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Example sentences for "hartebeeste"

Lexicographically close words:
harshest; harshly; harshness; hart; hartebeest; hartebeests; harted; hartely; hartes; hartie
  1. Hartebeeste and zebra swarmed in the grassy openings; and impalla in the brush.

  2. Generally these beasts frequent thin brush country; but I have three or four times seen them quite out in the open flat plains, feeding with the hartebeeste and zebra.

  3. Later, in like circumstances, we should have sallied forth in a businesslike fashion, dropped the requisite number of zebra and hartebeeste as near camp as possible, and called it a job.

  4. The hartebeeste also carries ticks but not nearly in the same abundance; while such creatures as the waterbuck, impalla, gazelles and the smaller bucks seem either to be absolutely free from the pests, or to have a very few.

  5. North of Fashoda we saw many herds of waterbuck, hartebeeste (Senegalensis?

  6. There are numbers of Uganda kob and hartebeeste on the banks, but remarkably few ducks or geese.

  7. The spoor of buffalo, rhinoceros, sable, and hartebeeste was plentiful, but nothing would satisfy me except eland, and it was not till midday that I found tracks fresh enough to follow.

  8. For months afterwards weary invalids from a distance continued to arrive at the "hartebeeste house" and to learn to their dismay that the physician had departed and left no address.

  9. A few minutes afterwards Gert Dragoonder dismounted, and, without waiting to remove the saddle from his smoking horse, hastened to the door of the "hartebeeste house.

  10. On several occasions he had pretended to be ill in order to have an excuse for visiting the "hartebeeste house," when the nasty decoctions he received from the hands of Jacomina tasted as sweet as nectar.

  11. Many a miserable sufferer has been brought to the "hartebeeste house" from distances that entailed a week's travelling over wretched roads in a jolting wagon.

  12. Uncle Diederick lived in a structure known in South Africa as a "hartebeeste house.

  13. The hartebeeste hut shown in the full-page camp scene in Kafirland, mostly used by colonial Hottentots, is simple and easy enough to make.

  14. We ran across the hartebeeste on our way home.

  15. A herd of hartebeeste and gazelle were grazing, and five giraffe adorned the sky-line.

  16. Two badly demoralized hartebeeste stamped out into the open and away; two only.

  17. This encouraged us to think we might find other game soon, for the hartebeeste is a gregarious animal.

  18. It must be remembered that this beast had the evening before killed a 350-pound hartebeeste with ease.

  19. Our men were already out of meat; the hartebeeste of yesterday had disappeared.

  20. The hartebeeste and the wildebeeste he learns quickly enough, and of course the zebra and the giraffe are unmistakable; but the smaller gazelles are legitimate subjects for discussion.

  21. Near sundown, to make our promise good, and also to give our own men a feast, I shot two hartebeeste near camp.

  22. Thereupon Mr. Hartebeeste jumped to his feet, flirted his tail gaily, and departed.

  23. The leopard had carried the hartebeeste bodily some distance, had thrust it under a bush, and had departed.

  24. Also we wished to decide for certain whether or not the hartebeeste here was really of the Neuman variety.

  25. The cause we discovered to be three hartebeeste strolling sociably along, stopping occasionally to snatch a mouthful, but headed always in the direction of the bushes behind which lay the great cat.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hartebeeste" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.