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Example sentences for "malpractice"

Lexicographically close words:
malonic; malorum; malos; maloti; malpli; malpractices; malproksima; malproksime; mals; malsano
  1. I always feel as if twenty centuries of alleged justice, injustice and malpractice looked down upon me when I get into court; that's one reason why I'm no good as a trial lawyer.

  2. To have the public learn that this piece of surgery upon which his reputation was based was in reality a case of malpractice meant ruin.

  3. You can hardly have the heart to scold any more about the malpractice of patients when we believe in you so humbly and so ignorantly.

  4. I can't say that I've known the sort of doctors who figure in malpractice suits, but since I think of it I don't believe I ever read or heard of one who ever did.

  5. Did you ever hear of a successful malpractice suit?

  6. Twelve months is established as the period of limitations for an action from negligence or malpractice against a person registered (ib.

  7. On the other hand, a suitor who was honestly mistaken in his belief that he had been disfigured or injured by an act of malpractice might often discover his mistake, and be saved the annoyance and expense of defeat after a trial in open court.

  8. Penalties were imposed upon those guilty of malpractice or of poisoning.

  9. The leading cases in America on the subject of civil liability for malpractice are: Leighton v.

  10. All of such matters will, however, fall more properly under consideration when the liability of the physician and surgeon for malpractice is considered.

  11. On the whole more good than harm would seem to be the probable outcome of permitting such examinations, in malpractice cases, if not in all cases of alleged personal injuries.

  12. It should be noted, however, that the circumstances and conditions attending the act of alleged criminal malpractice should be given much weight.

  13. When malpractice is discussed, a more extended consideration of this matter will be required.

  14. Scott's guilty plea and sentenced her, reversed her conviction in a written opinion ruling that Werb had committed legal malpractice by giving her advice that was blatantly wrong on three separate points of law.

  15. Thus Lord Ellenborough laid down the law in the case of a man midwife who was on his trial for murder by malpractice [208].

  16. Whenever death ensues as the alleged consequence of malpractice it becomes necessary to inquire into the conduct of the physician, so as to determine how far his want of skill, or negligence, has conspired to produce it.

  17. And so in a case of malpractice a medical man may be asked whether the practice pursued was good practice [302].

  18. There may be malpractice by commission, i.

  19. When a case of alleged malpractice is before the court, the questions to be considered are: Did the defendant possess the ordinary skill of persons acting as medical men?

  20. The same critic points out that the majority of suits for malpractice have been brought against surgeons and not against physicians.

  21. The question of the amount of damages for personal injuries arising from malpractice is one resting a good deal in the discretion of the jury, and must of necessity be more or less uncertain.

  22. Nothing but the most positive malpractice could have brought a case of this kind to need gastric ravage, at this age and stage of the disease.

  23. There is nothing strange about this for nature works for the purpose of preventing "serous surface" invasion, and it takes a deal of malpractice to force such an infection.

  24. Mental malpractice is a bland denial of Truth, and is the antipode of Christian Science.

  25. It is important to know that a malpractice of the best system will result in the worst form of medicine.

  26. From the effects of mental malpractice the subject scarcely awakes in time, and must suffer its full penalty after death.

  27. Christian Scientists, be a law to yourselves, that mental malpractice can harm you neither when asleep nor when awake.

  28. She says: "It was years after we were personally attacked by mental malpractice before we defended ourselves or taught our students self defence.

  29. Mrs. Eddy was heard to exclaim when she imagined herself the victim of the malpractice of one of her rivals.

  30. Mrs. Eddy teaches that, "If the right mental practice can restore health, it is self-evident that mental malpractice can impair health.

  31. Like Buccarelli, Governor Navarro was much concerned with the legal malpractice that had long existed in the courts.

  32. He also appointed an appraiser to adjust the costs of legal proceedings and ordered that lawyers who had been convicted of malpractice should be deprived of the right to plead.

  33. This is to prevent any tampering beforehand with either the superintendent of the clock or the tellers of the votes, and to secure that there is no malpractice in these respects.

  34. That is the predicament the doctor finds himself in when he has to defend himself against a charge of malpractice by a plea of ignorance and fallibility.

  35. Mental Malpractice This is the other side of the fair shield of religious faith.

  36. Indispensable defence Show your student that mental malpractice tends to blast moral sense, health, and the human life.

  37. Christian Scientists, be a law to yourselves that mental malpractice cannot harm you either when asleep or when awake.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "malpractice" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abuse; conversion; crime; defalcation; desecration; diversion; embezzlement; injustice; lawbreaking; malfeasance; malpractice; misapplication; misappropriation; misconduct; misdemeanor; misdirection; mishandling; mismanagement; misrule; neglect; negligence; omission; perversion; pilfering; pollution; profanation; prostitution; sin; vice; violation; wrongdoing