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Example sentences for "only remains"

  • It only remains to add that there is sometimes a further complication.

  • It only remains, in this connection, to shortly consider the rock-deposits in which carbon is found to be present in greater or less quantity.

  • Returning to the south, it only remains to examine briefly the primitive Maya annals of Yucatan, which confirm in a few points those of other peoples, so far as they relate to the great American centre of civilization in the south.

  • It only remains now to speak of the theory which ascribes an autochthonic origin to the Americans.

  • It only remains to say a few words as to its validity when applied to subsequent transactions.

  • It only remains to give them a government and laws which will encourage industry and secure to them the rewards of their exertions.

  • A treaty opening certain of the ports of that populous country has been negotiated, and in order to give full effect thereto it only remains to exchange ratifications and adopt requisite commercial regulations.

  • It only remains for Mr. Corrigan to put his own value on the property, and I accept it.

  • The dying confession has nothing new for the reader; the secret history of the crime is already before him, and it only remains to speak of those events which followed Keane's flight from Ireland.

  • It only remains that I should satisfy myself of certain doubts, which his own manner has originated.

  • It only remains for us to-day to sign these secret articles.

  • It only remains for us now to inform the municipal authorities of this city of what has to be done," said the general, after a short pause.

  • We have signed the ratifications of peace, which are to be laid before the congress; it only remains for us to sign the secret articles which shall be known by none but France and Austria.

  • Having pointed out this, it only remains for me to state here, in conclusion, divers facts which could not be given in the text, and which I have preferred to collect in a note.

  • It only remains for us to insert here the commentaries of some illustrious writers on the text of the Apostle.

  • It only remains to state that in republishing these Essays I have availed myself of the opportunity to make several corrections and additions; as well as here and there to expand what before had been too briefly delivered.

  • It only remains to send a special envoy to Napoleon himself and assure him of your majesty's profound indignation," said Hardenberg, gloomily.

  • It is too late to conquer; it only remains for us to save what we can.

  • It only remains that we should stand by it.

  • It only remains for us to take it, promptly, patriotically.

  • It only remains that we should see things as they are, and not seek to substitute theory for fact.

  • It only remains to consider very briefly the question of the supply of fleets operating in distant waters.

  • To bring the history of the Lepidoptera to an end, it only remains for us to give a sketch of their classification, and to point out some species remarkable, either on account of their beauty or their utility.

  • It only remains to add that, according to Weismann’s theory in its strictly logical form, combinations of germ-plasm when once effected are so stable that they would never alter except as a result of entering into new combinations.

  • It only remains to mention once more the effects of this removal upon the other side of his system—viz.

  • It only remains to add that the degree of stability has been proved in not a few cases to be less than even the theory of gemmules might anticipate.

  • The question of neutrality having now been dealt with, it only remains to relate the steps taken by the President of the Canal Company.

  • It only remains to consider its effect upon the Khedive and the Notables.

  • It only remains to add that there are probably few more gallant achievements recorded than the successful rescue effected by Lord Charles Beresford in the face of difficulties.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "only remains" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    amongst whom; cannot avoid; despotic power; former life; golf course; member when; narrow valley; only about; only after; only fancy; only five; only give; only half; only knew; only know; only necessary; only remains; only remember; only reply; only slightly; only the; only thirty; only through; only too; only used; only wish