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Example sentences for "horehound"

Lexicographically close words:
horde; horder; hordes; hordesmen; hore; horful; horgan; horis; horizon; horizons
  1. White horehound contains a volatile oil, resin, a crystallizable bitter principle termed marrubiin and other substances, and has a not unpleasant aromatic odour, and a persistent bitter taste.

  2. Formerly it was official in British pharmacopoeias; and the infusion, syrup or confection of horehound has long been in popular repute for the treatment of a host of dissimilar affections.

  3. Horehound is one of the five plants which are stated by the Mishna to be the "bitter herbs" ordered to be taken by the Jews at the Feast of the Passover.

  4. To dream of Horehound indicates that you will suffer imprisonment.

  5. Take a teaspoonful of the expressed juice of horehound (the herb) and mix it with a gill of new milk.

  6. Common Horehound grows up with square hairy stalks, half a yard or two feet high, set at the joints with two round crumpled rough leaves of a sullen hoary green colour, of a reasonable good scent, but a very bitter taste.

  7. A decoction of Horehound (saith Matthiolus) is available for those that have hard livers, and for such as have itches and running tetters.

  8. The root sends forth a number of long strings and small fibres, taking strong hold in the ground, of a dark yellowish or brownish colour, and abides as the Horehound does: the smell of the one not much differs from the other.

  9. There is a syrup made of Horehound to be had at the apothecaries, very good for old coughs, to rid the tough phlegm; as also to void cold rheums from the lungs of old folks, and for those that are asthmatic or short-winded.

  10. In Norfolk scarcely a cottage garden can be found without its Horehound corner; and Horehound beer is much drunk there by the natives.

  11. The Black Horehound (Ballota nigra), so called from its dark purple-coloured flowers, is likewise of common growth about our roadsides and waste places.

  12. Horehound tea may be made by pouring boiling water on the fresh leaves, an ounce to a pint, and sweetening this with honey: then a wineglassful should be taken three or four times in the day.

  13. And according to Columella, the Horehound is a serviceable remedy against the Cankerworm in trees: Profuit et plantis latices infundere amaros marrubii.

  14. Some writers suppose the Succory to be the Horehound of the Bible.

  15. Pour over this the horehound liquid made by steeping two ounces of dried horehound (which can be obtained at the drug store) in one pint of hot water.

  16. If you do not wish it to be very strong of horehound don't use quite so much.

  17. A plant allied to the horehound as a vascular stimulant and diuretic and a general tonic, employed in dropsy, gout, rheumatism, and uterine disorders.

  18. And if she had a cold, or any threatening of quinsy, she was to fly for her very life to the horehound mixture, put a stocking round her neck, and go to bed.

  19. If an invading fleet comes this way it should be encouraged by every possible means to land at the island; the heat, the thirst, the horehound beer, and the Islanders may be trusted to do the rest.

  20. I don't mind getting some horehound drops, but be careful now and don't spend too much.

  21. I take horehound drops sometimes," she said aloud, "for a cold.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "horehound" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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