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Example sentences for "gasped"

Lexicographically close words:
gasolene; gasoline; gasometer; gasometers; gasp; gasping; gaspingly; gasps; gassed; gasses
  1. Mr. Harman grew very white, so white that he gasped for breath.

  2. When the pirate had said all and was gazing triumphantly at poor Dickory, the young man gasped a word in answer; he could not accept this awful fate without as much as a wave of the hand in protest.

  3. Dickory were here," gasped Dame Charter, "he would turn the boat himself; he would never allow me to be taken among those awful wretches.

  4. As Dickory stood gazing downward in awe--in all his life he had never seen a corpse--the man he had supposed dead opened his eyes for a moment and gazed with dull intelligence, and then he gasped for rum.

  5. As soon as she could recover she gasped out: 'Young man, go 'way!

  6. He stammered, spluttered, and finally gasped out, 'How dare you?

  7. Going to Palestine before--long," gasped my mother.

  8. The--the impudent young--" gasped my father.

  9. She saw with thousands the hand break the window and clutch the frame; she gasped with the crowd at that terrible and piteous sight, and her bosom panted for her fellow-creature in sore peril.

  10. The truth is the truth," gasped Alfred; "tell me at once.

  11. The strange visitor gasped out, "You are wanted at our house.

  12. I gasped out, as I sank on my knees, and leant my head against the wall.

  13. Lord Almeric dropped his hand of cards on the table, and opening his mouth gasped in a paroxysm of dismay.

  14. He gasped and with a groan but no articulate word fell forward in Soane's arms.

  15. When he saw me, he gasped out, "Then it was you, and just arrived.

  16. Whilst we were talking one came running and breathlessly gasped out that the body of Skinsky had been found inside the wall of the churchyard of St. Peter, and that the throat had been torn open as if by some wild animal.

  17. Many and many a time had the girls of Lavender House almost gasped with horror as Annie described the queer ways of these people.

  18. The old lady gasped and raised her mittened hand.

  19. Astrid gasped and her jaw dropped; Mere Perpetua stared at Ragna with the expression of one who has cherished a viper in her bosom, and only just found it out.

  20. This was too much for Fru Boyesen; she gasped angrily, but found herself unable to give articulate utterance to her amazement and indignation.

  21. She gasped half fainting, then he took her mouth, and her eyes opened wide at the revelation of a sensation the like of which she had never imagined.

  22. Oh," gasped Astrid, as they left the room, "that old woman will kill me yet.

  23. Roger, and forthwith squeezed him until he gasped again.

  24. A coin rang upon the stone floor, rolled into a distant corner and came to rest, the jester gasped in the shadow of the curtains; and so came silence, broke only by the soft drip, drip of the spilled wine.

  25. The dark catalogue of brutal deeds had been gasped out; but ere the words of absolution could follow, the head had fallen back, and all was over.

  26. There he gasped out a bit of information that came near cracking the ostrich egg in two, so wide was the smile that overspread Peter's face.

  27. She gasped for utterance; and the mystery was solved at last.

  28. Gerda gasped "Kay," and they saw him struggling twenty yards behind.

  29. Lord, what fun," said Barry, as they gasped for breath.

  30. You said you would not come till I had taken the world by the shoulders," gasped Leo, falling back.

  31. As soon as she could speak, she gasped out, "Take them off, they are killing me!

  32. The group at the pilot's back gasped at each other.

  33. She sent him a look of terror, then turned from deadly pale to rosy red and gasped her thanks to the smiling deckhand, whose clutch had saved her life.

  34. What a cruel shame if she is lost," gasped one of the men in tones of real anguish.

  35. Victoria just laughed, but Gladys gasped like a fish and pretended to faint and the Miller girls fell into each other's arms and bleated.

  36. She's lending them to Marjory," gasped Jean.

  37. Inside the straw was warm and dry, and as Dan flung himself down upon it, he gasped out something like a prayer of thanks.

  38. My dear sir," gasped Mr. Blake, as his jaw dropped.

  39. And he has walked two hundred miles, Molly," gasped the Major.

  40. Whilst we were talking, one came running and breathlessly gasped out that the body of Skinsky had been found inside the wall of the churchyard of St. Peter, and that the throat had been torn open as if by some wild animal.

  41. Jees Uck gasped at the liquid silver of a voice that had never sounded harsh cries at snarling wolf-dogs, nor moulded itself to a guttural speech, nor toughened in storm and frost and camp smoke.

  42. Should say not," gasped Bill, his head and shoulders buried in a clothes- sack wherein were stored winter socks and underwear.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gasped" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.