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Example sentences for "often very"

  • The perfect insect appears from September till May, and is often very common.

  • It is often very abundant at various blossoms in the evening, and comes readily to sugar.

  • The regularity of the interval in these cases is often very remarkable.

  • Epilepsy, in certain of its obscurer forms, is responsible for many conditions in which there is a sudden access of insane excitement of a violent, often very impulsive, character, though sometimes of very short duration.

  • If he is not accountable, and it is often very difficult to prove that he is, he is to be treated as a blamelessly insane man.

  • Foliage rank-scented, and with the fruits mostly narcotic, often very poisonous, while some are edible.

  • Enuresis, incontinence of urine, is often very troublesome in children; its diagnosis presents no difficulty.

  • Defervescence is often very rapid, the temperature falling five or six degrees in the course of twelve hours.

  • The matter vomited is often very important in diagnosis.

  • Chilblains are troublesome, painful, and their yearly recurrence is often very annoying.

  • The success of the operation for the relief of harelip, which should usually be performed during the early months of life, is often very remarkable.

  • Breathing is often very slow in disease of the brain, particularly tubercular meningitis.

  • The distinction between these two different modes of connection is often very difficult.

  • But in many forms both spines become unequal in size or form, often very different.

  • On the contrary, the history of an idea, like the pedigree of an organism, is often very intricate, and the evolution of the evolution-idea is bound up with the whole progress of the world.

  • As a matter of observation, specially differentiated modes of behaviour, often very elaborate, frequently requiring highly developed skill, and apparently highly charged with emotional tone, are the precursors of pairing.

  • A genus of extinct Paleozoic brachiopods, often very abundant in the Upper Silurian.

  • Small yellow and red hemipterous insect, often very injurious to the leaves of the grapevine.

  • They have flattened or leaflike legs, often very numerous, which they use in swimming.

  • The skeleton is composed of silica, and is often very elegant in form and sculpture.

  • That the pinnules which bear the sori are exactly comparable to the leafy portion is often very plain.

  • In another way identification is sometimes rather difficult, owing to the fact that immature Ferns are often very misleading in their appearance.

  • The Marsh Buckler Fern is not uncommon, and in suitably moist positions is often very abundant.

  • Their range is often very limited, and they very seldom permanently change their country, so as to be placed in new conditions.

  • The course of a ball in the body is often very strange, depending on the force with which it is projected, or the resistance which is opposed to it, and on the position of the struck part.

  • Vine vigorous to very vigorous, hardy in all but unusually cold winters, often very productive, very subject to rot and mildew.

  • On the whole, Aden is a healthy place, although it suffers considerably from the want of good water, and the heat is often very intense.

  • Hence in the case of dead languages or past forms of living languages, it is often very difficult to define with precision what the sounds of the past epoch were.

  • On the mountains and the high plateaus the winter is often very severe; snow lies for six months on the higher peaks of the Kabyle mountains.

  • His narrative is highly rhetorical, and as he at the same time attempts more than Tacitean brevity his narrative is often very obscure.

  • The constant habit of writing, which permits a leisurely selection from one's ideas, is often very unfavorable to readiness in conversation.

  • There is too great variety, the food is too rich, the cooking is often very bad, we eat too frequently, and we eat at the wrong times.

  • In addition to this, the sudden change from the furnace heat of our close houses to the piercing winds of the frozen pond, is often very damaging.

  • No matter about the name; some calfskin is very thin, while morocco is often very thick.

  • The Latin word intertrigo is used for that chafing of the skin of the lower part of the body of an infant which is by no means unusual, and is often very distressing.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "often very" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    both banks; cannot recall; fatal blow; good intention; need have; often before; often called; often cultivated; often expressed; often feel; often find; often followed; often found; often have; often impossible; often repeated; often seemed; often spoke; often spoken; often think; often very; often wonder; slow process; taking cold; whether they; would indeed