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Example sentences for "nineteen"

Lexicographically close words:
ninepin; ninepins; niner; niners; nines; nineteene; nineteenth; nineties; ninetieth; ninety
  1. Another built during the year a good school-house, nineteen new houses, and had one hundred and twenty-five acres under cultivation.

  2. It was executed by the undersigned and the Deputy-Superintendent of Indian Affairs on behalf of the Government, and by nineteen of the Chiefs and principal men on behalf of the Indians.

  3. Cæsarean operation, I am nineteen shillings out of pocket.

  4. He was a slight-made, fair complexioned lad, of nineteen or twenty years at the most, without an incipient mark of manhood on his chin.

  5. The Earth, rotating on its axis, travels about the sun at the rate of something like nineteen miles per second, so perfectly balanced that the oceans remain almost quiescent in their beds!

  6. A party of nineteen having entered a rocky and bushy kloof in search of some cattle, they were fired upon by some Kaffirs posted on the summit of the hills on either side.

  7. Agnes Strickland cites authorities to show that Fair Rosamond passed nineteen years in a convent, and died with the reputation of a saint.

  8. Julia was nineteen years old, a woman grown, feeling her womanhood in every vein.

  9. I am sure that if we do so, we shall have behind us, and with us, that great spirit which has been in the world for nineteen centuries past, with ever-increasing power.

  10. Kropotkin mentions another youth of nineteen who posted a circular in a railway station.

  11. Nineteen officers who tried to prevent the wholesale butchery were transfered to obscure posts, while Neidhardt who was Prefect of Police at this time was promoted to the position of Governor of Nishni-Novgorod.

  12. I would select nineteen more to myself, throughout the land; gentlemen they should be; of good spirit, strong and able constitution.

  13. If we may divide the life of most men into twenty parts, we shall find, that at least nineteen of them are mere gaps and chasms, which are neither filled with pleasure nor business.

  14. Most missionaries confess that they never get to the back of the negro mind, and one who worked in a neighbouring field once said that after nineteen years' careful study he had yet to master the intricacies of native superstition.

  15. And had they not found nineteen anchors, which they bought, they would have perished.

  16. It costs eighteen and nineteen maçes and two taes per cate.

  17. I was nineteen before I could read the signs over shops, or write my own name.

  18. Between nineteen and twenty I got all the education I ever was to have, paying a man with what I could save out of my earnings.

  19. At nineteen she had married; her husband, John Hewett, having two children by a previous union.

  20. Chapter Nineteen "Such drilling as they have had--such little drilling!

  21. Then the door burst open with a blast of icy air, and there poured in nineteen armed men who blinked at the firelight helplessly.

  22. It is written with authority of Tarsus that once it was no mean city, but that is a tale of nineteen centuries ago.

  23. And I am to run with nineteen men to the rape of Tarsus and Adana?

  24. Among those who testified were Mr. Hawley, for nineteen years eastern agent of the Southern Pacific and afterwards a financier of prominence; Messrs.

  25. Fifteen out of nineteen members of the first executive committee were representatives of San Francisco firms, and 97 per cent of the membership did business in that town.

  26. This was defeated by a vote of nineteen to thirteen, and then an executive committee was appointed to carry out the recommendations in the report.

  27. The paper money in circulation amounted to nineteen hundred and eighty millions.

  28. The author of the journal reports nineteen ships of the line, about eighteen frigates, sloops, and other vessels and one hundred and fifty transports with ten thousand troops.

  29. Joan of Arc had been dead nineteen years when that final battle was fought, but it was her spirit that gave the victory.

  30. Whatever its relation to its surroundings nineteen centuries ago, the arch of Orange is magnificently out of place to-day.

  31. He was but nineteen at that time, and his fate seemed so hard and bitter that later in life he refused to talk of those days.

  32. On the lovely island of Capri, in the Franciscan convent, will be found one of his first pictures, painted when Correggio was about nineteen years old.

  33. The stocks of his pencils were long, measuring about nineteen inches.

  34. McKoy, who went out in the Stephens Rifles when not more than nineteen years old.

  35. He had been in every battle in which this brigade was ever engaged; an interesting young man, only nineteen years of age.

  36. These nineteen boats carried close on three hundred fighting men, many of them head-hunters lured by the prospect of a white man’s head to give their sweethearts.

  37. Nineteen boats in all there were; seven sail-driven, twelve thrust along with oars and paddles cunningly fashioned from teak and tiu wood.

  38. At another meeting held on the 22nd of the month the city was divided into nineteen wards of nine blocks each.

  39. President Young was given ten days in which to pay the fees, and twenty days to pay the alimony, which amounted for the nineteen months to nine thousand five hundred dollars.

  40. His daughter Harriet Pamela, aged nineteen years, preceded her father to the grave by eleven days.

  41. Nineteen men, members of the Church, gathered in defense, but discovering the superior number of the mob, turned back.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nineteen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    nineteen hundred; nineteen years