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Example sentences for "gete"

Lexicographically close words:
gestures; gesturing; get; getai; getaway; geten; gethan; gether; gethered; geting
  1. This knight than dwelled fayre at home, The sothë for to saye, Tyll he had gete four hundred pound, Al redy for to pay.

  2. Take fyve of the best knyghtes That be in your lede, And walke downe by yon abbay, And gete you monkës wede.

  3. In every place where Robyn came Ever more he layde downe, Both for knyghtës and for squyres, To gete hym grete renowne.

  4. Thou shalt with me to grenë wode, Without ony leasynge, Tyll that I have gete us grace Of Edwarde, our comly kynge.

  5. And as these loveres doon, he soughte ay newe To gete ayein Criseyde, bright of hewe.

  6. The stuard stert and staryd abowte The steward finds If he mygħt ower gete owte he can't get out; Att hole lesse or mare.

  7. They of hem gete Metaphisic; phisic these rather feele; They natural, moral they rather trete; Theologie here ye is with to mete; Him liketh loke in boke historial.

  8. And riht so nowther mor ne lesse It stant of love and of lachesce: Som time he slowtheth in a day That he nevere after gete mai.

  9. Eneas ek withinne Ytaile, Ne hadde he wonne the bataille And don his miht so besily Ayein king Turne his enemy, He hadde noght Lavine wonne; Bot for he hath him overronne And gete his pris, he gat hire love.

  10. John Osberne seythe that he woll do me a frendes turne ther in and yitt gete hym self an hakeneye.

  11. I have moche payne to gete so moche mony.

  12. I have sent to Hary Halman of Sporylle to helpe to gete as ze desyerd me, and he canne not gette passyd v.

  13. I wolde nott that letter wer seyn with some folkys; wherffor I praye yow take good heede hoghe that letter comythe to yowr handys, hooll or brokyn, and in especiall I praye yow gete it, iff ye have it nott.

  14. Ye must gete a massanger of the Lords or sume other notabill man to bryng ther letters.

  15. And my lady my moder hath labored the mater to my ffadur full delygently, but sche can no mor gete then ye knowe of, for the whech God knowyth I am full sory.

  16. And I send my husbonde a bill of the mater that ze knowe of, and he wrote an other bill to me agayn towchyng the same mater; and he wold that ze schuld go un to my maistresse yowr modur, and asaye if ze myght gete the hole xxli.

  17. I knowe dyverse have lost mony er they cowde gete ther dywtes owte off the Staple.

  18. I sholde per case gete yowr obligacion to yow ageyn ffrom Kokett, and he pleasyd.

  19. It iss told me for serteyn that ther is none hey to gete at Caleys; wherfor if I mygh be pardond for eny kepyng of horse at Caleys till Myd somer, it wer a good torne.

  20. He is worthy of prayse, whiche enforceth him to gete by vertue greater Il est digne de louenge, qui senforce dacquerer par vertu plus haulte lyght, for of it to sparcle the beames through all the worlde.

  21. Wher for I have sent to Londun to myn onkyl Clement to gete an Cs.

  22. He is often tyms absent, and therfor I have it nowthg yyt; when I kan gete it, I schall send it yowe, and of the Kyngs mowth, hys name that take it hym.

  23. As towchyng for your leveryes, ther can noon be gete here of that coloure that ye wulde have of, nouther murrey, nor blwe, nor goode russets, undrenethe iijs.

  24. I pray yow to gete me his good Lordship, and that I may be toward hym in Norffolk in his Courts holdyng, or ellis, if ony thyng he haf to do; and that ye wole gete me a letter to Twyer to late me to sit in rest.

  25. And we shal gete a copy of Sewalys endenture, fermour of Bradwelle, and me semyth, savyng your bettyr avyse, it war right expedient that ye shuld for the sped of this mater be at London in al haste.

  26. Sir, he may do me a pety shame in distreyning and dryvyng awey to make me hevy, and hym not glad I hoop at the loong, but wroong shal he nor any other do me, wher I may gete remedy by the lawe in any place throw Goddis mercy.

  27. Fulthorp; and be cause ye spake to me that no mo shuld be sued owte, and I can gete no lybarate[77.

  28. I trust; not with standyng I suppose lerned men wyll not be easy for to gete be cause of this besy tyme of hervest.

  29. For-thi have mercy in thy mynde, And marchaundise leve it; 3060 For thow hast no good ground To gete thee with a wastel, But if it were with thi tonge, Or ellis with thi two hondes.

  30. Thow myghtest bettre meete myst On Malverne hilles, Than gete a mom of hire mouth, {14} Til moneie be shewed.

  31. And ye myght gete leve of owr Soverayn Lord the Kyng to com hydder, hyt schall turne yow to grete wurschup and profett, to helpe make owr a poyntement in the Kyngs name, for ye sawe never suche a syght of schyppys take in to Englond this c.

  32. I sopose ze xuld have seche thyngs of Ser Jon Fastolf, if ze wold send to hym; and also I wold ze xuld gete ij.

  33. Ryt wurchipful hwsbond, I recomawnd me to zu, and prey zw to gete som crosse bowis, and wyndacs[101.

  34. Kent, to gete the articles that they come for.

  35. Also, syr, I have spoke to a fryer that is conversaunt at Wykelwode wyth Randolffis dowter and he hath behestid me for to gete me Randolffis armes of hese dowter Wyltones wyf; but I have not yet spoke wyth the frier a yen.

  36. Item, and it pleased your gode maystershep to gete of my mayster Yelverton a supersedias for John Osborn and an othre for me.

  37. William Norwych tolde me that he durste undertake for to brynge yow un to my Lord, and make hym your ryght good Lord; and, Sir, my mayster counceyllyd yow that ze shuld not spare, but gete yow hese good Lordshep.

  38. Paston, of the maner of Oxenedes, in the countee of Northfolk; and for as meche as zour seid besecher can gete no counsell of men of court to be with hym in the seid matiers, by cause that the seid W.

  39. Kyng sent hym, and ye seyde a man shuld gete seche on for a noble.

  40. Or elles strokes thay shal gete By God and seynte Mary myn̄ avou[rh]!

  41. Kanstowe gete me that gyrdill by craft, to attempt to steal A thousande pounde than̄ shal I gefe the; 2336 it at night.

  42. That I may by your req{ue}st her gode grace gete ¶ And what payn or greef ye for me prouyde ¶ wythout ony grutchyng I shall it abyde.

  43. Som to one som to other as thei he{m} gete my{gh}te.

  44. But by hy{m} coud they gete but smal fauoure.

  45. I wol me gete prys or blame, And love trewe, to save my name; 3330 Who me chastysith, I him hate.

  46. I was bothe anguissous and trouble 1755 For the peril that I saw double; I niste what to seye or do, Ne gete a leche my woundis to; For neithir thurgh gras ne rote, Ne hadde I help of hope ne bote.

  47. Let bere hem to the spitel anoon, 6505 But, for me, comfort gete they noon.

  48. For to gete and have the Rose; Which makith thee so mate and wood That thou desirest noon other good.

  49. Take with thy teeth the bridel faste, To daunte thyn herte; and eek thee caste, 3300 If that thou mayst, to gete defence For to redresse thy first offence.

  50. To gete hir love no ner nas he That woned at home, than he in Inde; The formest was alway behinde.

  51. Thus shalt thou morne and eek compleyn, And gete enchesoun to goon ageyn Unto thy walk, or to thy place, 2505 Where thou biheld hir fleshly face.

  52. And after that to have my choys al free; This al and som, that I wolde speke and seye; 650 Ye gete no more, al-though ye do me deye.

  53. And the seconde cause is this, that sothly me semeth betre to wryten un-to a child twyes a good sentence, than he for-gete it ones.

  54. Ye gete no more of me, but ye wil rede (190) Thoriginal, that telleth al the cas.

  55. And theise Pissemyres ben gret as houndes: so that no man dar come to tho hilles: for the Pissemyres wolde assaylen hem and devouren hem anon; so that no man may gete of that gold, but be gret sleighte.

  56. Erthe oute of erthe is wondyrly wroghte, Erthe vpon erthe gete nobley of noughte, Erthe vpon erthe has sete all his thovghte How erthe vpon erthe may be hye brovghte.

  57. Thou shalt with me to grene wode, 145 Without ony leasynge, Tyll that I have gete us grace Of Edwarde, our comly kynge.

  58. In every place where Robyn came 65 Evermore he layde downe, Both for knyghtes and for squyres, To gete hym grete renowne.

  59. Take fyve of the best knyghtes That be in your lede, And walk downe by yon abbay,[L59] And gete you monkes wede.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gete" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.