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Example sentences for "hoisting"

Lexicographically close words:
hoise; hoised; hoist; hoisted; hoister; hoists; hojas; hoki; hol; holcus
  1. The duty, in this case, was hoisting a load of 150 pounds out of a mine shaft by means of a cable.

  2. It is called a snatch-block and often employed for drawing water from wells, or for hoisting light weights.

  3. Finally, however, one of the sailors unearthed a large iron hook, such as is used on cranes and other hoisting machinery.

  4. Then the signal was given to resume hoisting the big fish aboard, and once more the crane started winding up the cable.

  5. Hoisting the British colours, he soon made out her number as the Nonsuch.

  6. In a short time a number of trucks arrived on the wharf, bringing bales and packages, which the crew began hoisting on board with the help of a crane and whips.

  7. Our topsails and courses were at once spread; and, then, the men on deck stood by the halliards, hoisting the yards up as soon as the word of command reached them from the commander with his next breath "Hoist away!

  8. The boatmen were astir before daylight, hoisting the sails, for the wind had turned to the north, as it often does after a thunderstorm.

  9. Using block and tackle in hoisting was a great help.

  10. Two or three men were already hoisting the anchor, the click-clicking of the capstan sounding sharply across the water.

  11. Never mind hoisting the boat,” said the lieutenant; “we’ll just take her in tow.

  12. One party was employed in hoisting out the provisions, another in starting the casks of wine and spirits; and such were the good discipline and right feeling of the men, that not one instance of intoxication occurred.

  13. Unfortunately, both the cutter and the barge, in hoisting out, were stove, and immediately swamped, no less than thirty men perishing with them.

  14. Their next object was to get up the tackles for hoisting out the boat, in case of their getting into clear water, or being obliged to quit the wreck.

  15. About noon, our drooping spirits were somewhat revived by seeing Lieutenant Harvey and Mr. Callam hoisting out a boat from one of the merchant ships to come to our assistance.

  16. By this time the breeze was freshening nicely, and Scudamore, ceasing to row, stepped the mast, and hoisting the brown sail, glided along at a merry pace and with a hopeful heart.

  17. He saw my design, and therefore bound me with cords to the main-mast, then hoisting sail, made towards the land, and got ashore.

  18. The duty remained, however, of hoisting the boat and resuming the course to Chemulpo.

  19. Presently he caught sight of a large junk, just hoisting its sails.

  20. To wind too tightly, as a spring, or too far, as a hoisting rope on a drum.

  21. A network of ropes used for various purposes, as for holding the hammocks when not in use, also for stowing sails, and for hoisting from the gunwale to the rigging to hinder an enemy from boarding.

  22. Any spar or projecting timber run out for temporary use, as from a ship's mast, to hold a rope or a sail extended, or from a building, to support hoisting teckle.

  23. These are the usual methods of securing the stone to the hoisting rope or chain, the hoisting being effected by a pulley and fall, by a crane, or by other means.

  24. Large stones are placed in position with the aid of hoisting appliances and should be tried in position before being finally set.

  25. They praised him for his self-control, and Frank for his plucky fight against such odds, and they fully agreed with Bert that hoisting was a poor business at best, and that he would be doing right to have nothing to do with it.

  26. For some minutes the issue was uncertain, although the hoisting party considerably outnumbered the anti-hoisting party.

  27. No exceptions had been made as to the hoisting since they had come to Dr.

  28. The boys have been hoisting the new chaps for ever so many years, and Dr.

  29. A subdued murmur of applause arose from the anti-hoisting party at the conclusion of the doctor's announcement.

  30. But there's one thing I've made up my mind to: I'm not going to have anything to do with hoisting other new boys.

  31. Be it, therefore, distinctly understood by the pupils of this school, that any future attempts at the hoisting of new boys will incur punishment, and possibly even expulsion from the school.

  32. Before quitting the bay the ceremony was performed of hoisting the Union Jack, first on the south shore, and then near the north head, formal possession of the territory being thus taken for the British crown.

  33. Never was such a hoisting and calling as those with which the hired piano was got up the three flights of stairs.

  34. A Bowline is used chiefly for hoisting and lowering; it can be used for a halter or with the Sheet-bend in making a guard-line or fence.

  35. The schooner rose from one heave to another to an even keel on the smooth length of it, hoisting her spanking gaffs, hauling aft the sheets, and slipping ahead once more to a breeze fed by the rain.

  36. At daybreak, however, our look-out could all of a sudden be seen hoisting the signal for a sail in sight, and waving his hat for us to come.

  37. When the girl breathlessly returned she said they were hoisting on the great southern tower the broad flag of Thuron, and that the people were cheering as if they were mad, but the cause of it all she could not learn.

  38. A pair of grappling dogs for hoisting logs and timber.

  39. A loop of rope, or a rope or chain with hooks, for suspending a barrel, bale, or other heavy object, in hoisting or lowering.

  40. Four or five negroes from up river put the fiber packages in the hoisting slings.

  41. We must chance hoisting the staysail," Wyndham remarked.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hoisting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.