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Example sentences for "hydrothermal"

Lexicographically close words:
hydrostatics; hydrosulphite; hydrosulphuric; hydrotherapeutic; hydrotherapy; hydrothorax; hydrous; hydroxid; hydroxide; hydroxides
  1. A number of such experiments have been made with both calorimeters and it has been found that the hydrothermal equivalent of the bed calorimeter is not far from 21 kilograms.

  2. The most satisfactory method at present known of determining the hydrothermal equivalent of the body is to assume the specific heat of the body as 0.

  3. By means of the electrical check experiments, however, a method for determining the hydrothermal equivalent is at hand.

  4. In other words, the determination of the hydrothermal equivalent is essential.

  5. It is our custom, therefore, to compute the hydrothermal equivalent by multiplying the body-weight by the specific heat of the body, commonly assumed as 0.

  6. In order to make accurate measurements, therefore, of the heat-production as distinguished from the heat elimination, we should know with great accuracy the hydrothermal equivalent of the body and changes in body temperature.

  7. As has been previously described, the zinc wall is arbitrarily heated so that its temperature fluctuations will follow exactly those of the inner wall, hence it is impossible to compute from the weight of the metal the hydrothermal equivalent.

  8. From the weight of the subject and this factor the hydrothermal equivalent of the body can be calculated.

  9. Such corrections are impossible unless a proper determination of the hydrothermal equivalent has been made.

  10. A number of experiments to determine this hydrothermal equivalent have been made and the results are recorded beyond, together with a discussion of the nature of the experiments.

  11. The large majority of the methods for determining the hydrothermal equivalent of materials are at once eliminated when the nature of the calorimeter here used is taken into consideration.

  12. Yet, if this change is due to hydrothermal metamorphism, we ought to find altered rocks of this kind in the vicinity of the boiling-springs.

  13. These appearances may probably be due to hydrothermal action (see Chapter 33).

  14. Hydrothermal Action, or the Influence of Steam and Gases in producing Metamorphism.

  15. The auriferous quartz of these drifts is derived from veins apparently due to hydrothermal agency, proceeding from granite and penetrating strata supposed to be of Jurassic and Triassic date.

  16. Association with typical hot-water minerals and hydrothermal alterations of the wall rock are again believed to indicate the origin of the ores through ascending hot solutions from a deep source.

  17. The gold also contained in the trap dykes themselves is always accompanied by pyrites, both (according to Daintree), hydrothermal products separating out during the cooling down of the trap intrusions.

  18. These occurrences are generally held to be due to hydrothermal or geyser action.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hydrothermal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.