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Example sentences for "harshly"

Lexicographically close words:
harrying; harse; harsh; harsher; harshest; harshness; hart; hartebeest; hartebeeste; hartebeests
  1. You said ten minutes," Wendel was breathing harshly now and the veins on his forehead were thick blue cords.

  2. It flashed on him at once, that his tenant's husband was the servant of a family like this fellow; and, irritated that the whole matter should be thus broadly forced upon him in another way, he harshly asked him what he wanted.

  3. Linda could say nothing further, for an unbidden tear moistened her eyelid as she heard her mother speak so harshly of her lover.

  4. By others, by Sir Gregory Hardlines, Neverbend, and such men, I might expect to be judged harshly in such a matter.

  5. Harshly she met Mackenzie's efforts at first to dissuade her from this long-planned deed, yielding a little at length, not quite promising to withhold her hand when the step of her savage husband should sound outside the door.

  6. Mackenzie waited a little while for him to speak, holding him harshly by the collar.

  7. They were harshly repressed in Germany and Gaul, but found kindly welcome from Alfred in England.

  8. The instinct for beauty, and for joy and gladness, had been for twenty-one years repressed by harshly administered Puritanism.

  9. But the kindly efforts of these Christian people are unfortunately insufficient to offset the general policy of the American people as a whole, especially as that policy is embodied in a stern law that is most harshly enforced.

  10. Their view-point is so radically different from ours that we have often harshly misjudged them, when the real trouble has lain in our failure to understand them.

  11. All that France harshly obtained for Roman Catholic missions by the Berthemy convention of 1865 and by the haughty ultimatum of M.

  12. Sidenote: Luther] While Luther cared enormously for social reform, and did valiant service in its cause, he harbored a distrust of the people that grates harshly on modern ears.

  13. Children were brought up harshly in many families, {511} strictly in almost all.

  14. She wondered whether it would have assisted her to bring her baby girl, and wondered, too, how a man so rich and powerful as Mr. Manners could have the heart to behave so harshly to his only child.

  15. How would her parents receive him--her parents, to whom she was bound by the strongest links of love, and whom he had treated so harshly and unjustly?

  16. The Iroquois had not treated De Catinat harshly when they dragged him from the water into their canoe.

  17. It would be unworthy of him to speak harshly to one who was so afflicted.

  18. The sound of the chase broke in harshly upon my study of Congo missions.

  19. It really tickled too harshly as it went down.

  20. They were treated so harshly that even the humble peasant took up arms, and thus the peninsula, instead of serving as a basis of supplies, had to be garrisoned perpetually by a strong army.

  21. The Buddhist priests, also, who had been treated most harshly during the Taira tenure of power, found their fortunes restored under Kamakura's sway.

  22. To kill a toad, foretells that your judgment will be harshly criticised.

  23. If you dream you have the itch yourself, you will be harshly used, and will defend yourself by incriminating others.

  24. I had known a laughing girl with sunshine in her hair, a girl whose soft eyes had grown so tenderly deep when they rested upon Paul--but this that he took in his arms, while a single dry sob tore harshly at his throat, this was never Maida!

  25. His sobs cut harshly through the silence of the room.

  26. He spoke the Mercurian language, although the liquid intonations came harshly from his sneering lips.

  27. Neither would she deal harshly with Courtenay, though equally satisfied of his guilt ; and Renard, unable to penetrate her motives, began to apprehend that she still nourished a secret attachment to him.

  28. It cannot be," interposed Simon Renard, harshly ; "Lord Guilford Dudley must be separately confined.

  29. Not desiring to deal harshly with them, we shall not confine them longer within the Tower.

  30. He spoke harshly to her, he for whose smile, whose kindly glance she would have done any thing.

  31. The forbearance of the man and his generous feeling towards those who used him harshly finally became a wonder, and is to-day a joy for me to remember.

  32. Dear, dear, I wish I hadn't spoken so harshly to him last night, mother.

  33. But he said he was sorry he spoke so harshly to him.

  34. In vain I pleaded the order of the governor for my admittance; they again, harshly repeated, 'Depart, or we will pull you out.

  35. Colonials are also so harshly treated that they have not the chance or desire to rise.

  36. Kindness for the prince, to whose hand she may aspire, flows so spontaneously, her tender heart obeys its impulses so unresistingly, that both father and brother are afraid: both give her warning harshly and directly.

  37. I have been censured sometimes harshly for my versatility in the selection of wives and many have marvelled at my fortunate (or unfortunate) selections.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "harshly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abruptly; badly; cruelly; curtly; grimly; hard; hardly; harshly; heartlessly; home; painfully; rigorously; roughly; severe; severely; sharply; shortly; strictly