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Example sentences for "horde"

Lexicographically close words:
hora; horam; horary; horas; hord; horder; hordes; hordesmen; hore; horehound
  1. He was the first realist in decoration, and from him come, by direct descent, Matisse and a horde of lesser men like Fritz Erler, Leo Putz, R.

  2. His mention of Poussin drove a horde of Scandinavians, Austrians and Bohemians to a contemplation of that artist.

  3. After him there came a horde of imitators who saw in negro sculpture the quintessence of artistic expression, who looked upon it as a finality of organisation and rhythmic composing.

  4. A horde of Germans would be upon him in a twinkling.

  5. A horde of Germans rushed up from the trenches and poured in a great stream into the open.

  6. I would risk my crown to wipe out our shame; for the crown will not be worth keeping if I am to be king of a horde of devils and strumpets.

  7. In protracting The Heroine almost to wearisome length, Barrett probably acted deliberately in mimicry of this and a horde of other tedious romances.

  8. That very day the news had arrived that a horde of foreign troops were descending the Alps to conquer Italy, and popular credulity made their numbers countless, invincible in arms, gigantic, cruel, and ferocious.

  9. I was one of the horde that swarmed over the hills.

  10. In the transient horde that poured into that town, he was the only one who hadn't come for quick, easy money.

  11. The party had reached that hill you see when suddenly out of the brush and the gulches and from behind the rocks came a horde of 'redskins,' yelling and shooting.

  12. The invading horde was not numerous, and during the next two centuries it became gradually merged in the Slavonic population.

  13. Backed by these greater baronies a horde of lesser adventurers obtained the royal "licence to make conquest on the Welsh.

  14. Yet it is probable that in the xith and xiith centuries, Nestorian Christianity was professed in the horde of the Keraites, (D'Herbelot, p.

  15. With a band of followers, attached to his person by common hope or common despair, Justinian fled from the inhospitable shore to the horde of the Chozars, who pitched their tents between the Tanais and Borysthenes.

  16. Joannice of Bulgaria had promised them help, and with a huge army, reinforced by a horde of Tartars, he laid siege to Adrianople.

  17. The so-called army of Frundsberg--a horde of robbers held together by the hope of plunder--marched without difficulty to the gates of Rome.

  18. For a week past the run had been slowly growing, while the canneries tested themselves, but on the opening day of the new month the horde issued boldly forth from the depths of the sea, and the battle began in earnest.

  19. Monsieur Albert Mousset, the shrewd Balkan expert of the Journal des Débats, has remarked that on too many parts of the 1913 frontier it is as if one forced an honest man to sleep with his door open among a horde of bandits.

  20. We have alluded to them as a horde of bandits, we have also spoken of the six battalions which they placed at the disposal of the Yugoslavs.

  21. A barbaric horde of cultural morons, with a civilized technology geared to mutual destruction.

  22. VI A horde of gaily dressed mammals surrounded me, their faces and bodies oddly fuzzy and distorted.

  23. Besides the military was a sober deputation of citizens, and hovering behind the whole a horde of curious, blanketed braves, come to get a first glimpse of the great white captain.

  24. As Hamilton, the Hair Buyer, made his rounds, he believed the town to be in possession of a horde of Kentuckians.

  25. The door opened, a man came out with a horde of children cowering at his heels, a volley of frightened words pouring from his mouth in a strange tongue.

  26. Farther and farther they went afield for game, and always they grumbled sorely against this horde which had driven the deer from his cover and the buffalo from his wallow.

  27. He was a rough backwoodsman with a wife and a horde of children.

  28. The whole now proceeds at the rate of about two miles an hour, and seldom performs a journey of more than eight miles; but, as the horde rests every fourth day, the average distance is but six miles a day.

  29. Before the Golden Horde could recover from this blow, it was again attacked, defeated, and plundered, by the khan of the Crimea.

  30. Here they spent nearly a month, during which time Professor Maxon was daily engaged in interviewing officials, English residents and a motley horde of Malays and Chinamen.

  31. Then with the balance of his horde he crept alone in the darkness until opposite Bududreen and the watchers about the chest.

  32. From him von Horn obtained an incoherent account of the attack, together with the statement that he was the only person in camp that escaped, all the others having been cut down by the savage horde that overwhelmed them.

  33. Calling aloud for those around him to come to his support he halted fifty yards from his boat just as Number Thirteen with his fierce, brainless horde swept up from the opposite side of the island in the wake of him who bore Virginia Maxon.

  34. Either she had become confused and lost in the jungle after she left him, or had fallen into the hands of the wild horde that had attacked the camp.

  35. Most of the soldiers thought the commander was too tender of such a horde of ruffians; but he regarded it as little better than murder to shoot or cut down the enemy, now entirely in his power.

  36. The footmen had hemmed in the horses in their efforts to escape the expected bullets; and there was no question in his mind that the horde had already been effectually defeated.

  37. We can do nothing against the horde of reserves massed behind the English firing line.

  38. Instead of the wise ministers prevailing at Paris, a horde of mad, insensate creatures are ruling the Assembly, the city, the whole country!

  39. And this horde of undisciplined troops, for which you are responsible--do you not tremble for your authority when you deny the King's?

  40. Besides these a horde of imitators fattened for a time upon exposure.

  41. His arguments were taken over the country by a horde of speakers whom Hanna organized, who reached and educated every voter whose mind was open on the silver question.

  42. And whilst this was doing above, another horde of buccaneers swarmed through the hatch to the main deck below to overpower the gun-crews at their stations there.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "horde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    army; assemble; assembly; band; bunch; clot; cluster; collect; company; congregate; converge; copulate; couple; crowd; crush; date; deluge; drove; flock; flood; forgather; fuse; galaxy; gather; gathering; heap; herd; hive; horde; host; huddle; jam; league; link; mass; meet; merge; mill; mob; multiply; multitude; muster; number; pack; panoply; press; push; rabble; rally; rendezvous; rout; ruck; seethe; spate; squash; stream; surge; swarm; throng; unite