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Example sentences for "optic"

Lexicographically close words:
opsonin; optation; optative; opted; opteryx; optical; optically; optician; opticians; optick
  1. If this vesicle fails to touch the skin, no lens appears; and, on the other hand, the lens may appear in quite abnormal parts of the skin if they come into contact with the optic vesicle after transplantation.

  2. The lens of the eye of certain Amphibia is formed of their skin in response to a formative stimulus proceeding from the so-called primary optic vesicle.

  3. The ancients believed the optic nerve to be hollow for the conveyance of the visual spirit, but Vesalius showed that no such tube existed.

  4. The explanation appears to be that the nervo-vital emanations from the body of the seer act upon the static odyle in the agent, which in turn reacts upon the brain centres by means of the optic nerves.

  5. Recently O'Shea, who met with many cases of this nature among soldiers, has reported that in an ophthalmic examination of 22 cases the only abnormality was pallor of the optic disc in 3 cases.

  6. A degeneration of the cells of the spinal cord was found and "in some isolated patches of the cerebellum and in the roots of the optic and auditory nerves.

  7. The optic discs are generally pale in both infants and in adults, with occasional signs of neuredema.

  8. Oliver Optic has the faculty of writing books full of dash and energy, such as healthy boys want and need.

  9. Publishers, NEW YORK Oliver Optic Books Few boys are alive to-day who have not read some of the writings of this famous author, whose books are scattered broadcast and eagerly sought for.

  10. It may lead to mental weakness or optic neuritis.

  11. Total or partial blindness may follow as a sequel of optic atrophy.

  12. May get saturnine encephalopathies, of which intense headache, optic neuritis, and epileptiform convulsions, are the most common.

  13. The end is not yet, though he is now the author of the popular "Optic Library.

  14. Tell me how the optic nerve transmits to the thinking brain the perception of outward objects.

  15. The body may be compared to a harp of two chords,--the optic nerve and the auditory nerve.

  16. Think of a case of optic neuritis--inflammation of the optic nerve--going to an optician and fitting one set of glasses after another until the patient suddenly discovers that blindness is inevitable.

  17. The eyeball is smaller than in the Caucasian, but when we examine the interior we find the same distribution of the blood vessels and same shape of the optic nerves.

  18. The impressions that have come to us from these objects have followed paths absolutely different, the optic nerve for the object A, the acoustic nerve for the object B.

  19. The corpora striata, optic thalami, pons, medulla, and cerebellum are favorite seats for the largest and most striking holes.

  20. This provides a very uniformly illuminated background against which the splash is viewed by means of the camera C, whose optic axis is horizontal, either a little below the level of the liquid surface or at that level.

  21. The slight lateral displacement of the part below the surface is due to refraction consequent on the camera having been set with its optic axis not quite perpendicular to the face of the vessel.

  22. In the case of the eye these are grouped into a large nerve leading away from it at the back, which is called the optic nerve.

  23. On the Magnetic Relations of the Positive and Negative Optic Axes of Crystals, by Professor Plücker, of Bonn.

  24. Light has been supposed to act on the optic nerve in the same manner.

  25. The first submitted to the action of the electro-magnet a thin plate of tourmaline, such as is employed in experiments upon polarization, having its optic axis parallel to its longest length.

  26. Or rather, according to the theory of undulations, when the rate at which a ray vibrates is altered, a different sensation is produced upon the optic nerve.

  27. The seat of vision has been generally supposed to be the retina; but Mariotte has shown that the base of the optic nerve, which is immediately connected with the retina, is incapable of conveying an impression to the brain.

  28. Thus a copy of the subject will be obtained by the agency of radiations which produce no sensible effect upon the optic nerve.

  29. There lands the Fiend, a spot like which perhaps Astronomer in the Sun's lucent Orbe Through his glaz'd Optic Tube yet never saw.

  30. He was studying the men up the hill with a pair of 8x30mm Steiner stereo-optic binoculars.

  31. The razor wire had shredded the raft, and the fiber-optic security system would have detected the entry, but he was in.

  32. Then, just to make sure, across the top and at several levels below, he had added lines of Sabretape with an enclosed fiber-optic strand.

  33. Okay, he thought, the fiber-optic alarm system is going to blow, no matter what.

  34. Peculiarly striking to the optic nerve was this notorious marauder.

  35. The line bisecting the angle between the optic axes of a biaxial crystal.

  36. Transit across the intervenient space being at present impracticable, we have to derive our most enlarged views of this "spotty globe" from the "optic glass.

  37. His optic nerves were young and sensitive, and the protracted light so paralysed them that the morning found them closed "in endless night.

  38. This blue sea, and those orange tints on the mountains, I mean to say--how are they going to be held fast by the optic apparatus?

  39. You deny, for example, the success of the Roman Catholic Church which relies, for its moral effects, upon such optic appeals to the senses, and upon the ease with which transitory feelings can be transmuted into axioms of conduct.

  40. The impressions produced by the sense of vision depend not upon the optic nerve, but upon the imagination.

  41. They have rudiments of eyes, but no optic nerve, and are, therefore, incapable of being affected by any degree of light.

  42. According to some, this was a gift of specially finely organized nervous natures; according to others, it was due to an accidental abnormal connection between the optic and acoustic brain-centres by means of nerve filaments.

  43. As the fatigue of the optic nerve by a colour arouses the sensation of the complimentary colour, so, on the exhaustion of a brain-cell through the elaboration of a presentation, the contrary presentation appears in consciousness.

  44. Consciousness thus transposed an impression of the nerves of the skin, which, as such, was not perceived, into an impression of the retina, of the optic nerve.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "optic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    optic cable; optic cables; optic line; optic nerve; optic submarine; optical illusion; optical instrument; optical instruments; optical section