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Example sentences for "naturally enough"

  • Naturally enough, perhaps in obedience to that law of contrast which seems so often to preside over the destinies of such men, his appearance did not jump with his nature.

  • His money was dwindling; his hope of political triumphs had vanished into thin air; naturally enough, his thoughts turned back to the India of his youth.

  • Naturally enough, the majority of the council of war voted with Clive, in spite of the strenuous opposition of Major Eyre Coote and a small minority.

  • Aunt Victoria taking them, naturally enough, as signs of continued remorse, lifted her out of this supposed slough of despond with affectionate peremptoriness.

  • Cloistered, living alone with her fixed idea, Bernadette, naturally enough, obstinately clung to it.

  • That brother, of whom he had so long lost sight, was there, naturally enough, because it was necessary that he should be there.

  • It was evident that he carried with him the majority at the Palazzo, and among them, naturally enough, many recent partisans of the Medici.

  • Naturally enough, the news of their surrender aroused the Florentines to anger, which was intensified by what they heard from the ambassadors of the conduct of Piero.

  • Naturally enough, they looked to me to do something for them, and provide some relief from the effects of the most terrible drought which even they had ever experienced.

  • Naturally enough, I had ample leisure to study the ethnology of my people.

  • Well, naturally enough, the fame of the white man and his doings soon got abroad in that country, and I was one day invited by the tribe in question to go and rid them of the evil spirit.

  • I had already had several months' experience in their company, and was casting about for some new feature or phase of the life; naturally enough, I turned to the saloon to hear of something which would put me on a fresh track.

  • The first is this: "Society admits that the quarrel with me is over after I have served out my sentence; and I, naturally enough, take the same view of the matter.

  • This, naturally enough, made my partner angry, and he told me to go back to the hang-out while he went on another beat.

  • Difficulties arose as to the employment of deputies by the older and better known players, who were, naturally enough, reluctant to give up such engagements as the great provincial festivals, and others of serious importance, afforded.

  • The invitation was one that, I, naturally enough, accepted with keen pleasure, anticipating as actually happened, a very pleasant and interesting experience.

  • Ralph and Harry, naturally enough, joined in, and, at length, led the discussion.

  • These two, naturally enough, had only proud glances for the young champion of the hour.

  • But as Johnnie could not remember Aunt Sophie's name, naturally enough he could not remember his Uncle Albert's, both names being one and the same.

  • Naturally enough he had jumped to the conclusion, as some others had, that this boy in cast-off clothes had not come by a valuable bouquet through purchase.

  • Naturally enough, he began to form plans for making this Norman damsel aware of his existence, and not altogether without success.

  • Naturally enough, the Saxon chiefs sympathised with the sentiments of their countrymen on the occasion; and among those who emerged from obscurity to do homage to the young Plantagenet was the heir of the once rich and grand house of Icingla.

  • Naturally enough, John felt much alarm when he learned that his enemies were at the head of such a force as he could not cope with; but at this crisis he was not deserted.

  • Naturally enough, the criticisms of the syndicalists are leveled chiefly against political action, parliamentarism, and Statism.

  • And, naturally enough, the modern employer, unlike a trained ruler such as Bismarck, never seems to realize that most of the alarming reports sent him are masses of lies.

  • The failure of the various insurrections in France, Spain, and Italy was, naturally enough, discouraging to Bakounin and his followers.

  • This digression of the dark lantern proceeded, naturally enough, from my speaking of shorthand.

  • On this morning, naturally enough, a greater solemnity prevailed, and the breakfast was passed almost in silence.

  • This revelation, naturally enough, created some excitement among the older inhabitants of that town, who still remembered Klove as a boy of fourteen, who had been forced to leave the place in consequence of an accusation of theft.

  • Naturally enough, the current of history is not an unbroken stream throughout this long epoch.

  • After his portraiture of the Teacher, follows, naturally enough, as the result of that Teacher's influence and life, a religion of corresponding elevation and promise.

  • We only find a "rudimentary doctrine," which, naturally enough, gives the Blessed Virgin a very high and sacred place in the economy of the Incarnation.

  • From the teaching and life of Socrates follow, naturally enough, schools of philosophy, and an impulse which has affected scientific thought ever since.

  • We do not pretend to think Bunsen the great and consummate man that, naturally enough, he appears to his friends.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "naturally enough" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    also says; both directions; combustion engine; distinguished guests; fixed star; good breeding; good neighbour; good sooth; had left; hand wall; houses and; hundred marks; naturally enough; nine cents; nothing very; opera seria; outward appearance; public ownership; recent discoveries; sometimes necessary; thee good; valiant knight