacy with the three gangsters for'ard.

  60. Even though men like the gangsters are so worn down by hardship that they have no heart of rebellion, there remain three of the frailest for'ard who will not die, and who are as spunky as ever.

  61. There were the three gangsters and ex-jailbirds, anything but seamen, yet in control of this affair that was peculiarly an affair of the sea.

  62. He says that the Asiatic clique, discussing the affair in the cook's room, thinks the three gangsters are responsible.

  63. The more I think over it the more I am surprised that such keen men as the gangsters should have been frightened by what had occurred.

  64. But the gangsters were low-voiced, and all I could catch was the tone of friendliness and good-nature.

  65. Hours lengthened into days and there was no further word of the gangsters who had robbed the Citizens National.

  66. Tim had been convinced that the gangsters of the sky would strike again but he had not expected it would be within forty-eight hours after their failure to rob the million dollar train.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gangsters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.