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Example sentences for "hydrous"

Lexicographically close words:
hydrosulphuric; hydrotherapeutic; hydrotherapy; hydrothermal; hydrothorax; hydroxid; hydroxide; hydroxides; hydroxy; hydroxyl
  1. Native hydrous carbonate of copper, usually occurring in green mammillary masses with concentric fibrous structure.

  2. A massive and fibrous mineral of a whitish color, chiefly hydrous silicate of lime.

  3. It is a hydrous silicate of alumina and soda.

  4. An olive-green mineral, a hydrous arseniate of copper; olive ore.

  5. It is a hydrous silicate of magnesia, and is obtained chiefly in Asia Minor.

  6. A greenish yellow or green mineral, consisting chiefly of the hydrous silicate of iron.

  7. A hydrous sulphate of iron of a green color and vitreous luster; iron vitriol.

  8. It is a hydrous silicate of alumina, lime, and soda.

  9. It is a hydrous phosphate of alumina and magnesia.

  10. A hydrous chloride of calcium and magnesium occurring in yellowish masses which rapidly deliquesce upon exposure.

  11. It is a hydrous silicate of lime and soda.

  12. They are hydrous silicates, derived generally from the alteration of some kind of mica.

  13. A hydrous phosphate of alumina and manganese.

  14. It is a hydrous vanadate of copper and lime.

  15. A hydrous silicate of alumina and baryta, occurring usually in white cruciform crystals; cross-stone.

  16. A hydrous arsenate of lime, usually occurring in silky fibers of a white or grayish color.

  17. An amorphous mineral of apple-green color; a hydrous silicate of nickel and magnesia.

  18. It is a hydrous silicate of aluminia, lime, and soda.

  19. It is a hydrous silicate of alumina and manganese.

  20. Hunt, to be composed of a new hydrous silicate, allied to serpentine, and which he named loganite: one of these specimens is represented in fig.

  21. Since my attention has been directed to this subject, many illustrations have come under my notice of Silurian limestones in which the pores of fossils are infiltrated with hydrous silicates akin to glauconite and serpentine.

  22. The mode of filling thus suggested for the chambers and tubes of Eozoon, is precisely that which takes place in modern Foraminifera filled with glauconite, and in Palæozoic crinoids and corals filled with other hydrous silicates.

  23. Analysis shows these glauconites to be essentially hydrous silicates of protoxyd of iron, with more or less alumina, and small but variable quantities of magnesia, besides a notable amount of potash.

  24. Edward Turner, and in another examined by Berthier, from the calcaire grossier, near Paris, which is essentially a serpentine in composition, being a hydrous silicate of magnesia and protoxyd of iron.

  25. From some peculiarity in the conditions of the case, however, our Protozoon usually becomes petrified with a hydrous silicate instead of with pure silica.

  26. Shell from a Silurian Limestone, Wales; its cavity filled with a Hydrous Silicate.

  27. A hydrous phosphate of iron occurring in yellow radiated tufts.

  28. A hydrous silicate of copper, occurring massive, of a blue or greenish blue color.

  29. A hydrous silicate of magnesium, allied to serpentine, occurring in waxlike masses of a yellow or greenish color.

  30. It is a hydrous silicate of cerium and allied metals.

  31. A hydrous borate of lime occurring in transparent colorless or white crystals, also massive, in Southern California.

  32. A soft earth, which is plastic, or may be molded with the hands, consisting of hydrous silicate of aluminium.

  33. A hydrous chloride of potassium and magnesium, sometimes found associated with deposits of rock salt.

  34. It is essentially a hydrous silicate of alumina and lime.

  35. They are hydrous silicates of alumina, iron, and magnesia.

  36. It is essentially a hydrous silicate of iron.

  37. A hydrous sulphate of copper and lead, found in some parts of Caledonia or Scotland.

  38. It is a hydrous silicate of alumina and lime.

  39. It is a hydrous sulphate of iron and potash.

  40. Hydrous sulphate of magnesia found at the salt mines of Stassfurt, Prussian Saxony.

  41. It is a hydrous silicate of iron and alumina.

  42. Defn: A hydrous phosphate of iron of a blue to green color, growing darker on exposure.

  43. Defn: A hydrous carbonate of nickel occurring as an emerald-green incrustation on chromite; -- called also emerald nickel.

  44. Defn: A mineral or rock consisting chiefly of the hydrous silicate of magnesia.

  45. Defn: A hydrous silicate of alumina and baryta, occurring usually in white cruciform crystals; cross-stone.

  46. It is a hydrous phosphate of magnesia and ammonia.

  47. Defn: A hydrous silicate of alumina, of a greenish color, which, in certain states of humidity, appears transparent and almost gelatinous.

  48. Defn: A common mineral of the zeolite family, a hydrous silicate of alumina and lime, usually occurring in sheaflike aggregations of crystals, also in radiated masses.

  49. It is a hydrous alkaline silicate, and is derived from the alteration of other minerals, as iolite.

  50. Defn: A mineral, usually of a white or greenish color and pearly luster, consisting chiefly of the hydrous silicate of alumina.

  51. Defn: A hydrous carbonate of magnesia occurring in white, early, amorphous masses.

  52. The colour is due to the presence of nickel, probably in the form of a hydrous silicate.

  53. Chemically, it is a hydrous aluminium silicate, Al2SiO5.

  54. Thus, not only in the prevalence of Foraminifera, but in the formation of hydrous silicates, does the Cretaceous recall the Laurentian.

  55. Now this Glauconite, a hydrous silicate of iron and potash, is akin to similar materials found filling the pores of fossils in Silurian beds.

  56. A hydrous carbonate of copper and zinc, found in pale green or blue crystalline aggregations.

  57. It is composed essentially of hydrous silicates of alumina, or more rarely of magnesia.

  58. It is a hydrous silicate of aluminia, baryta, and strontia.

  59. Hydrous carbonate of bismuth, an earthy mineral of a dull white or yellowish color.

  60. A hydrous sulphate of magnesium and sodium.

  61. A hydrous sulphate of iron of a deep red color.

  62. By supplying moisture at every point of the immense included space, it determines the formation of hydrous sulphuric acid, from the compound of nitric, nitrous, sulphurous, and dry sulphuric acids.

  63. Yellow mercuric oxide (10%) in water, hydrous wool fat and petrolatum.

  64. Red mercuric oxide (10%) in water, hydrous wool fat and petrolatum.

  65. A purified native hydrous magnesium silicate, sometimes containing a small amount of aluminum silicate.

  66. Pilular extract of belladonna leaves (10%) in diluted alcohol, hydrous wool fat and benzoinated lard.

  67. A hydrous carbonate of alumina and soda, occuring in white, bladed crustals.

  68. A mineral of a green color and pearly luster; a hydrous phosphate of copper.

  69. A hydrous silicate of copper, occurring in emerald-green crystals.

  70. It is a hydrous silicate of alumina and baryta.

  71. It is a hydrous silicate of nickel, magnesia, aluminia, and iron.

  72. A hydrous arsenate of iron occurring in green or yellowish green cubic crystals; cube ore.

  73. A mineral, usually of a pale brown or of a gray or grayish green color, consisting chiefly of the hydrous silicate of iron and manganese; -- so called from the odor given off before the blowpipe.

  74. A mineral, usually of a white or greenish color and pearly luster, consisting chiefly of the hydrous silicate of alumina.

  75. A hydrous phosphate of zinc in transparent prismatic crystals.

  76. A soft black, iron ore, nearly earthy, a hydrous silicate of iron.

  77. A hydrous silicate of alumina and baryta, occurring usually in white cruciform crystals; cross- stone.

  78. It is a hydrous silicate of iron and potash.

  79. A hydrous salt; a salt combined with water of hydration or crystallization.

  80. A mineral consisting of the hydrous sulphate of lime (calcium).

  81. A hydrous oxide of iron, occurring in prismatic crystals, also massive, with a fibrous, reniform, or stalactitic structure.

  82. A hydrous carbonate of magnesia occurring in white, earthy, amorphous masses.

  83. In the hematitic iron ores of Lake Superior, magnetism is less pronounced than in the magnetites; and in the soft hydrous hematites, like those of the Mesabi district, it may cause only slight disturbance of the magnetic needle.

  84. In the weathering of ordinary rocks the bases are leached out and carried away, leaving a porous mass of clay (hydrous aluminum silicates), quartz, and iron oxide.

  85. Tourmaline is a complex hydrous silicate of aluminum and boron, with varying amounts of magnesium, iron, and alkalies.

  86. Deposits of bauxite usually contain as impurities silica (in the form of kaolin or hydrous aluminum silicate), iron oxide, and titanium minerals, in varying proportions.

  87. The principal minerals from which aluminum is recovered today are hydrous aluminum oxides, the most prominent of which are bauxite, gibbsite, and diaspore--the aggregate of all these minerals going commercially under the name of bauxite.

  88. A subordinate amount may come directly from igneous emanations or from destruction of certain hydrous minerals.

  89. The principal sources of uranium and radium are the minerals carnotite (hydrous potassium-uranium vanadate) and pitchblende or uraninite (uranium oxide).

  90. In these and other localities, as in the level country around Ndranimako on the right side of the Yanawai estuary, we find curious concretions of the same kind of hydrous silica more or less crystalline.

  91. I have described on a later page certain concretions found associated with these silicified corals which though formed of the same crypto-crystalline hydrous silica, are apparently silicified portions of nullipore-rocks.

  92. The hydrous piceus is here represented of the natural size; the ground colour is black, with a shade of bronze, and the margins of the elytra are tinged with green and purple.

  93. The large, harmless Hydrous piceus, the lively Notanecta, Gyrinus, and Nepa, are essential to the collection.

  94. It is a hydrous silicate of calcium and potassium.

  95. A white fibrous mineral frequently found on the walls of mines and quarries, chiefly hydrous sulphate of alumina; Ð also called feather alum, and hair salt.

  96. According to Dana (System of Mineralogy 689), it is cimolite, a hydrous silicate of aluminium.

  97. From this last term comes the modern melanterite, native hydrous ferrous sulphate.

  98. It is certain, however, that the finer-grained rocks are richest in alumina, and in combined water; hence the inference is clear that kaolin or some other hydrous aluminium silicate is the dominating constituent.

  99. A hydrous phosphate of alumina, occurring usually in hemispherical radiated forms varying in color from white to yellow, green, or black.

  100. A hydrous sulphate of alumina occurring in white reniform masses.

  101. A hydrous phosphate of iron of a blue to green color, growing darker on exposure.

  102. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hydrous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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