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Example sentences for "forgather"

Lexicographically close words:
forfeiture; forfeitures; forfend; forgat; forgate; forgathered; forgave; forgavest; forge; forged
  1. But I, O my lady, will do thee a service and cause thee forgather with him ere long.

  2. But if it need must be and I have the fortune to forgather with my mother and sisters and father, then and then only it shall take place.

  3. So he arose and threw himself upon her and embraced her and after he veiled her face with a kerchief was with him, and her husband exclaimed, "Would to Heaven that I also could forgather with my wife.

  4. They nighted in that stead and the tidings soon reached the ears of the youth's wife, the Princess who had been saved from the Elephant, and she said to her sire, "I also needs must go to him and forgather with him.

  5. And now there is no help but that I forgather with the Wazir and see what there may be to do and how this occurred.

  6. Moreover, haply shall someone of this place pass by me and from him I may ask tidings concerning this region and peradventure Almighty Allah shall guide me back to my own country and I shall forgather with my father and my folk and my friends.

  7. Do thou come to her at once and if thou delay but a little thou mayst not avail to possess her nor may she possess thee, and if thou be really minded to forgather with her come with all speed.

  8. Peradventure may Allah Almighty deign unite me with him and gar me forgather with him; for, Walláhi!

  9. Rejoined the other, "Thou art now a Moslem even as I am a Moslem, and it besitteth thou apprise me of all and whatsoever befalleth in the ship, but first art thou able to gar me forgather with the other True Believers?

  10. And now 'tis my desire to fare and look upon my pages and to forgather with Yahya my cousin, the son of the King's sister and greet them and dismiss them to their homesteads, after which I will return to thee forthright.

  11. In those days there was no place in a club forced to forgather in a single room for men who could not talk well and laugh loudly.

  12. This is the Wazir who caused me forgather with thee;" presently adding to the Shaykh, "What may be thy need?

  13. Their meetings are interrupted by the advent of winter, but he finds her again at the feast of Venus, when shepherds, fauns, and nymphs forgather at the temple of the goddess.

  14. There's a time for a' thing, and your time 's no come to forgather wi' this loaf yet.

  15. I downa forgather wi' thae things twice in the four-and-twenty hours.

  16. So it is curious they should forgather after death.

  17. Barty was a man's man par excellence, and loved to forgather with men.

  18. And yet, although he loved best to forgather with those of his own sex, woman meant much for him!

  19. And not a few, feigning a mighty tender regard to my fame, aver that I should do more wisely to keep ever with the Muses on Parnassus, than to forgather with you in such vain dalliance.

  20. No longer would she forgather with the neighbors over a pot of tea for a pleasant vindictive chat.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forgather" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    assemble; bunch; clot; cluster; collect; congregate; converge; copulate; couple; crowd; date; forgather; fuse; gather; hive; horde; huddle; league; link; mass; meet; merge; mill; muster; rally; rendezvous; seethe; stream; surge; swarm; throng; unite