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Example sentences for "geni"

Lexicographically close words:
genetic; genetically; genetics; genetrix; genets; genial; geniality; genially; geniculate; genie
  1. Then the princess desired the Geni to count the Radishes, and he, to please her, did so.

  2. When one of these trees is cut down, the Geni grieves, and pleads for its life.

  3. Professor Mannhardt, says De Gubernatis, divulges to us the means employed by the Russian peasants to evoke the Lieschi, or Geni of the forest.

  4. In a painted temple at Pompeii, the Lotus-flower is represented above a geni or winged god.

  5. Then the Geni gave her some fresh Radishes, one of which, on being touched with the magic wand, became a bee.

  6. On the spot where the miraculous Palm is said to have once grown stands the idol of the Geni of the Lake, called Taroba.

  7. He is king of the forest; and so, in Switzerland and the Tyrol, the Geni of the Forest is always represented with an uprooted Fir-tree in his hand.

  8. This Geni dwells by preference in the Fir, and especially loves old trees.

  9. He is alive--go on," breathed Margaret to the pirouetting geni of her fairy-tale.

  10. Location, which also denotes place whence, is shown by i, geni i Saa, a Sa'a woman.

  11. The longer forms, those with i, are used as possessive pronouns when the suffixed pronoun can not be added: geni inau my wife.

  12. Te has practically the same meanings as ta: te geni sarii a maiden; te taifilia he alone; te aiai falaete one person only.

  13. The German Attack on Tahiti* *As Told by Miss Geni La France, an Eyewitness.

  14. Perhaps the most graphic story was that told by Miss Geni La France, a French actress.

  15. So for the last time the geni comes forth and spreads his rugs and carpets of white--the last flowers of the year.

  16. The geni grows old, his beard and hair are white as lamb's wool.

  17. But three times yearly the geni of the garden comes forth, on moist, moony nights, and changes the rugs of green in the aisles of the vineyards and the groves and the carpets of the fields.

  18. When nature is voluptuously mature the geni spreads his rugs and carpets of poppies.

  19. He had produced a cloud of smoke as dense as that which emanated from a Geni of the Lamp, and Severance could not pierce to his expression.

  20. As she walked towards the deepest recesses of the garden along the winding tracks between the rills she had no sensation of approaching the hidden home of the Geni of the garden.

  21. This was surely the geni of the garden, and his company would add to its mystery and fragrance.

  22. And the most daring Geni has a great dread of old fishing-nets.

  23. He stood there while the Geni who had been his guide explained to the others why he had come, and told them about the wonderful red and white seeds he carried about with him.

  24. At last a light came into his eyes; and he jumped up and asked the friendly Geni if he would make a little heap of stones at one side of the mortar.

  25. Now it is said that a wicked Geni will not come near a Chinese boy if he has some red silk braided in with his pigtail, or if he wears a silver chain round his neck.

  26. The Geni walked with him as far as the Black River, and when our hero saw the great waste of water as black as ink, stretching away in front of him, it must be confessed his heart sank a little.

  27. The Geni was not altogether a bad-hearted fellow, and he was also much impressed by the wonderful things Pei-Hang seemed able to do; so he offered to show him the nearest way to the home of the Genii, on the top of Mount Sumi.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "geni" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    genital organs; genitive case