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Example sentences for "maidenly"

Lexicographically close words:
maide; maiden; maidenhair; maidenhood; maidenliness; maidens; maides; maidish; maids; maidservant
  1. Indeed, she sought confirmation of her hopes as often as maidenly modesty permitted, which was pretty frequent, for maidenly modesty has its diplomacy also; besides, has not a reigning beauty liberty to pay court?

  2. Even in the face of her maidenly fears, she would encounter anything rather than Richard should for her sake be false.

  3. The nymphs in the foreground are also said to be unspeakably lovely, and endowed with the most intimate charm of maidenly innocence.

  4. The defiance was prompted by a high-bred maidenly sense of propriety and by something else.

  5. Pamela is very pure and modest, bears her afflictions with much meekness, and is a model of maidenly prudence and rectitude.

  6. He held her close, knew the sweet delight of contact with the supple, surrendered figure, then released her as she drew away in maidenly reserve.

  7. Miss Millicent Chyne was waiting for him with that mixture of maidenly feelings of which the discreet novelist only details a selection.

  8. She had to work it out by herself, steering through the quicksands by that compass that knows no deviation--the compass of her own honour and maidenly reserve.

  9. In the first scene with Angelo she seems divided between her love for her brother and her sense of his fault; between her self-respect and her maidenly bashfulness.

  10. Perhaps maidenly shame would have belied her feelings in his actual presence, perhaps she would not have shrunk from him, and been more cold than in her unconsciousness, but he came not; and his absence fanned the spark so tardily kindled.

  11. Hermia, it is not friendly in you, it is not maidenly to join with men in scorning your poor friend.

  12. Then came the parting, and the quiet palace-home was stiller and shadier than ever, when the gracious maidenly presence had gone, when the opening rose was plucked from the parent stem, and only the bud left.

  13. The author of it had apparently been unable to withstand her maidenly curiosity, and had been listening to all that had been said.

  14. But no sooner did I, somewhat taken aback by this severe maidenly reserve, make her a proposal that aimed at nothing less than our marriage and her retirement from the stage, than her tone changed.

  15. She had induced them to give her a large crucifix; she pressed it vehemently against her poor maidenly breast, exclaiming that she would like to thrust it into her bosom and leave it there.

  16. She confessed to herself that in that scene in the hall she had acted as an undutiful daughter, and even, at the conclusion of it, with want of maidenly reserve and self-respect.

  17. The ladies even went so far as to justify her conduct; and the archdeacon, speaking as a spiritual father, considered it sufficiently condoned by the exhortation he administered on the duty of maidenly reserve and the virtue of checking anger.

  18. It was but for a moment, however, and then it was not only maidenly instinct which made her draw herself free from his embrace.

  19. She is, moreover, guileless in her thoughts, and recoils with true maidenly timidity from every sin.

  20. Had he guessed the secrets of this soul, at once so maidenly and chaste, and yet so passionate and energetic?

  21. The air of infidelity is not thus unembarrassed--of such maidenly delicacy.

  22. Poor, innocent child, that in her unconscious trepidation wished to intrench herself behind her grandeur, as behind a shield, which might conceal her maidenly fear and girlish anxiety!

  23. There should be no wounds to her maidenly pride that he could spare her.

  24. If so, I am truly happy to think that she will have a friend, whose maidenly reserve and heavenly wisdom may guide her through all dangers and difficulties in safety.

  25. She was indeed a precious jewel, and the passion of his stormy heart was tempered by such genuine reverence that he gladly kept within the bounds which her maidenly modesty prescribed.

  26. The reserve of her calm and maidenly nature broke down; in her ecstasy she snatched from her shoulder the wreath of ivy with which Diodoros had decked her, and waved it aloft.

  27. Did she, whose coy and maidenly austerity before and after the intoxication of the dance had vouchsafed him hardly a kind look or a clasp of the hand-did she even yearn for some tender embrace alone and in darkness?

  28. Judith was grown to womanly age and ways and perfected in every maidenly attraction.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "maidenly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    beardless; boyish; callow; celibate; chaste; childish; childlike; continent; dewy; evergreen; female; feminine; firsthand; fledgling; fresh; girlish; green; immature; intact; kittenish; ladylike; maiden; maidenly; matronly; nestling; new; original; petticoat; pristine; puerile; pure; raw; single; sole; unbeaten; undeveloped; unfledged; unmarried; untouched; untried; untrodden; unused; vernal; vestal; virgin; virginal; womanish; womanly; young