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Example sentences for "likelie"

Lexicographically close words:
likable; like; likeable; liked; likee; likelier; likeliest; likelihood; likelihoods; likely
  1. But at the deliuerie of the monie, and by a certeine kind of hap, the Romans name was preserued at that time from such dishonor and ignominie as was likelie to haue insued.

  2. And that he could not well otherwise doo, seeing that the earle of Warwike had so farre mooued alreadie: which were not likelie to take it well, if all his voiage were in such wise frustrate, and his appointment deluded.

  3. Now then, if she doubt, least he might be fetched from hir, is it not likelie inough that she shall send him some where out of the realme?

  4. What cause he had so to thinke, hard it is to saie; whether he being toward him, anie thing knew that he such thing purposed, or otherwise had anie inckeling thereof: for he was not likelie to speake it of nought.

  5. To this councell they tooke diuerse, such as they thought meetlie to be trusted, likelie to be induced to that part, and able to stand them in steed either by power or policie.

  6. Now be those greefs passed, and all is (God be thanked) quiet, and likelie right well to prosper in wealthfull peace vnder your coosins my children, if God send them life and you loue.

  7. To be bréefe, the Britains were brought into such danger and miserie, that they knew not what way to take for remedie in such present perill, likelie to be ouerrun and vtterlie vanquished of their enimies.

  8. To be short, it was not long yer this grudge grew so far, that ciuill war was verie likelie to haue followed thervpon.

  9. Whilest king Henrie thus politikelie prouided for his affaires at home, Sauerie de Mauleon made prouision in Guien to withstand such perils and dangers as he saw most likelie to issue by the practises of the Frenchmen.

  10. The king hauing thus spoken, there was not one that went about to breake him of his will, but they all glorified God, who had prouided them such a king as was likelie to prooue discreet and wise.

  11. The lord chancellor Michaell de la Poole seeming to fauour his cause, was likelie to haue run in high displeasure.

  12. In the end, winning all the nobilitie wholie vnto hir will, and seeing the coast to be cleare on euerie side, without any doubt of tempestuous weather likelie to arise, she signified the whole matter vnto K.

  13. For it is not likelie that God, in whose hands is the bestowing of all souereigntie, will suffer such an indignatie to be doone to his sacred maiestie, and will suffer the same to passe with impunitie.

  14. A man would thinke that our laws were able inough to make sufficient prouision for the redresse of this error & enormitie likelie to insue.

  15. Wherfore as Wilden Arguis also noteth in his philosophie and tractation of meteors, it is verie likelie that they were onelie caused by the violent motion and working of the sea, in the time of the floud, which if S.

  16. Citizens and burgesses haue next place to gentlemen, who be those that are free within the cities, and are of some likelie substance to beare office in the same.

  17. But more of this else-where, sith I am now onelie to speake of Dour, wherof it is likelie that the towne & castell of Douer did sometime take the name.

  18. Sidenote: The earles cause iust and right, & therefore likelie of good successe.

  19. The horssemen made such diligence, and with such celeritie set forward their iournie, that nothing was more likelie than they to haue obteined, yea and seized their preie.

  20. Which vengeance of God for such falshood was more to be feared, than the gaie offers of the king to be desired; for the one was sure to fall, the other was likelie to faile.

  21. Thus in the fourteenth yeare of her reign, by order of her council, the citizens of London, assembling in their several halles, the masters chose out the most likelie and active persons of their companies to be pikemen and shot.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "likelie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.