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Example sentences for "kittenish"

Lexicographically close words:
kith; kiting; kits; kitten; kittenhood; kittens; kitties; kittiwake; kittiwakes; kittle
  1. You don't mean to say she's got kittenish at her age.

  2. Wasn't anything coy or kittenish about her.

  3. Madame Marneffe threw her arms round the old man's neck with kittenish impetuosity.

  4. She seized his hand and drew him with a kittenish skip toward a settee, tripped on a bear rug and would have fallen had not Andy grabbed her.

  5. Throckmorton was rather vexed at the charm this kittenish young thing cast over him.

  6. She does too, and cuddles up kittenish as we lands at the porte cochère.

  7. Then you must play with me," says she, grabbin' my hand kittenish and startin' to run me across the yard.

  8. Then to hear her rattle on in her cute, kittenish way was better'n a cabaret show.

  9. He squandered all his fortune, but did not succeed, poor fellow, in driving out of his brain the image of the beloved woman with the kittenish face .

  10. The kittenish face puckered up and began blinking its eyes as though expecting a slap.

  11. Her face was beginning to lose the kittenish look, and was, alas!

  12. Patches of red came out of her cheeks, her eyes swelled, and tears flowed down her kittenish face.

  13. Kind of kittenish motions, if you ask me," says I.

  14. Fable of the Kittenish Superanns and the World-Weary Snipes.

  15. He talked with a kittenish banter in his voice as if he were patting a child of five on the head.

  16. Still, the idea of him gettin' kittenish was too much of a strain on the mind for me to follow up.

  17. I did ask her to be my wife, and she refused, and with her soft, kittenish ways made me more in love with her than ever, and more her dupe.

  18. Usually, when she ain't indulgin' in hysterics, she has very fetchin' kittenish ways.

  19. They're a strenuous bunch when they're stirred up--even a kittenish young thing like Anna.

  20. Let's teach her to be kittenish and playful.

  21. The idea of the serious-minded Veronica developing a bubbling or kittenish manner was too much for them.

  22. Thus it came about that she watched Mr. Grexon Hay for many a long day and night, and he never suspected the pretty, fluffy, kittenish Miss Qian was in reality an emissary of the law.

  23. With a movement almost as kittenish as Aglae's, he joined the group.

  24. I know--I know," she purred, with kittenish gestures of overweening joy.

  25. And a child it seemed she would ever be, with her kittenish ways, quick impulses, and swiftly alternating moods.

  26. A year ago you robbed me of my child, for little, kittenish Elsie became a thoughtful woman from the day you were here; and now you are going to take away the daughter of my old age.

  27. But cute and kittenish from the tip of her double A pumps to the floppy hat brim which only half hides a dangerous pair of eyes.

  28. She must have had misbehavin' eyes and a kittenish disposition, for she seems to fall for this disguised New Yorker at first sight.

  29. Warrigal fled--for ten paces, wheeling round then, in kittenish fashion, and stooping till her muzzle touched the ground between her fore feet.

  30. To an observer who had known of this, there would have been something at once rather pathetic and a good deal grotesque about Finn's present kittenish play with Jess.

  31. Ellen may not be quite so kittenish and frolicsome now.

  32. Fluff she always was and will be with me--a kittenish creature with a kittenish name; I used to tell her so, and I expect I shall again.

  33. The Maestra was seated in the centre of the mat, her limbs drawn up beneath her bright patadyon in a certain kittenish grace.

  34. She appears to like talking sense, and she has humour, far more subtle than the mere, kittenish sense of fun which belongs to her years--or lack of them.

  35. I suppose this appealed immensely to Ellaline's love of intrigue and kittenish tricksiness generally.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kittenish" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    baby; babyish; catty; feline; female; feminine; frisky; girlish; infant; infantile; kittenish; ladylike; maidenly; matronly; newborn; petticoat; playful; sportive; womanish; womanly