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Example sentences for "prognostic"

Lexicographically close words:
progenitors; progeny; prognathism; prognathous; prognosis; prognosticate; prognosticated; prognosticates; prognosticating; prognostication
  1. Another law of growth which may serve as a prognostic document in the child's physiological history is the following: 2.

  2. The increase in weight of the new-born child during the first days of its life, may constitute a valuable prognostic of the child's life.

  3. Vomiting and collapse from its use were no cause for alarm, as they were temporary symptoms, and were followed by a fall of the pulse to 30 or 40 a minute, which was rather of favorable prognostic significance.

  4. In surgical cases, even where the precautions of Listerism have been faultlessly observed, febrile movements of considerable intensity, but of no prognostic signification, are of frequent occurrence.

  5. Frequent observations of the temperature in typhoid fever not merely give most important information in a diagnostic and prognostic point of view, but also often furnish valuable indications for treatment.

  6. Hence it has come to be popularly regarded as a favorable prognostic sign, whilst the early subsidence of the swelling has been looked upon as an omen of grave import.

  7. In the third place, may be found the more usual and more readily-determined condition of slight and transient albuminuria (with variations in urea excretion) which has already been discussed, and which has no serious prognostic significance.

  8. Occurring in those over the age of six or eight months, it has an unfavorable prognostic significance, indicating a form of summer diarrhoea which commonly eventuates in death.

  9. Being an evidence of great weakness of the circulation, marantic thrombosis in cancer of the stomach is of grave prognostic import.

  10. It is not controlled by diet {124} to the same extent that it is in the cases previously described, and is in my experience a prognostic sign of bad import.

  11. The severity of the pain is of little value as a prognostic sign.

  12. Of these several classes, the first was of the least prognostic importance.

  13. As favourable prognostic elements we may bear in mind: low velocity on the part of the travelling bullet, and with this a lesser degree of contiguity of the track to the nerve.

  14. Circumflex sensation was impaired, but not absent at the time the condition of the muscle was noted--a favourable prognostic sign of much importance.

  15. The avoidance of transport is manifestly of extreme prognostic importance.

  16. The extreme importance of realising this fact and the rarity of the production of symptoms by continuing compression both from the prognostic and the therapeutic point of view is obvious.

  17. For this reason, the passage of the bullet whether by an intercostal space, or through a rib, provided the wound was not at the posterior part of the space where the artery crosses, was a point of considerable prognostic importance.

  18. The therapeutic and prognostic importance of the above remarks, if correct, is obvious.

  19. This revolutionary term was never forgotten by the French, a circumstance which might have been considered as prognostic of that after-revolution, which de Retz had the imagination to project, but not the daring to establish.

  20. In 1618 it was easy to foretell by the political prognostic that a mighty war throughout Europe must necessarily occur.

  21. They are the housewife's barometer, foretelling her when it will rain, and are prognostic sometimes she thinks of ill or good luck, of the death of a near relation, or the approach of an absent lover.

  22. This event, according to the magicians, was a prognostic of his future greatness, as well as the taming of Bucephalus, a horse which none of the king's attendants could manage.

  23. When he was young it is said that a swarm of bees settled on his lips and left on them some honey, which was regarded as a prognostic of his future greatness.

  24. All agreed however in attributing this appearance to the powers of darkness, and in regarding it as the prognostic and precursor of some direful misfortune about to befall them.

  25. Hence they call this grub Bemaerkelse-mask, or prognostic worm[63].

  26. If the sound produced resembles the bellowing of a bull, the prognostic is good, if otherwise, it is bad.

  27. These) white jewels are (a prognostic of) the great august white hairs (to which your majesty will reach).

  28. If the land-wind, in the course of the night, should draw round from east to north it would be looked upon as an infallible prognostic of a west or north-west wind the next day.

  29. Hence they call this grub Bemaerkelse-mask--prognostic worm.

  30. Here we shall briefly consider the prognostic value of age in reference to the time when failures occur and the amount of failure for such age.

  31. The first year's record has real prognostic value for pupils persisting more than three semesters.

  32. Perhaps one of the simplest factors with a prognostic value on failure may be found in the facts of attendance.

  33. The prognostic value of such facts seems to consist in leading us to expect a greater percentage of failures (on the total subjects) from the older pupils who fail than from the younger ones who fail.

  34. She congratulated herself upon her delivery from so alarming a persecution, and drew a prognostic of future success from this happy termination of the first serious affair of her life.

  35. It was a dreadful prognostic for all my future life.

  36. A great comet appeared about the time of her death; and the vulgar esteemed it the prognostic of that event: so considerable in their eyes are even the most insignificant princes.

  37. A Study of the Diagnostic and Prognostic Significance of Venous Pressure Observations in Cardiac Disease, Arch.

  38. To dream of admiring the Violet in a garden is deemed a prognostic of advancement in life.

  39. If a sick person dreams of Melons, it is a prognostic of recovery by reason of their humidity or juicy substance.

  40. In the evening more particularly you hear the hum of the dung-beetle (Geotrupes), which Linne thought the prognostic of a following fine day; and of the swarms of Melolontha vulgaris and Amphimalla solstitialis.

  41. To dream of dishes, is prognostic of coming success and gain, and you will be able to fully appreciate your good luck.

  42. To see a rainbow in a dream, is prognostic of unusual happenings.

  43. To dream of the future, is a prognostic of careful reckoning and avoiding of detrimental extravagance.

  44. To dream of seeing a skeleton, is prognostic of illness, misunderstanding and injury at the hands of others, especially enemies.

  45. To dream of hearing katydids, is a prognostic of misfortune and unusual dependence on others.

  46. For a young woman, this is a prognostic of favorable opportunities to make a reasonably wealthy marriage.

  47. To dream of goldfish, is a prognostic of many successful and pleasant adventures.

  48. To see the sunset, is prognostic of joys and wealth passing their zenith, and warns you to care for your interests with renewed vigilance.

  49. For a young woman, this is prognostic of evil, unless some one pays the ransom and relieves her.

  50. Polar bears in dreams, are prognostic of deceit, as misfortune will approach you in a seeming fair aspect.

  51. The prognostic of the master concerning the strange ship proved true, for about nine at night she came within hail, and backed her maintop-sail.

  52. A bad prognostic of their cordial intentions to renew past amity!

  53. In distinction, then, from the value of a knowledge of the patient's mental condition, we consider the motor reactions of tic of little prognostic significance.

  54. We may ask, however, whether any particular prognostic import is to be attached to the tics themselves.

  55. A collection of two was not then considered a sure prognostic of rebellion, and spied out vigilantly by tutoric eyes.

  56. A collection of two was not then considered a sure prognostic of rebellion, and spied out vigilantly by tutoric eyes.

  57. Popularity with men, serviceable as it is for winning favouritism with women, is of poor value to a sensitive gentleman, anxious even to prognostic apprehension on behalf of his pride, his comfort and his prevalence.

  58. She was the solitary companion of a sick father, whose inveterate prognostic of her, that she would live to rule at Patterne Hall, tortured the poor girl in proportion as he seemed to derive comfort from it.

  59. He had to risk it; and at an hour when Lady Busshe's prognostic grievously impressed his intense apprehensiveness of nature.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prognostic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.