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Example sentences for "quite close"

  • He came up quite close to her and tried to meet her eyes.

  • Beau Brocade had reined his horse quite close to them, and was peering through his black mask at the two terror-stricken faces.

  • Her ladyship passed me quite close," he explained, speaking in a low, somewhat apologetic voice.

  • Quite close to Chinon some vagabonds, it is said, had prepared an ambuscade for the purpose of despoiling her, her and her train.

  • The king's brother, the Duke of Orleans, happened to be quite close by.

  • Hypnotized, she slowly sways towards him, their eyes fixed on each other, till she is quite close.

  • They took ladies with them, and slept in the apartments Madame de Maintenon had occupied, quite close to that in which the Czar slept.

  • And, indeed, he remained there four days and four nights, except during short intervals for food and repose that he took at home, quite close to the Luxembourg, and during which his place was filled by two priests whom he left there.

  • They are not at all timid, and if a man approaches them they will remain where they are until he is quite close, bobbing up and down from time to time as though they were politely bowing to him.

  • Sometimes he will crouch on the bank of a stream, quite close to the water, and hook out the fish that pass by with his claws.

  • If you sit or stand for a while without moving even a finger, rabbits and squirrels will often come quite close to you, and never seem to see you at all.

  • Lions, tigers, and leopards, for example, always try to creep up quite close to their victims, so that they may be able to pounce upon them at a single spring.

  • She ran in quite close, and we could see men running away from them; and then round she turned, still firing, and followed us as we staggered this way and that way up the channel.

  • The steamboat towed us past the Ferret, quite close to her.

  • But just ahead of the Tamar was the Ringdove, quite close to where we made fast to one of the outer buoys, and when she was swung by the tide in one position, we could see that Chinese gun just at the foot of her main mast.

  • Good old Ah Chee seemed to understand our game, and ran in quite close, and when we were nearing a small village, began gesticulating and signing to me to lower the sails a little.

  • Moreover, they had spread a heavy waterproof double tent over the lot of them, as they lay closely packed to one another, covering heads and all, and had arranged a blazing fire enough to roast an ox quite close to them.

  • The eyes were prominent and placed quite close to abnormally long antennæ or feelers.

  • Quite close to the water naturally the vegetation was somewhat entangled.

  • Quite close to the remains of the town, is at present a large Hacienda, with magnificent clover pasturages, fertilized by the river Rimac.

  • Quite close to the monastery is the "Casa de Ejercicios," whither the monks repair at certain periods of the year to perform the prescribed religious exercises.

  • Quite close to the crowd of pleasure-seeking natives was a group of natives of New Caledonia.

  • Pulverize and mix perfectly together equal parts of Nitre and Antimony: put the mixture into an iron mortar, and cover it with a tile, which however must not shut it quite close.

  • The last of the heads, which terminates the canal, is quite close at one end, and makes a true blind-head.

  • On the cloth containing the substance to be distilled set a flat pan of iron or copper, about five or six lines deep, that may just fit the mouth of the glass vessel over which the cloth is fastened, so as to shut it quite close.

  • I have seen war at quite close quarters; I walked across corpses without any feeling of pity.

  • And Ulrich felt that it was there, quite close to him, behind the wall, behind the door which he had just fastened.

  • And now they were there, quite close to him, those three who had made him suffer so much.

  • They had luncheon on the grass, under the willow trees, quite close to the water, which glittered in the sun's rays.

  • She moved over to the bed, and sat down on it, quite close to him, her hands still clasping her breast, her feet among the sheets of the letter which had slipped to the floor.

  • Something rustled in the undergrowth, quite close; she saw a pair of green eyes shining.

  • The top of a plane-tree was on a level with the window, and all its little brown balls were dancing, quite close, in the wind.

  • A stealthy murmur of smothered voices was going on quite close somewhere.

  • The Swiftsure, quite close to them, fired her 7.

  • Suddenly it seemed as if I were being followed, that somebody was walking at my heels, close, quite close to me, near enough to touch me.

  • I knew quite well that He would come prowling round me, quite close to me, so close that I might perhaps be able to touch him, to seize him.

  • And now by means of a narrow, carefully hidden descent we penetrate into those paths termed communication trenches, which will bring us close, quite close, to the barbarians, so close that we shall almost hear them breathe.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quite close" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    great benefit; later writers; often quoted; quite another; quite aware; quite capable; quite certain; quite dead; quite different; quite happy; quite know; quite like; quite natural; quite near; quite ready; quite similar; quite small; quite straight; quite sure; quite thick; quite understand; quite unnecessary; scarce know; soil contact; special kind; teaspoonful soda