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Example sentences for "make money"

  • I don't believe in being so good you can't make money.

  • Well, I know one thing, that Uncle ain't EVER going to make money.

  • And you're meaning to leave home just to make money, are you?

  • He had no interest in business, no desire to make money, no skill in salesmanship.

  • I suppose you expect by some mysterious process to "develope" and "elevate" this housework business; and to make money.

  • Frank's brothers were being aided in the same way to make money on the side, and their interests were also now bound up indissolubly with his own.

  • Auction sales were not to be discovered every day, however, and his home grocer was only open to one such transaction in a reasonable period of time, but from the very first young Cowperwood knew how to make money.

  • His business was to make money--to organize something which would make him much money, or, better yet, save the organization he had begun.

  • Monty was always thinking of writing a book, you know, about how to make money on the turf.

  • He would have to buy them out, of course, for French people only came to England to make money; and it would mean a higher price.

  • Ah, but it was not so easy as all that to make money in the streets of this sacred town!

  • I do not print my books to win fame in the world, for I am known in it already by my works; I want to make money, without which reputation is not worth a rap.

  • To make money, to gain or acquire money or property; to make a profit in dealings.

  • Nor, on the other side, Will I be penuriously wise As to make money, that's my slave, my idol.

  • I tell you the truth, and Balfour has managed, in some way, to get hold of him, and means to make money out of me by it.

  • I can keep a hotel, an' make money on it, an' pervide for my own, but when it comes to books ye can trip me with a feather.

  • There are two ways for a traveling-man to make money: one is to sell the goods, and the other is to work the expense-account.

  • They made money out of the Christians, and no doubt helped the Christians to make money, for, as I have said, things not founded on reciprocity do not last long.

  • Louis Agassiz had no time to make money, but his son Alexander was not thus handicapped.

  • There are two ways to make money by managing a railroad: one is through service to the people along the line of the road; the other is through working the bondholders.

  • The men who can make money can't teach, and those who can teach can't make money.

  • The highest use of capital is not to make more money, but to make money do more service for the betterment of life.

  • We had to break up the evil custom among many of the foreign workers of taking in boarders--of regarding their homes as something to make money out of rather than as a place to live in.

  • The true industrial idea is not to make money.

  • Also it did not seem to me to be the way to make money.

  • Everything had to be planned to make money; the last consideration was the work.

  • Shortsighted persons, or persons blinded to the future by desire to make money in every way out of the present, sometimes speak as if no great damage would be done by the reckless destruction of our forests.

  • When I left college I undertook to make money: I did make it.

  • I've slaved for fifteen years for one definite purpose--to make money enough to become a power; and now I've got it.

  • They vote for Home Rule because they thereby expect to make money, to become freeholders, landlords themselves, in short.

  • The Fenians, or rather the Irish Revolutionary Brotherhood, had no wish to make money by their patriotism, and what is more, they were ready to risk their skins, whenever called upon to do so.

  • She goes to make money, and says she only wishes to push forward civilisation.

  • The respectable people who work and make money will be a mark for every robber in the country.

  • The excitement is a favorable opportunity to dispose of my stock on hand, and it is a part of my business to avail myself of all favorable circumstances in the community to make money.

  • Does he not act on the same principle as the man who deals in ardent spirits--a desire to make money, and that only?

  • And if you continue to make money by that which tends to destroy your fellow-men, you incur the displeasure of Jehovah.

  • In examining this, let it be remembered, that the reason why this occupation is engaged in, and the sole reason, is, to make money.

  • We make money, if not too rapidly for the good of the nation at large, yet too rapidly, I fear, for the good of the daughters of those who make it.

  • To tell the truth, Virginia, I'm completely convinced in the first case that Jesus would never use any talent like a good voice just to make money.

  • How about your relations to the selfish world that is not trying to make money on Christian principles?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "make money" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    brave boys; earnest prayer; internal improvement; make bread; make clear; make entry; make friends; make head; make intercession; make matters; make merry; make mistakes; make money; make one; make others; make preparations; make restitution; make something; make trial; make trouble; make use; make warre; make water; mine own; proces verbal; then took