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Example sentences for "unmarried"

Lexicographically close words:
unmanured; unmapped; unmarked; unmarketable; unmarred; unmask; unmasked; unmasking; unmasks; unmatchable
  1. On the whole, therefore, it seems certain that an unmarried clergy more easily maintains both its own dignity and the distinction between itself and the laity.

  2. Unmarried people have often a great vague dread of their future wife's relations, even when the lady has not yet been fixed upon, and married people have sometimes found the reality more terrible even than their gloomy anticipation.

  3. This unmarried woman gave birth to a child every year, and, as is the custom in the villages, baptized them; then neglected the troublesome newcomers, and they finally starved to death.

  4. Maslova was the daughter of an unmarried menial who lived with her mother, a cowherd, on the estate of two spinsters.

  5. But men were very far from having attained it; and children born of unmarried parents were still treated as if they were criminals.

  6. What she experienced in this respect was no doubt heightened by the state of celibacy and restraint in which she had hitherto lived, and to which the rules of polished society condemn an unmarried woman.

  7. There were then staying with Lady Kingsborough her step-mother and her three unmarried step-sisters and several guests.

  8. The unmarried woman will not lack opportunity for the dignity of self-support and the ministrations of philanthropy in the new dispensation.

  9. He advised all the unmarried and all widows to remain as he was.

  10. The Apostle accuses women of learning to be idle, going about from house to house, of being tattlers and busybodies--these young widows, or unmarried women.

  11. What could the unmarried women of Paul's time do?

  12. What a spectacle the thousands of bread-winning young and unmarried women of to-day, would be to Paul if he could come here!

  13. While an unmarried daughter, her father is her surety; when married, the husband allows or disallows what she promises, and the promise is kept or broken according to his will.

  14. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and spirit; but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband.

  15. On the other hand, the Pharisees taught that it is sinful for a man to live unmarried beyond his twentieth year.

  16. People did not think much of Mr Winthrop, excepting certain unmarried ladies; for Mr Winthrop was a bachelor, and had plenty of money.

  17. Their married daughter and her husband had left them, and their unmarried daughter was also away.

  18. As an unmarried man I cannot continue to know you.

  19. When a man marries early and uses prudence in choosing a suitable companion, he is likely to lead a virtuous, happy life; but in an unmarried state all alluring vices have a tendency to draw him away.

  20. In that case, it would be necessary to remit the tax in the case of unmarried people with children, and to levy it in the case of married people without children.

  21. It may be said that this is merely due to an increasing proportion of unmarried women.

  22. In another respect the French code carries private rights to an excess by forbidding the unmarried mother to make any claim on the father of her child.

  23. In the two villages he investigated in detail, Ranke found that every man over twenty-five years of age was married, and that the only unmarried woman he discovered was feeble-minded.

  24. This journal was originally the organ of the association for the protection of mothers, more especially unmarried mothers, called the Bund für Mutterschutz.

  25. He much preferred to them young or youngish women, unmarried or married.

  26. She is exceedingly clever and has mastered the difficult art of making people accept from her what they wouldn't accept for a moment from any other unmarried girl in society.

  27. An unmarried man who is willing to sacrifice himself is, in feminine eyes, always worthy of ribbons and a chaplet.

  28. On this Saturday he came out into the grounds after dinner, where the oldest unmarried daughter, the present Miss Fawn, was walking with Lucy Morris.

  29. There was, as we know, a governess, and there were seven unmarried daughters.

  30. She felt that a woman by herself in the world can do nothing, and that an unmarried woman's strength lies only in the expectation that she may soon be married.

  31. For example, an unmarried woman should be presented to a matron.

  32. Usually, however, the older unmarried women wear the veil and bonnet of the first mourning, as do widows, but with the white ruche omitted.

  33. Similarly, for the sake of clearness, a business letter by an unmarried woman may have Miss in parenthesis before the name.

  34. These figures are applicable in the cases of unmarried women and bachelors, although the tendency of the latter is to give more.

  35. The largest is that used by matrons, while that of the unmarried woman is a very little smaller, and that of the man much smaller.

  36. When an unmarried girl uses her individual card, she should follow the procedure indicated for the matron in the use of hers.

  37. The mourning for close relatives worn by a young unmarried woman does not include the bonnet and veil.

  38. It is not deemed proper for a young unmarried woman to invite calls from men.

  39. Where women have met out of town, and wish to continue the acquaintance in the city, the unmarried woman should call on the matron, or one who is under any obligation for hospitality should make the first call.

  40. When a man invites an unmarried woman to be his companion at the theater, he is expected also to invite another woman, either a relation or friend, according to circumstances, who shall act as chaperon.

  41. Thus, though the hostess referred to above may have unmarried daughters receiving with her, cards for them need not be left.

  42. The presence of the chaperon at such entertainments makes it unnecessary for the unmarried girl to provide one for herself.

  43. Lord Mafferton came up that day with us, and explained that the grating was to prevent the ladies from throwing themselves at the heads of the unmarried members--a singular precaution.

  44. I know that in England an unmarried person, of my age, is not expected to talk much, especially about herself.

  45. I had been treating the unmarried daughter of one of the wealthiest men in the city, and had prescribed for her some simple bismuth mixture, as she had complained of indigestion.

  46. Another type of face is the bright, vivacious one, seen chiefly amongst young unmarried women--marriage in the East generally having the effect of taking all brightness out of a face or a life.

  47. He refused to give sufficient weight to the Bible passages, to the self-sacrifice so pleasing to God involved in the unmarried state, or to its merits for time and for eternity.

  48. Whoever is among those who are able ‘to receive this word,’ let him remain unmarried and glory in the Lord.

  49. And the unmarried woman and the virgin thinketh on the things of the Lord: that she may be holy both in body and in spirit.

  50. His meaning is not to exhort the unmarried to marry: on the contrary, he would have them rather continue as they are.

  51. But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they so continue, even as I.

  52. And if she depart, that she remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband.

  53. Quigg was right; and his just opinion of himself was shared by the young widows and unmarried ladies of his acquaintance.

  54. If sexual relationships are sometimes desirable for unmarried persons, or for married persons who, for any reason, are debarred from conjugal union, is a physician justified in recommending such sexual relationships to his patient?

  55. In heathen times female chastity was guarded by the club; a faithless wife, an unmarried mother, was summarily put to death.

  56. Such provisions are developed from the widely recognized right of the unmarried woman to claim support for her child from its father.

  57. When she was transferred from her father to a husband, she was still guarded with the same care; husband and father alike found their interest in preserving their women from unmarried men.

  58. In a series of 180 unmarried mothers assisted by the Berlin Bund für Mutterschutz, particulars are given of the occupations both of the mothers, and, as far as possible, of the fathers.

  59. It is not the least advantage of these institutions that they shield unmarried mothers and their offspring from the manifold evils to which they are exposed, and thus tend to decrease crime and suffering.

  60. By a special provision of our constitution it is the inalienable right of all unmarried women to be under twenty-five.

  61. It was my intention, at the proper time, to introduce a resolution of sympathy for those ladies who have been so summarily and I may say brutally unmarried by the unfeeling wretches who sit upon the bench of the Supreme Court.

  62. At a latter day, all men between twelve and sixty not employed were compelled to hire themselves as servants in husbandry; and unmarried women between twelve and forty were also liable to be hired, otherwise to be imprisoned.

  63. Excepting little unmarried girls, whose parents are Saktas (worshippers of female deities) no other Hindu female is permitted to use meat even by sufferance.

  64. When an unmarried boy attains his seventeenth or eighteenth year, numbers of professional men called Ghatucks or match-makers come to the parents with overtures of marriage.

  65. He went with a new set, now, young unmarried fellows who were "sporty.

  66. Ona had an idea that her "forelady" did not like to have her girls marry--perhaps because she was old and ugly and unmarried herself.

  67. The woman deacon must, however, besides possessing the above qualities, be unmarried or a widow.

  68. The superior sanctity attached to the unmarried state, that brought about the celibacy of the priests, gradually changed the active beneficent existence of the old-time deaconesses into the cloistral life of nuns.

  69. Mrs. Denny makes her home with Lenora, the younger unmarried daughter, at her palatial residence in Seattle.

  70. After looking around some, Low went away, having hired Mr. Denny, who was an unmarried man, to stay behind and build Low a cabin.

  71. Louisa Boren, the only young, unmarried woman of the party, found many things to do in assisting those who had family cares.

  72. Well, then, she shall be unmarried again, and sit here among my daughters," said the mother.

  73. From them all unmarried men, who have attained a certain age, are called in Denmark "pepper gentry;" and this must be understood by all who wish to comprehend this history.

  74. It is, however, not suitable to have young married women as bridesmaids, and then have an unmarried girl as maid of honor.

  75. His letters to an unmarried woman may express all the ardor and devotion that he cares to subscribe to, but there must be no hint of his having received especial favors from her.

  76. Unmarried men often use no other address than that of a club; especially if they live in bachelor's quarters, but young men who live at home use their home address.

  77. The unmarried lady is presented to the married one, unless the latter is very much the younger.

  78. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unmarried" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    unmarried woman; unmarried women