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Example sentences for "great idea"

  • And to-morrow I shall catch butterflies at my leisure, and lie among the dear old pines, and work at my great idea.

  • Listen to a great idea: there was a day on earth, and in the midst of the earth there stood three crosses.

  • My dear, I do this for the sake of a great idea," he said to me, obviously justifying himself.

  • He revealed to me that you were dominated by a 'great idea,' before which he and I were as nothing, but yet that I was a stumbling-block in your path.

  • What with the wind and the sun and the snow, the cheeks of both of them were like ripe chestnuts, and Doris's eyes began to sparkle as she listened to Cuthbert's great idea.

  • But I told you I was lucky, and so I was, for as it happened I had a great idea; and that was to try and save as many children as I could from being as miserable as I had been.

  • It was a gentler slope than the slope toward the town, and suddenly Cuthbert had a great idea.

  • What might pass as a casual remark to an outsider, might be a great idea to a writer.

  • But there is one time when even the amateur may write a musical comedy--when he has a great idea.

  • It struck me as a great idea for a title for a song, but I needed a note of jubilation, so I added 'Hooray, Hooray!

  • Now I see where one married woman has hit on a great idea.

  • Man must make sacrifices for a great idea, a great cause!

  • Dan helped me hobble away, and as we hit the utilidor, he whispered in my ear, "This was a great idea, Julius.

  • Then we do reviews at every stage of construction, check to see if anyone has had a great idea we haven't thought of and incorporate it, sometimes rolling back the work.

  • A great idea is poetry; a profound and farseeing idea is poetry, whether written with rhythm or not.

  • A poet does not have to sing a great idea, nor dance to it, nor put it to music.

  • A great idea like a passage in the Song of Myself could have been written by and can be appreciated by the people of another nation.

  • Very well, since you wish it, but you must give me time to work out my great idea.

  • Nicholas, like all men of his age and standing, has a great idea of the degeneracy of the times.

  • It should be added, that, in addition to his partiality for whistling, Mr. Wisbottle had a great idea of his singing powers.

  • Then most men think the gain, the triumph of a great idea, is worth the price it costs, the price of blood.

  • Give a great idea to an old man, and he carries it to his grave; give it to a young man, and he carries it to his life.

  • The Revolutionary war was the contest for a great idea.

  • But his genuine devotion, so unwearied and so paramount, to a great idea and a great purpose for the good of all generations to come, must shield him from the insult of Pope's famous and shallow epigram.

  • He has a great idea, but he must have public opinion behind it.

  • His scheme of things could embrace no great idea; and yet he, too, was a popular hero, and great throngs would go to Lords to see him play.

  • You know he has a great idea--the Federation of Europe.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great idea" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    great artist; great astonishment; great centre; great coat; great concern; great consolation; great disappointment; great family; great favor; great glee; great gods; great knowledge; great lady; great lord; great monastery; great party; great sacrifice; great spoonful; great state; greater length; greater perfection; greater pleasure; greater share; greatly admired; greatly improved; greatly relieved