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Example sentences for "gnaedige"

Lexicographically close words:
glycyrrhiza; glyph; glyphs; glyptic; gnadige; gnaediges; gnarl; gnarled; gnarly; gnash
  1. And now the best thing for the gnaedige Frau to do was to come back and act just as if nothing at all had happened.

  2. The porter told Lilly that the "gnaedige Frau" had recently moved into the suburbs, as she had become nervous of the town.

  3. Will not the gnaedige Frau leave an address?

  4. What did the gnaedige Frau take her for?

  5. No one could imagine what he did with himself, and it worried the Gnaedige Frau von Paretz to have him leave her.

  6. Our Crown Princess calls herself 'Gnaedige Frau von Paretz (the Gracious Lady of Paretz), and takes part in all the village festivities.

  7. Gnaedige Fraeulein," von Herrnung answered, "I have already told you.

  8. Gnaedige Graefin, may I give you a cigarette?

  9. Gnaedige Graefin," von Herrnung returned when interrogated, "I am not able to answer your question.

  10. Gnaedige Graefin, because that so coveted decoration is the reward of special service rendered to the Emperor.

  11. The Bursche who helped him off with his coat told him the gnaedige Frau had visitors and was in the drawing-room.

  12. It is nearly twelve o'clock, and the Gnaedige Frau told me I should hurry straight to bed and make up for the lost beauty-sleep, but I simply can't!

  13. I know no more than you know, gnaedige Frau," he said.

  14. Gnaedige Frau, in an ordinary way I avoid these festivities like the plague.

  15. You have been 'out' a great deal of late, gnaedige Frau.

  16. Gnaedige Frau, I wanted to tell you--if you don't mind, I will give up the riding.

  17. What should have happened, gnaedige Frau?

  18. Gnaedige Frau, your brother has only done what hundreds of young fellows do.

  19. But there is another class, thank Heaven, one which has taken your people as an example, gnaedige Frau.

  20. I am the gnaedige Frau," a low voice said shame-facedly, in a nervous, broken German.

  21. I beg your pardon, gnaedige Frau," he stammered at last, with his hand lifted mechanically to his helmet.

  22. By the way, I have a small invitation for you, gnaedige Frau," the elder officer went on.

  23. It is always a pleasure to see you, gnaedige Frau," Seleneck answered warmly.

  24. He cleared his throat in an emphatic significant manner, and observed: "The gnaedige Fraeulein will not be down to tea.

  25. Won't the gnaedige Frau and the young gentlemen be glad!

  26. You have certainly but slight reason to consider us wizards, gnaedige Frau!

  27. The gnaedige Fraeulein had risen quite suddenly from the piano-forte at which she had just been playing and singing, and turned to the door where I was--standing.

  28. To my room,' said the gnaedige Fraeulein; 'I have been suffering with headache all day.

  29. Your position, gnaedige Frau, is too secure for that; also you are too clever.

  30. Enormous things have been done, my dear gnaedige Frau, in the last few weeks, and disaffection now, even from you, would destroy the harmony.

  31. Your beauty is apparent to me, as it would be to a much younger man, I can assure you of that, my dear gnaedige Frau," said Voules.

  32. You will be good enough, gnaedige Frau," he commanded, "to be a little more precise and explicit.

  33. And you mean, gnaedige Frau, that this lady has vanished?

  34. Gnaedige Frau," he announced, "glorious things are shortly to occur!

  35. I do not forget, gnaedige Frau; but your complaisance on that account will be more than ever flattering.

  36. The pompous "Gnaedige Frau Doktorin" alone held her head erect and did not weep.

  37. A servant had entered the salon, and was announcing in a loud, unmistakable voice, "Herr von Sellenthin wishes to know if the Gnaedige Frau can receive him.

  38. Paulchen is dead, the gnaedige Frau has taken poison in her despair, and, though still alive, is unconscious.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gnaedige" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.