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Example sentences for "poplars"

Lexicographically close words:
popgun; popinjay; popinjays; popishly; poplar; poplin; popliteal; popolani; popolari; popoli
  1. Here are the poplars of the island and the empty tomb of Rousseau.

  2. In the morning, when I throw open the casement wreathed with vines and roses, I gaze with rapture upon a wide green landscape stretching away to the horizon, where a line of poplars stand like sentinels.

  3. It is one of those famous poplars that receives the first stroke; it sounds heavily to its companion trees, and Demeter perceives that her sacred grove is suffering.

  4. Long lines of Lombardy poplars mark the boundaries of many farms and willows show where the big irrigating ditches pass or rivulets trickle.

  5. Beneath us, the spires of the poplars in the spinney were warm gold, as if the blood shone through.

  6. The poplars along the front-yard fence were beginning to throw their shadows across the corral.

  7. A hint of a breeze swung idly from the west and rustled the leaves in the tops of the poplars in front of the house.

  8. The poplars in front of the house flung slim black shadows across the low adobe buildings and splashed the tip of their shade in the dust-cloud that filled with haze the corral a hundred yards away.

  9. The poplars along the front-yard fence stood limp in the silent air.

  10. I prayed to God to watch over her as I rode through the stiff poplars on the way to Leyden.

  11. But Henri was looking down the street to where the row of poplars hid what lay beyond.

  12. It was the noon respite then, and beyond the line of poplars all was quiet.

  13. Because this path,” continued the huntsman, “leads to the fountain of the Poplars, the fountain of the Poplars in whose waters dwells an evil spirit.

  14. The breeze sighed amid the poplars of the fountain.

  15. From the day, which I shall ever hold in hate, on which you went to the fountain of the Poplars in chase of the wounded deer, I should say an evil sorceress had bewitched you with her enchantments.

  16. There is yet a little while to rest tired eyes and strained spirits among the willows and the poplars by the monastery wall.

  17. Leaving Tirano, and once more passing through the poplars by Madonna, we descended the valley all along the vineyards of Villa and the vast district of Sassella.

  18. This fancy occurred to me as I climbed the slope of the Superga, gazing over acacia hedges and poplars to the mountains bare in morning light.

  19. Surely our oaks, elms, and poplars cannot be compared with the tall palms and graceful tree ferns of the tropics?

  20. When opposite he loses sight of it; a spinney of tall poplars drawing curtain-like between him and the higher bank.

  21. The poplars in the garden rustled louder, and the tall beeches in the park waved ghastly, and every now and then the low roar of the waves of the sea came in monotonous intervals far inland.

  22. The early part of our drive was along the same road by which we went to Aquileia--the long white road bordered with poplars leading through the marshes.

  23. All night the wild wind on the heath Whistled its song of vague alarms; All night in some mad dance of death The poplars tossed their naked arms.

  24. From far Marsh of Amyclae, Sentried by lank poplars tall-- Thro' the red slant of the day, Shrill pipes did lament and call.

  25. They passed silently through the little gate between the lilac bushes, and down the lane to where the tall poplars stood guard at the entrance to the farm.

  26. Still the road presses on, winding over the downs, or between long rows of pines and poplars standing even and equidistant for mile after mile.

  27. Palisades of poplars lend us their shadows; clumps of protecting firs stand aside for the road, each with a great gash down its side and a cup fastened below to catch the bleeding pitch.

  28. The tall poplars on the island bent in the wind and their movement seemed to impel the island, transform it into a ship: it was headed into the western sun, leaning somewhat to the starboard.

  29. Poplars made a line behind the rambling building that was hunch-backed with age at one end.

  30. Through the poplars he observed the Petit Lac, its placid water grey: the small poplar covered island, at one side of the lake, with its carved Rousseau tomb, seemed adrift in the falling rain.

  31. From the four points of the horizon long lines of poplars advanced in procession to the fine church of Saint Nicolas, the pride of the place.

  32. The two genera appear together among the earliest known dicotyledons, the willows being represented by six and the poplars by nine species.

  33. The poplars put forth shiny leaves which glittered restlessly in the sunshine, and the meadow-larks filled the whole world with music.

  34. Peter departed stealthily, leaving him in charge of all their little stores, with only the slim poplars and his blanket to shield him from the winds that had now begun to blow very coldly.

  35. The delicate afterglow of Tuscany filled the sky, and the tall poplars whispered and shivered in the sunset wind.

  36. Who could forget the classic grace of Clitumnus, when he saw the clustered poplars soaring from the plain?

  37. Tall Lombard poplars lingered on its brink, and peasant women in gay kerchiefs were washing linen in its green water.

  38. Far away where the slim poplars rose up like banners upon the horizon I saw them, mere specks upon the long white ribbon of the road.

  39. Little white cities crown them or clamber up their slopes, and rivers wind down the valleys, with sunlight glinting on their waters, between the tall poplars swaying on their banks like girls who gather flowers by a stream.

  40. Between the whispering poplars a white road wound up the hill like the roads up which Benozzo Gozzoli's stately young men rode to their Gothic cities.

  41. Tall poplars swayed upon the shallow banks, and giant willows trailed their branches in the stream like the long hair of water-nymphs.

  42. In the mystery of moonshine Bessie lost sight of the phantom poplars that fringe the Orne.

  43. He had been reading up the guide-book and musing over history, while Bessie had been letting the poplars weigh her mind down to the brink of despondency.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "poplars" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.