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Example sentences for "maides"

Lexicographically close words:
maidenhair; maidenhood; maidenliness; maidenly; maidens; maidish; maids; maidservant; maidservants; maie
  1. And maides shall bee with childe, like Merlins mother.

  2. Samuel Whiting, of Lynn, that "once coming among a gay partie of yong people he kist all ye maides and said yt he felt all ye better for it.

  3. It was neatly adorned with green bows and other hangings and made very faire to look upon, ye wreaths being mostly wrought by ye young folk, they meeting together, both maides and young men, and having a merry time in doing ye work.

  4. Some seats were put up on ye scaffoldes whereon might sitt such of ye antient women as would see & ye maides and children.

  5. He is already Traduc'd for Leuity, and 'tis said in Rome, That Photinus an Eunuch, and your Maides Mannage this warre Cleo.

  6. But Othello, speake, Did you, by indirect, and forced courses Subdue, and poyson this yong Maides affections?

  7. The Captaine that did bring me first on shore Hath my Maides garments: he vpon some Action Is now in durance, at Maluolio's suite, a Gentleman, and follower of my Ladies Ol.

  8. True, and therefore women being the weaker Vessels, are euer thrust to the wall: therefore I will push Mountagues men from the wall, and thrust his Maides to the wall Greg.

  9. If you vse them Margaret, you must put in the pikes with a vice, and they are dangerous weapons for Maides Mar.

  10. Alas, what danger will it be to vs, (Maides as we are) to trauell forth so farre?

  11. And your waste Mistris, were as slender as my wit, One a these Maides girdles for your waste should be fit.

  12. Exit bearing Anthony Enter Cleopatra, and her Maides aloft, with Charmian & Iras.

  13. Three kytchen maides have lefte us latelye for barbyng themselves upon hydden hookes that doe scatter our shelves and drawers.

  14. No, sir; it fits not maides to fight with men.

  15. How many maides this night lyes in their beds, And dreame that they have lost their maidenheads!

  16. It ye two bidde me, we will with him pitche a fielde, I and my maides together.

  17. Go to, there's no wrong Like this, to let maides lye alone so long: Lying alone they muse but in their beds How they might loose their long kept maiden heads.

  18. Yet Maides are fearefull; for by mens abuse, Courting is turned to a common vse, How is he held, that cannot in these dayes Fash'on his words to each fantasticke phrase?

  19. If the Maides a spinning goe, Burne the flax, and fire the tow: Bring in pails of water then, Let the Maides bewash the men.

  20. Most maides are Wardes, and euery wife a slaue, I haue my livery sued,[146] and I am free.

  21. How many maides do dwell within this house?

  22. Bring forth such maides as are within your house!

  23. Go round about to every neighbours house, And will them shew their maides immediately: God grant we may finde out the murtherers.

  24. That may not be (said he) ne maist thou yit Forgo that royall maides bequeathed care, 8 Who did her cause into thy hand commit, Till from her cursed foe thou haue her freely quit.

  25. Shee's in a frock of Lincolne greene The colour maides delight And neuer hath her beauty seen But through a vale of white.

  26. Let thy Maides from FLORA'S bowers, With their Choyce and daintiest flowers Decke Thee vp, and from their store, With braue Garlands crowne that dore.

  27. If ploughman get hatchet or whip to the skreene, maides loseth their cock if no water be seene.

  28. Bring in pailes of water then, Let the maides bewash the men:-- Give S.

  29. For the remedying of the Mischiefe and for establishing a perpetuitie of the Plantation," he proposed the sending of "one hundred young maides to become wives.

  30. The editions prior to the Folio of 1679 are as follows: (%A%) The Maides Tragedy.

  31. That was a faire Boy, certaine, but a foole, To love himselfe; were there not maides enough?

  32. So manye maides of faire young pryde make hard the chosynge then.

  33. The cosmetykes of cheatynge maides are instante knowne to use to be abhorrede.

  34. Her Priests doe groane, her maides are comfortlesse, 15 And shee's unto her selfe a bitternesse.

  35. Her corpse shall be attended By maides in fair array, Till the obsequies are ended, 15 And she is wrapt in clay.

  36. I wish all maides be warnd by mee Nevir to trust mans curtesy; For if we doe bot chance to bow, They'le use us then they care not how.

  37. In Philaster, The Maides Tragedy, and A King and No King the central idea is of contrast between sentimental love and unbridled lust, and this gives rise to misunderstanding, intrigue, and violence.

  38. There is nothing neurotic, nothing insidious in The Maides Tragedy and A King and No King.

  39. In the corresponding scene of The Maides Tragedy (II, 1), Beaumont had created a model: Amintor bears himself with dignity toward his shameless and contemptuous bride.

  40. The defect in the construction of the Maides Tragedy, if there is one, lies in the failure of the Maid and her deserter to meet between the first scene of the second act and the third of the fifth.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "maides" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.