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Example sentences for "puncturing"

Lexicographically close words:
punctuation; punctum; puncture; punctured; punctures; pund; pundit; pundits; punds; pung
  1. With these, fluttering may be prevented by the use of chloroform, or they may be killed by puncturing the thorax or piercing the body longitudinally, with a needle dipped in liquid cyanide, or oxalic acid.

  2. Bloating can be quickly relieved by puncturing the wall of the paunch with the trocar and cannula.

  3. This is especially true of parasites that are capable of puncturing the skin or burrowing into it.

  4. The gaseous disturbances should be relieved by puncturing the wall of the intestine with the trocar and cannula.

  5. But this is not always so, probably from the instrument puncturing obliquely or from the tissues being unequally stretched (Fig.

  6. It is sometimes necessary to evacuate the fluid by puncturing the abdomen; but this will seldom avail much unless the general health is improved, and the suppressed secretions restored.

  7. Some practitioners recommend puncturing the rumen or paunch; but there is always great danger attending it, and at best it is only a palliative: the process of fermentation will continue while the materials still remain in the paunch.

  8. These instruments vary very much in length, in thickness, and in form, and there are not less than nine distinct kinds of puncturing needles.

  9. There are twenty-six points of election upon which to carry out puncturing used as a remedy against toothache.

  10. The points of election for carrying out puncturing in various maladies are spread over the whole superficies of the body, and amount in number to 388.

  11. I don't much mind standing up and waiting to receive the charge of a mad bull elk; or calmly puncturing the tough old hide of a whopper of a grizzly bear; but excuse me from all sorts of scaly things.

  12. Why, I'd almost feel like puncturing one of his arms or legs with a bit of hot lead from my trusty rifle, so as to teach him the lesson he needs.

  13. Tattowing, or puncturing the skin, is much used here.

  14. The custom of tattowing or puncturing the skin prevails.

  15. If distension of the bowel be so great as to threaten rupture, it may with propriety and safety be relieved by puncturing the colon with an exploring-needle or a fine trocar.

  16. This hyperaemia, with its consequent glycosuria, can be induced by puncturing or irritating the so-called diabetic area[1] in the medulla oblongata.

  17. Defn: A tool for trimming and puncturing roofing states.

  18. The act of piercing or puncturing with a sharp point.

  19. Phytopius oleivorus) which, by puncturing the rind, causes the rust-colored patches on oranges.

  20. Defn: The operation of puncturing the chest wall so as to let out liquids contained in the cavity of the chest.

  21. My only observations being a Vespa puncturing Cassandra calyculata, an Andrena (?

  22. With possibly one or two exceptions, the only species I have seen doing the puncturing is Bombus affinis, Cresson.

  23. On puncturing the main tube with a fine needle a small quantity of tenacious creamy fluid made its escape.

  24. The tumour had pushed the diaphragm up to a level with the fourth rib; and it is stated that, on puncturing the cyst, the fluid contents were ejected “in a jet nearly two feet high.

  25. The bottles will be treated by puncturing the corks with the needle and closing the hole with melted resin.

  26. By puncturing the tins and introducing the culture by means of a hypodermic syringe, and closing up the hole with a spot of solder.

  27. Then, mounting their motor-cycles, the three boys made good speed home, meeting with no more fractious horses and puncturing no more tires.

  28. I don't want to run any chance of puncturing a tire after dark.

  29. The best place for puncturing it is about an inch above the knee, and scarcely half an inch backward from the radius, or the bone of the fore-arm.

  30. Assuming the presence of a malignant tumor at the neck of the bladder, I attempted to draw off the urine by puncturing above the symphisis pubis; again without success.

  31. In many instances it has a succulent look, but no lymph can be obtained on puncturing it.

  32. For the prominent growths, vaccination, the ligature, puncturing with the galvano-cautery, and excision are variously resorted to.

  33. Treatment consists of puncturing the lesions and application of dusting-powder.

  34. As a rule, however, cases do just as well without puncturing and scraping, and these methods sometimes leave behind scarring.

  35. When the suppurative process is active, in order to save the follicles from destruction; incising or puncturing the pustules will often accomplish the same end.

  36. It has been proposed to combine continued pressure with occasional puncturing of the cyst by means of a fine needle, with the view of diminishing the tumour and ultimately obtaining entire obliteration of the cyst.

  37. The above is the only admissible mode of puncturing by the perineum.

  38. Leeching or puncturing at an early period, with the view of allowing extravasated blood to escape, is useless and hurtful.

  39. A free and deep incision holds out the only chance of relief; punctures or trifling scratches are worse than useless; neither is there any need of passing bougies or catheters, or of puncturing the bladder.

  40. Cures, it is said, have followed the use of setons, or the repeated puncturing and breaking up of the tissue with a needle.

  41. She had no acidulous interest in puncturing sham for the sake of puncturing it.

  42. Illustration: Puncturing Glass Plates] Two stiff brass wires of No.

  43. Eaton (1914), says that the cowbird "seems to make a specialty of presenting this Warbler with one or more of its eggs, generally puncturing the eggs of the Magnolia before leaving the nest.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "puncturing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    bore; boring; penetration; perforation; piercing; puncture