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Example sentences for "vomited"

Lexicographically close words:
vomer; vomerine; vomers; vomica; vomit; vomiting; vomitings; vomito; vomits; vomitus
  1. Some of the feline patients no longer heard or appeared no longer to hear their master’s voice; some vomited and seemed to experience relief, for the appetite improved, but they soon died like the others.

  2. Notwithstanding this successful treatment the hæmatemesis returned in about a month, when, finally, three more flukes were vomited and the bleeding ceased.

  3. In this instance two flukes were vomited along with blood immediately after the administration of salines (sel de Seignette), and about thirty were passed per anum.

  4. We were not a little surprised at this enthusiastic outburst, as we had been told by a member of her party that the lady had industriously vomited her way to Hamburg and back again.

  5. As he walked, he put handfuls of the rice into his mouth and spat or vomited them out, with much noise, as if to imitate violent nausea, into the field.

  6. Bat'h," who emerged from foam vomited by a bull (Malay Annals, p.

  7. They swallowed him, vomited him, tossed and hurled him without mercy; the brave captain was at last exhausted and fainted away before reaching the shore.

  8. How often was this lie vomited forth upon the hustings, by the paid tools of the opposing candidates at the Bristol and Westminster elections!

  9. The effect it had upon our systems was, that it vomited us almost to death, and then we would lay some two or three days in a torpid, stupid state, not even caring or wishing for life.

  10. I had not eaten one mouthful for a day or two, but vomited many times very severely.

  11. After having vomited out his vile, bilious stuff of arbitrary power, and afterwards denied it to be his, he gets his counsel in this place to resort to the loathsome mess again.

  12. Mr. Hastings has done with his charge of rebellion what he did with his declaration of arbitrary power: after he had vomited it up in one place, he returns to it in another.

  13. He locked me in my room and vomited the most horrible curses on the Abbé Coignard.

  14. Compare the account given by Roger of Hoveden, of a woman who vomited two toads.

  15. Poison was administered to us three or four times; the effect it had upon our system was that it vomited us almost to death, and then we would lay some two or three days in a torpid, stupid state, not even caring or wishing for life.

  16. That she took little Food, but every Day Vomited Crooked Pins.

  17. She also Vomited up Crooked Pins; and when she was brought into Court, she fell into her Fits.

  18. A few ounces given every two hours are less apt to be vomited than a larger quantity.

  19. Examination of the stools and the material vomited will, at times, furnish an insight as to the source of the poison.

  20. As soon as she ate she vomited and so she threw them away.

  21. When Aponitolau was in the balaua, Aponibolinayen went to the kitchen and cooked the liver and she tried to eat, but she vomited again, so she threw it away, and the dogs all barked.

  22. She vomited and her eyes were filled with tears, and after that they went home, all those who spun together.

  23. I had to hold him with all my strength, while he vomited blood down my coat.

  24. He was all rotten," said the soldier, "and there came such a terrible stench from him that I nearly dropped him, and vomited as I carried him along.

  25. Several times he staggered up and vomited out of the window with an awful violence of nausea, and then fell back with his head lolling sideways on the cushions of the first-class carriage.

  26. The grey legs began to tremble (they do not love the bayonet), and the Marseillaise continued with the bugles, while bur guns vomited without a pause.

  27. There was a pretty decent eruption of the mountain, which vomited fire, stones and ashes at an interval of twenty-five minutes, so that we enjoyed this spectacle during our ascent.

  28. I remarked that the mountain toward the summit forms two cones, one of which vomited fire and smoke, and the other calcined stones and ashes, accompanied by a rumbling noise like thunder.

  29. And so Hands off and no Hanky-Panky was the war-chaunt of the young American bloods whom great Cunarders vomited on to the docks at Liverpool and P.

  30. Joses fell on his face, and stayed there fumbling, while he vomited oaths.

  31. I knew another child, who vomited some damasin stones, which had lain for near twenty hours, and given great pain about the navel, by the exhibition of an emetic given in repeated doses for about an hour.

  32. The woods vomited barbarians; they came in packs, moving swiftly, muttering to each other, and hastening as though on some pressing affair.

  33. And when they did this she vomited nothing, for the witches had not been able to convey their trash into her mouth.

  34. The facts were altogether inconsistent with his innocence, and though digitalin was not separated from the woman's body, yet extracts of the vomited matters killed dogs with the symptoms of poisoning by digitalis.

  35. The vomited matters are luminous in the dark, sometimes bilious, sometimes bloody.

  36. The diagnosis will depend on the peculiar odor of garlic exhaled by the patient and the luminosity of the vomited matters, in addition to the other signs referred to.

  37. The vomited matters are strongly acid, of a dirty green or black color, and consist of the contents of the stomach with altered mucus and blood.

  38. The vomited matters may be red or brown from admixture with blood or bile; or they may be blue or black, if the arsenic has been colored with indigo or soot.

  39. The detection of Spanish flies, if taken solid, depends mainly on the presence of the shining particles already alluded to, in the stomach, or in the vomited matters.

  40. Coloring matter is also generally present in lucifer-match tops, which contain phosphorus and chlorate of potash, or nitre; hence, the vomited matters after either of these has been swallowed may be variously colored.

  41. This should be continued until the matters vomited are of their natural color; for as long as any iodine remains they will be rendered blue, iodide of starch being formed.

  42. They told him he had been delirious and had vomited and spat blood.

  43. While on leave at home he vomited at every meal.

  44. Three or four hours later he came to himself at a relief post, vomited and bled a good deal from nose and mouth.

  45. The patient dreamed one night that if he vomited he could speak.

  46. Examination of the abdomen produced defensive movements and the man vomited blood during examination.

  47. He was unconscious two days, and on waking vomited for a time.

  48. At noon he went out into the court, vomited and went to lie down.

  49. A fortnight later when sent to sign discharge papers he vomited once more.

  50. As he began to get control of his emotions, he vomited less and increased in weight.

  51. He pushed away the glass, spat a little, and vomited a small quantity of a black liquid.

  52. Fire vomited as from a live volcano at their very feet.

  53. But the enemy's automatic quick-firing gun vomited forth its death-dealing steel with such persistence that the cavalry was forced to retire at a gallop.

  54. A volley of fire and iron was vomited forth on the assailants.

  55. The Indienne once more trembled like a volcano, and, as a volcano, vomited forth her flame and smoke.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vomited" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.